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And he questioned them - What are ye discussing with them?

And they came into Capernaum. And, happening to be, in the house, he was questioning them - What, in the way, were ye discussing?

But, he, answering, said unto them - What unto you did, Moses, command?

And, as he was going forth into a road, one, running, and kneeling before him, was questioning him - Good Teacher! what shall I do that, life age - abiding, I may inherit?

And, looking around, Jesus saith unto his disciples - With what difficulty, shall, they who have money, enter, into the kingdom of God!

But, he, said unto them - What desire ye, I should do for you?

But, Jesus, said unto them - Ye know not what ye are asking: Are ye able to drink the cup that, I, am to drink? or to be immersed, with the immersion wherewith, I, am to be immersed?

And, answering him, Jesus said - What desirest thou, I should do for thee? And, the blind man, said unto him - Rabboni! that may recover sight.

And, certain of them that were there standing, were saying unto them - What are ye doing, loosing the colt?

Verily, I say unto you - Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be lifted up, and cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that, what he speaketh, cometh to pass, it shall be his.

and were saying unto him - By what authority, these things, art thou doing? And who to thee hath given this authority that, these things, thou shouldst be doing?

But, Jesus, said unto them - I will question you, as to one matter, and answer me, - and I will tell you, by what authority, these things, I am doing:

And, making answer unto Jesus, they say - We know not; and Jesus saith unto them - Neither do, I, tell you, by what authority, these things, I am doing.

And, as he was going forth out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him - Teacher! see what manner of stones, and what manner of buildings!

Tell us, When, these things, shall be, and, what the sign, when all these things shall be about to be concluded.

But, what, unto you, I say, unto all, I say: - Be watching.

But there were some much displeased among themselves - To what end hath, this waste of the perfume happened?

And, verily, say unto you - Wheresoever the glad-message shall be proclaimed throughout the whole world, - also what she did, will be told for a memorial of her.

And, again, coming, he found them sleeping, for their eyes were being, weighed down, - and they knew not what to answer him.

And, the High-priest rising up into the midst, questioned Jesus, saying - Answerest thou, nothing? What are these, against thee, witnessing?

And, the High-priest, having rent asunder his inner-garments, saith - What, further, need have we, of witnesses?

Heard ye the profanity? What, to you, doth it appear? And they, all, condemned him to be, worthy, of, death.

But, he, denied, saying - I neither know him , nor do I well understand what, thou, sayest; and went out into the porch.

But, Pilate, again answering, was saying unto them - What then shall I do with him whom ye call, the King of the Jews?

But, Pilate, was saying unto them - Why! what, evil, hath he done? And, they, vehemently, cried out - Crucify him!

And Pilate, being minded to do what would satisfy, the multitude, released unto them Barabbas, and delivered up Jesus, having scourged him, that he should be crucified.

and, at the ninth hour, Jesus, uttered a cry, with a loud voice - Eloi! Eloi! lama sabachthanei? which is, being translated - My God! My God!to what end, didst thou forsake me?

And, she, at the word, was greatly troubled, and began to deliberate, of what kind, this salutation, might be.

And they began making signs unto his father, as to what he might be wishing it to be called.

and all who heard laid them up in their hearts, saying - What then shall his child be? for, even the hand of the Lord, was with him.

And the multitude began to question him saying - What, then, shall we do?

And there came, even tax-collectors, to be immersed; and they said unto him - Teacher! what, shall we, do?

And, he, said unto them, Nothing more than what is appointed you, exact ye.

Then were questioning him, soldiers also, saying - What shall, even we, do? And he said unto them - Molest ye, no one, neither accuse falsely; and be content with your supplies.

Let be! What have we in common with thee, O Jesus, Nazarene! Hast thou come to destroy us? I know thee, who thou art, - The Holy One of God.

And amazement came upon all, and they began to converse one with another, saying - What is this word, that, with authority and power, he giveth orders unto the impure spirits, and they go forth?

And, not finding by what means they might bring him in, because of the multitude, going up on the house-top, through the tiling, let they him down, with the little-couch, into the midst before Jesus.

But, certain of the Pharisees, said - Why are ye doing what is not allowed on the Sabbath?

And, making answer unto them, Jesus said - Have ye never read, even this, what David did when he hungered, he, and they who were with him -

But, they, were filled with folly, and began conversing one with another, as to, what they might do with Jesus.

And, if ye love them that love you, what sort of thanks are there for you? for, even sinners, love, such as love them.

For, if ye even do good unto them that do good unto you, what sort of thanks are there for you? Even sinners, the same, are doing.

And, if ye lend to them from whom ye are hoping to receive, what sort of thanks are there for you? Even sinners, unto sinners, do lend, that they may receive back, as much.

And, answering, he said unto them - Go and bear tidings unto John, as to what ye have seen and heard: The blind, are receiving sight, the lame, walk, lepers, are cleansed, and, the deaf, hear, the dead, are raised, the destitute, are told the glad-message;

And, the messengers of John having departed, he began to say unto the multitudes, concerning John - What went ye forth into the desert to gaze at? A reed, by a wind, shaken?

But what went ye forth to see? A man, in soft garments, arrayed? Lo! they who in splendid apparel and luxury are found, are, in the kingly courts.

But what went ye forth to see? A prophet? Yea! I say unto you, - and abundantly more than a prophet.

Unto what, then, shall I liken the men of this generation? And unto what are they like?

But the Pharisee who had invited him, seeing it, spake within himself, saying, This one, if he were the prophet, would have been taking note, who and of what sort, is the woman, who is even touching him, that she is, a sinner.

But his disciples began to question him - What might, this very, parable be?

Be taking heed therefore how ye hear; for, whosoever shall have, it shall be given unto him; and, whosoever shall not have, even what he seemeth to have, shall be taken from him.

But, seeing Jesus, he cried out aloud, and fell down before him, and, with a loud voice, said - What have I in common with thee, O Jesus, Son of Godthe Most High? I beg of thee - Do not torment me! -

And Jesus questioned him - What name hast thou? And, he, said - Legion! because many demons had entered into him.

And they who had been feeding them, seeing what had happened, fled, and carried tidings into the city, and into the country-places.

And they went forth to see what had happened; and came unto Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had gone forth, sitting, clothed, and of sound mind, near the feet of Jesus, - and they were struck with fear.

Be returning unto thy house, and telling forth what great things, God, for thee, hath done. And he departed, through all the city, proclaiming what great things, Jesus, had done for him.

And, the woman seeing that she had not escaped notice, trembling, came, and, falling down before him, reported before all the people, for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed instantly!

And her parents were beside themselves. But, he, charged them to tell, no one, what had happened.

And the Apostles, returning, related to him what great things they had done. And, taking them aside, he retired privately, into a city called Bethsaida.

And it came to pass, when they were being parted from him, Peter said unto Jesus - Master! it is, delightful, for us to be, here: Let us, therefore, make three tents, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah: - not knowing what he said.

And, turning unto his disciples, privately, he said - Happy, the eyes, that see what ye see!

For I tell you, Many prophets and kings, have desired to see what, ye, see, and they saw not, and to hear what ye hear, and they heard not.

And lo! a certain lawyer, arose, putting him to the test, saying - Teacher! by doing what, shall I inherit, life age-abiding?

And, he, said unto him - In the law, what is written? how dost thou read?

forasmuch as, a friend of mine, hath come off a journey unto me, and I have not what I can set before him;

Because, as many things as, in the darkness, ye have said, in the light, shall be heard; and, what to the ear ye spake, in the chambers, shall be proclaimed on the housetops.

But, whensoever they shall be bringing you in before the synagogues, and the rulers, and the authorities, do not be anxious how, or whatye shall answer, or what ye shall say;

And he began to deliberate within himself, saying - What shall I do? because I have not where I can gather my fruits.

And he said unto his disciples - For this cause, I say unto you, - Be not anxious for the life, what ye shall eat, nor yet for yourbody, what ye shall put on;

But, of this, be taking note - Had the householder known, in what hour the thief was coming, he would have watched, and not suffered his house, to be digged through.

Ye, therefore, be getting ready, because, in what hour ye are not thinking, The Son of an cometh!

Fire, came I to cast upon the earth, - and what can I wish, if, already, it hath been, kindled?

And the servant said - Lord! what thou didst order, hath been done; and, yet, there is, room.

Or, what king, moving on to encounter, another king, in battle, will not sit down first and take counsel, whether he is able, with ten thousand, to meet him who, with twenty thousand, is coming against him.

What man from among you, having a hundred sheep, and losing, from among them, one, doth not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go his way after the lost one, until he find it?

Or, what woman, having, ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a lamp, and sweep the house, and seek carefully, until she find it?

And the younger of them said unto the father - Father! give me the share that falleth to me, of what there is. And, he, divided unto them the living.

and, calling near one of the youths, he inquired what these things, could be.

And, accosting him, he said unto him - What is this I hear of thee? Render the account of thy stewardship, for thou canst no longer be steward.

And the steward said within himself - What shall I do, because my lord taketh away the stewardship from me? Dig, I cannot: to beg, I am ashamed.

I know what I will do, that, when I am removed out of the stewardship, they may welcome me into their own houses.

Thus, ye also, when ye have done all the things enjoined upon you, say - Unprofitable servants, are we, - What we were bound to do, we have done!

And the Lord said - Hear ye what, the unrighteous judge saith; -

And a certain, ruler, questioned him, saying - Good Teacher! by doing what, shall I inherit life age-abiding?

And Jesus, beholding him, said - With what difficulty, shall, they who have money, enter, into the kingdom of God.

And. hearkening unto a multitude moving along, he enquired, what this, might be.

What desirest thou, I should do unto thee? And, he, said - Lord! -- that I may recover sight!

And he was seeking to see Jesus, what sort of man he was, and could not for the multitude, because, in stature, he was, small.