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If you work the ground, it will never again give you its yield. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.”

Verse ConceptsAbel and CainAgriculture, Effects Of FallRest, PhysicalWanderersTilling The SoilFarmingwandering

The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma [a soothing, satisfying scent] and the Lord said to Himself, “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intent (strong inclination, desire) of man’s heart is wicked from his youth; and I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done.

Verse ConceptsGod, Human Descriptions OfSweet OdoursCurses, DivineCovenant, God's with Noahevil, origins ofEarth, Promises AboutBeing Born In SinAromasHeart, DivineMind, The HumanSin, Universality OfSmellsAltarsBeing Evil From YouthGod KillingThoughts Of The WickedSoliloquyGod CursingGod Killing All PeopleRefreshing GodThe Hearts Incination To Evil

I will establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the water of a flood, nor shall there ever again be a flood to destroy and ruin the earth.”

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with NoahThe DelugeNeverNoah's FloodThe RainbowFloodsRainbow

Then I will remember my covenant that [is] between me and you, and between every living creature, with all flesh. And the waters of a flood will never again {cause the destruction} of all flesh.

Verse ConceptsNeverGod Remembering His CovenantNoah's FloodThe RainbowRainbow

that I will not take a thread or sandal strap or anything that belongs to you, so you can never say, ‘I made Abram rich.’

Verse ConceptsMaterialism, As An Aspect Of SinShoesCords

Look, I have two daughters who have never had sexual relations with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do to them whatever you please. Only don't do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof."

Verse ConceptsdaughtersRooftopVirginTwo WomenLeaving People AloneNever Giving UpFather And Daughter RelationshipsProtecting Your FamilyFathers And Daughters

Then Abimelech called Abraham in and said to him, “What have you done to us? How did I sin against you that you have brought such enormous guilt on me and on my kingdom? You have done things to me that should never be done.”

Verse ConceptsWhat Do You Do?Kings SummoningWe Have SinnedWhat Sin?

she told Abraham, "Throw out this slave girl, along with her son, because this slave's son will never be a co-heir with my son Isaac!"

Verse ConceptsInheritance, MaterialFamilyQuarrelsOld Testament People As Typessarah

But Abimelech said, I have no idea who has done this thing; you never gave me word of it, and I had no knowledge of it till this day.

Verse ConceptsThose Who Did Not Tell

"Be careful never to take my son back there!" Abraham told him.

Verse ConceptsReturning to the old

She was a very beautiful girl, a virgin, who had never been touched by a man: and she went down to the spring to get water in her vessel.

Verse ConceptsBeautifulAbsence Of SexWomen's BeautyBeauty Of Nature

Then said he, "He may well be called Jacob, for he hath undermined me now two times - first he took away my birthright; and see, now hath he taken away my blessing also." And he said, "Hast thou kept never a blessing for me?"

Verse ConceptsJacob, Life And Character OfDoing Things TwicePeople Naming PeopleGraspingPeople BlessingStoring Other Things

Then Jacob woke up during the night and told himself, "Surely, the LORD is in this place and I never knew it!"

Verse ConceptsFear, Caused ByRising EarlyMorning DevotionsThe Presence Of Godawakening

Moreover, Jacob had deceived Laban the Aramean, because he had never told him that he was intending to leave.

Verse ConceptsOthers Who FledThose Who DeceivedThose Who Did Not Tell

Then Rachel told her father, "Sir, please don't be angry that I cannot stand up in your presence. It's that time of the month." So Laban searched for the idols, but never did find them.

Verse ConceptsMenstruationBleedingSeeking For Concrete ThingsNot FindingNot Able To Get Upwomanhood

Meanwhile, these past 20 years that I've been with you, your sheep and goats never had miscarriages, I never once ate any of the rams from your flock,

Verse ConceptsPregnancyRams20 To 30 YearsMiscarrying Animals

and whatever was torn by beasts, I never bothered to bring to you. Instead, I bore the losses myself. Even so, you demanded that I provide restitution for anything that was stolen, whether during the day or the night.

Verse ConceptsCompensationLossOppression, Nature OfShepherds, As OccupationsAnimals Torn To PiecesDay Or Night

For this reason the children of Israel, even today, never take that muscle in the hollow of the leg as food, because the hollow of Jacob's leg was touched.

Verse ConceptsWeakness, PhysicalThighsTouching To HarmForbidden FoodStatutes To This Daymuscles

Just then Jacob's sons arrived from the field. When they heard what had happened, they were distraught with grief and livid with anger toward Shechem, because he had committed a disgraceful deed in Israel by forcing Jacob's daughter to have sex, an act that never should have happened.

Verse ConceptsLove, And The WorldSexual Sin, Nature OfSorrowRapeNamed People Angry With Others

When Judah recognized them, he admitted, "She is more upright than I, because I never did give her my son Shelah." And he never had sex with her again.

Verse ConceptsRecognising ThingsGiving In Marriage

Everything that he owned, he entrusted into Joseph's care. He never concerned himself about anything, except for the food he ate.

Verse ConceptsFidelityServants, GoodTrustworthinessBusiness EthicsBeauty, In MenSeeking FoodAuthority Delegated To PeopleHandsome Men

And, behold, seven other kine came up after them, poor and very ill favoured and leanfleshed, such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for badness:

Verse ConceptsSeven AnimalsUnique CreaturesBad Items

But Judah reminded him, "The man distinctly warned us: "You'll never see my face unless your brother comes with you.'

Verse ConceptsNot With People

But if you don't send him, we're not going, because the man told us, "You'll never see my face unless your brother is with you.'"

Verse ConceptsNot With People

And one [son] went out from me, and I said, “Surely he is torn to pieces,” and I have not seen him since.

Verse ConceptsPeople Torn To PiecesNot Seeing People

And I have never seen him since. As surely as ye take, this one also, away from before my face and there befall him any mischief, so surely shall ye bring down my grey hairs, with misfortune to hades.

Verse ConceptsGrave, TheSheolAfflicted To DeathGrey

Israel said to Joseph, “I never expected to see your face again, but now God has even let me see your offspring.”

Verse ConceptsOld Age, Attainment OfSeeing People

May I never enter their council;
may I never join their assembly.
For in their anger they kill men,
and on a whim they hamstring oxen.

Verse ConceptsIrritationParticipation, In SinAnger Of Man, CauseSelf WillEvil AssociationsObstinate IndividualsReady To KillSports

But Moses replied to the Lord, “Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent—either in the past or recently or since You have been speaking to Your servant—because I am slow and hesitant in speech.”

Verse ConceptsExcusesEloquenceMoses, Significance OfMutenessHumility, Examples OfSelf AbasementSpeech ImpedimentsNervousnessSpeech

Truly, tomorrow about this time I will send down an ice-storm, such as never was in Egypt from its earliest days till now.

Verse ConceptsGod's Action TomorrowFoundations Of NationsUnique Things

So there was an ice-storm with fire running through it, coming down with great force, such as never was in all the land of Egypt from the time when it became a nation.

Verse ConceptsFireStormsUnique Things

And your houses will be full, and the houses of all your servants and the houses of all Egypt, [something] that your fathers and {your grandfathers} never saw from the day they were on the earth until this day.'" And he turned and went out from Pharaoh.

Verse ConceptsFilling PlacesFilling HousesUnique Creatures

The locusts came up over all the land of Egypt and settled down in the whole territory, a very dreadful mass of them; never before were there such locusts as these, nor will there ever be again.

Verse ConceptsInvasionsUnique CreaturesMany Creatures

Then Pharaoh said to Moses, “Get away from me! See that you never enter my presence again, for on the day that you see my face again you will die!”

Verse ConceptsNot Seeing PeopleKilling Will Happen

Then Moses said, “You are correct; I will never see your face again!”

Verse ConceptsPeople PartingNot Seeing People

There shall be a great cry [of heartache and sorrow] throughout the land of Egypt, such as has never been before and such as shall never be again.

Verse ConceptsUnique Events

The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night never left its place in front of the people.

Verse ConceptsObelisksDuring The Day

Then Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid! Take your stand [be firm and confident and undismayed] and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for those Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see again.

Verse ConceptsBeing AfraidDeliverance, Means OfStillnessNot Seeing PeopleDo Not Fear For God Will Helpfearless

Keep yourselves far from any false business; never let the upright or him who has done no wrong be put to death: for I will make the evil-doer responsible for his sin.

Verse ConceptsInnocence, Teaching OnAcquittalDo Not MurderFar From OneJudicial PunishmentFake FriendsaccusationsAcquitting The Guilty

The rods are to be kept in the rings, and never taken out.

Verse ConceptsStaying Put

And the Lord responded: “Look, I am making a covenant. I will perform wonders in the presence of all your people that have never been done in all the earth or in any nation. All the people you live among will see the Lord’s work, for what I am doing with you is awe-inspiring.

Verse ConceptsMiracles, Nature OfMission, Of IsraelNationalismAweMiracles Showing God's PowerLooking At God's WorksCovenant Made At SinaiGod Is To Be FearedWorking For The Lordcovenant

This is a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all the places where you live: You must never eat any fat or any blood.'"

Verse ConceptsFatnessExclusivenessBlood, as basis of lifeOrdinancesPerpetual StatutesPeople Consuming BloodFat Of AnimalsForbidden Food

The fire on the altar is to be kept burning; it is never to go out; every morning the priest is to put wood on it, placing the burned offering in order on it, and there the fat of the peace-offering is to be burned.

Verse ConceptsMorning WorshipOfferingsUnceasingBurning SacrificesFirewoodFat Of The Sacrifices

The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.

Verse ConceptsUnceasingBurning SacrificesBurnout

Moreover, the fat of an animal that has died of natural causes and the fat of an animal torn by beasts may be used for any other purpose, but you must certainly never eat it.

Verse ConceptsAnimals Torn To PiecesFat Of AnimalsDeath Of CreaturesForbidden FoodUseful Things

Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu each took his own censer, placed fire in it, covered it with incense, and brought it into the LORD's presence as unauthorized fire that he had never prescribed for them.

Verse ConceptsFireWorship, Acceptable AttitudesAaron, CharacterDisobedience, Examples OfSacrilegeCensersForeign ThingsBurning SacrificesIncense Offered Amiss

and on his sister as long as she is a maid and dwelleth nigh him and was never given to man: on her he may defile himself.

Verse ConceptsBrothersSinglenessvirginity

And it shall be Aaron's and his sons'. And they shall eat it in the holy place, for it is most holy to him of the fire offerings of Jehovah, by a never-ending statute.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Function In Ot TimesPerpetual StatutesShowbreadPermitted To Eat Offerings

As to the cities of the Levites, the houses of the cities of their possession, the Levites shall have a never-ending redemption.

When I take away your bread of life, ten women will be cooking bread in one oven, and your bread will be measured out by weight; you will have food but never enough.

Verse ConceptsBakersdissatisfactionBakingSatisfactionTen PeopleBaking BreadFamine ComingFamine Will Comecookingweight

All the days while it is waste will the land have rest, such rest as it never had in your Sabbaths, when you were living in it.

If he does not redeem the field, but sells the field to someone else, he may never redeem it.

Verse ConceptsNot Redeemed

Then the Lord descended in the cloud and spoke to him. He took some of the Spirit that was on Moses and placed the Spirit on the 70 elders. As the Spirit rested on them, they prophesied, but they never did it again.

Verse ConceptsOld Age, Attitudes ToRevelation, In OtProphesyingOnceOnly Onceelders

none of those men who saw my glory and watched my miracles that I did in Egypt and in the wilderness even though they've tested me these ten times and never listened to my voice

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorTen TimesTesting GodNot Believing Signs

You will certainly never enter the land about which I made an oath with my uplifted hand to settle you in it, except for Jephunneh's son Caleb and Nun's son Joshua.

Verse ConceptsHomeHand Of GodReward, For God's PeopleExclusionland

But Moses asked them, "Why do you continue to sin against what the LORD said? Don't you know that you can never succeed?

Verse ConceptsBreaking The Ten Commandments

You are to be responsible for the holy place and the altar, so that wrath may never again come on the children of Israel.

Verse ConceptsSanctuaryAction Lest God Be AngryResponsibility

The Israelites must never again come near the tent of meeting, or they will incur guilt and die.

Verse ConceptsExclusionDeath Due To God's PresenceDanger When God Is Near

This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD hath commanded, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring thee a red heifer without spot, wherein is no blemish, and upon which never came yoke:

Verse ConceptsOrdinancesPerfection, DivineYokesAnimals, Types OfColors, ScarletHeifersRed AnimalsPerfect SacrificesUnused

And thirty-two thousand persons, that is, women who had never had sex relations with a man.

Verse ConceptsThirty Thousand And Up

When you hold a hearing, don't be partial in judgment toward the least important or toward the great. Never fear men, because judgment belongs to God. If the matter is difficult for you, bring it to me for a hearing.'

Verse ConceptsLawsuitsSmallnessMagistratesFear Of ManPartialityGreat And SmallHard TasksDo Not Fear MenJudgingRespectMaking DecisionsDecision MakingConflictFamily ConflictRespecting AuthorityJudging Others Actionsdiscrimination

"But the LORD was angry with me because of you. So he swore that I'll never cross the Jordan River to enter the good land that the LORD your God is about to give you as an inheritance.

Verse ConceptsLand, As A Divine ResponsibilityGod Angry With Individuals

And he made low your pride and let you be without food and gave you manna for your food, a thing new to you, which your fathers never saw; so that he might make it clear to you that bread is not man's only need, but his life is in every word which comes out of the mouth of the Lord.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual HungerMannaMouthsSpeech, DivineWordsBeneficial Afflictions For HumilityBibleSpiritual Life, Maintained ByBible, Given ForAfflictions, Benefits OfAfflicted Saints, Examples OfUnknown ThingsReceiving God's WordBreadFeeding The Poorhunger

Who gave you manna for your food in the waste land, a food which your fathers had never seen; so that your pride might be broken and your hearts tested for your good in the end;

Verse ConceptsEatingMannaTestingBeneficial Afflictions For FaithBeneficial Afflictions For HumilityAfflictions, Benefits OfUnknown ThingsGod Led Them Through The Wilderness

Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and will never again do such a wicked thing among you.

Verse ConceptsFear Will Come

Gather whatever you've taken as spoils at the public square of the town, then burn the town, along with whatever you've taken, as an offering to the LORD your God. It will remain a permanent mound of ruins, never to be rebuilt again.

Verse ConceptsPlunderingRuinsBuilding CitiesArchaeologySpoils Of WarBurning Citiesgenocide

Moreover, you must never take any item from those condemned things, so the LORD may yet relent from his burning anger and extend compassion, have mercy, and cause you to increase in number as he promised by an oath to your ancestors

Verse ConceptsGod, Compassion OfGod Multipling PeopleGod Will Show Mercyempathy

Further, he shall not acquire many [war] horses for himself, nor make the people return to Egypt in order to acquire horses [to expand his military power], since the Lord said to you, ‘You shall never return that way again.’

Verse ConceptsHorsesKings, Duties OfNeverPeople not returningAcquiring Horses

There must never be found among you anyone who sacrifices his son or daughter in fire, practices divination, interprets omens, practices sorcery,

Verse ConceptsAstrologyChild sacrificeOccultismHuman SacrificesNecromancyAvoid SorcerySorceryDrugsmagicwitchespracticepsychicsOccultism Being Forbidden

Then everyone else will hear and be afraid, and they will never again do anything evil like this among you.

Verse ConceptsFear Is Due

It shall be that the elders of the city which is nearest to the dead man shall take a heifer of the herd, one which has not been worked and which has not pulled in a yoke;

Verse ConceptsTownYokesHeifersUnused

and are to lead the heifer to a flowing stream in a valley that has never been tilled or planted. They are to break the heifer's neck there.

Verse ConceptsFlowing WaterDislocatingUnused

They will take from him a hundred shekels of silver, which are to be given to the father of the girl, because he has given an evil name to a virgin of Israel: she will go on being his wife, he may never put her away all his life.

Verse ConceptsCoinageAvoid DivorceFine As Penalty

Then the man will have to give the virgin's father fifty shekels of silver and make her his wife, because he has put shame on her; he may never put her away all his life.

Verse ConceptsAvoid DivorceMarriage Between Man And WomanSex Before Marriagemarraigepremaritalvirginity

The Ammonites and the Moabites shall not come into the congregation of the LORD; no, not in the tenth generation, no they shall never come in to the congregation of the LORD,

Verse ConceptsInhospitalityAmmonitesLaws Restricting Foreigners

There must never be a sacred prostitute among the young women of Israel nor a sacred male prostitute among the young men of Israel.

Verse ConceptsShrinesAbominations, Perverse SexualitySexual PerversionHomosexualityMale Prostituteswhores

You must never bring the pay of a female prostitute or the wage of a male prostitute into the temple of the Lord your God in fulfillment of any vow, for both of these are abhorrent to the Lord your God.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsOfferingsVowsHarlotsWantonnessAbominations, To GodGod Hating ThingsMale ProstitutesWages Of A ProstituteGiving Money To The ChurchTithes And OfferingPetssalespremaritalwhores

The Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you will only move upward and never downward if you listen to the Lord your God’s commands I am giving you today and are careful to follow them.

Verse ConceptsTailsHead As ChiefKeep The Commandments!Never Giving Up

You will take a wife, but another man will have the use of her: the house which your hands have made will never be your resting-place: you will make a vine-garden, and never take the fruit of it.

Verse ConceptsEnjoyment, Lack OfVineyardPlanting VineyardsEngagementRelationship TroublesMarriage KjvBuilding Relationshipsmatrimony

A people whom you do not know shall eat up the produce of your ground and all your labors, and you will never be anything but oppressed and crushed continually.

Verse Conceptsenemies, of Israel and JudahNot Knowing PeopleThose OppressedAbuseoppression

The tender and delicate woman among you who hath never adventured the sole of her foot to set it upon the ground, through delicateness and through tenderness, her eye shall be jealous of the husband of her bosom, and of her own son, and of her own daughter;

Verse ConceptsPeople Opposed

Your life will hang in doubt before you. You will be in dread night and day, never certain of survival.

Verse ConceptsAffliction Day And NightUncertain ThingsFear Of Enemiesbalancereassurance

The Lord will bring you back to Egypt in ships, by the way about which I said to you, ‘You will never see it again!’ And there you will offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but there will be no one to buy you.

Verse ConceptsSeafaringNeverSea TravelReturning to the oldGroups Of Slavesslavery

The Lord shall never be willing to forgive him, but rather the anger of the Lord and His jealousy will burn against that man, and every curse which is written in this book will rest on him, and the Lord will blot out his name from under heaven.

Verse ConceptsOblivionGod, Zeal OfJealousyNames Blotted OutBook of the LawThe Curse Of The LawGod Not ForgivingAnger And Forgivenesssmoking

Indeed, the LORD is the one who will keep on walking in front of you. He'll be with you and won't leave you or abandon you, so never be afraid and never be dismayed."

Verse ConceptsAbandonmentBeing AfraidAssurance, nature ofGod, Present EverywhereLonelinessGod Going BeforeGod Not ForsakingGod Goes With YouBeing AloneGod Being With UsGod Being With You

Then it shall come about, when many evils and troubles have come on them, that this [sacred] song will confront them as a witness; for it will not be forgotten from the mouth of their descendants. For I know their inclination which is developing even now, before I bring them into the land which I have sworn to give them.”

Verse ConceptsGod, All knowingFutureGod's ForeknowledgeNot ForgettingThings As Witnesses

“They sacrificed to demons, not to God,
To gods whom they have not known,
New gods who came lately,
Whom your fathers never feared.

Verse ConceptsFalse Religiondemons, Kinds ofPagan PracticesUnusedWhat Is Not GodDemonsDemonic Influence

Bless, Jehovah, his substance! And let the work of his hands please thee; Crush the loins of his adversaries, And of them that hate him, that they may never rise again!

For the Israelites wandered in the wilderness 40 years until all the nation’s men of war who came out of Egypt had died off because they did not obey the Lord. So the Lord vowed never to let them see the land He had sworn to their fathers to give us, a land flowing with milk and honey.

Verse ConceptsFoodProperty, LandThe Number FortyDisobedience, To GodExclusionThe Promised Land40 To 50 YearsDeath As PunishmentMilk And Honeyconsequencesmovementwandering

The manna stopped appearing the day they ate some of the produce of the land; the Israelites never ate manna again.

Verse ConceptsMannaCessationNo FoodThings Stopping