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and sending them to Bethlehem said, Go, and procure the most exact information respecting this child; and when you have found him, bring me intelligence, that I may come, and pay him homage also.

And Jesus hearing him, marvelled, and said to those who were following, Verily I say unto you, not even in Israel have I found so great faith.

When the unclean spirit is indeed gone out of a man, he traverses through places destitute of water, in search of rest, but cannot find it.

Then Jesus calling his disciples, said, I have compassion on the multitude, for they have now continued with me three days, and have not any thing to eat: and send them away fasting I will not, lest they faint on the road.

For whosoever is desirous to preserve his life, shall lose it; but whosoever would lose his life for my sake, shall find it.

But that we give them no offence, go unto the sea, and cast in a hook, and take the first fish which cometh up; and on opening his mouth, thou wilt find a stater, that take and give them for me and thee.

And if he happen to find it, verily I say unto you, that he rejoiceth over it more than over the ninety and nine which never went astray.

But that servant going out, found one of his fellow-servants, who owed him a hundred denarii, and seizing, throttled him, saying, Pay me what thou owest.

But about the eleventh hour, going out, he found others standing unemployed, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?

saying to them, Go into the village, which is opposite you, and immediately you will find an ass tied, and a foal with her; loose and bring them to me.

and seeing a fig-tree at the road side, he went up to it, and found nothing on it but leaves only: and saith unto it, Let no fruit spring from thee henceforth for ever: and immediately the fig-tree withered entirely away.

So these servants going out into the roads, collected all, as many as they found, both bad and good; and the wedding feast was fully furnished with guests.

And coming, he found them asleep again, for their eyes were weighed down.

and found none: and though many false witnesses came, they found it not [sufficient]. But at the last two false witnesses stepping forth,

And as they were going out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name; him they compelled to carry his cross.

and when they had found him, they say unto him, All men are inquiring after thee.

And going to her house, she found the devil gone out, and her daughter laid on a couch.

and if I send them away fasting to their houses, they will faint on the road; for many of them came from a great distance.

and saith unto them, Go into the village opposite to you: and immediately as you enter it, you will find a foal tied, on which no man yet hath rode; loose him, and bring him hither.

And they went, and found the foal tied to a gate without, where two ways met; and they untie him.

and seeing a fig-tree at a distance, full of leaves, he went to it, expecting probably that he might find some fruit upon it: and when he came to it, he found none, only leaves: for it was not a [good] season for figs.

And his disciples went out, and came into the city, and found as he had spoken to them; and they made ready the passover.

And he came and found them asleep: and saith unto Peter, Sleepest thou? hast thou not strength to watch with me a single hour?

And when he returned, he found them again sleeping; for their eyes were weighed down: and they knew not what to answer him.

Then the chief priests, and the whole sanhedrim, sought for witness against Jesus, that they might put him to death; yet found none.

And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favour with God.

And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe, lying in the manger:

And it came to pass after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them and asking them questions.

And there was given to him the book of the prophet Isaiah: and unrolling the volume, he found the passage where it is written,

Then Jesus, on hearing these things, respected him highly, and turning to the multitude which was following him, he said, I tell you, I have not found such faith, even in Israel.

And they who were sent, on their return to the house, found the servant who was sick in perfect health.

And they came out to see what had happened; and they came to Jesus, and found the man sitting, from whom the devils were gone out, clothed, and in his sound mind, at the feet of Jesus; and they were afraid.

Now the day began to decline: and the twelve coming to him, said, Dismiss the multitude, that going away into the villages and farms round about, they may lodge and find provision; for here we are in a desert place.

And when the voice ceased, Jesus was found alone. And they held their peace, and told no man in those days a word of the things which they had seen.

And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Blessed are those servants, whom the Master, when he cometh, shall find watchful: verily I say unto you, that he will gird up himself, and make them sit down at table, and come and wait upon them.

And if he come in the second watch, or in the third watch, and find them so watchful, blessed are those servants.

Blessed is that servant, whom his lord, when he cometh, shall find so employed.

Then he spake this parable: A certain man had a fig-tree planted in his vineyard; and he came, expecting fruit on it, and found none.

Then said he to the vine-dresser, Lo! for three years have I come, expecting fruit on this fig-tree, and find none: cut it down; why doth it render the ground thus useless?

What man is there of you, possessing an hundred sheep, though he lose but one of them, will he not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?

and when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

And coming home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Congratulate me; for I have found that sheep of mine which was lost.

Or what woman having ten pieces of silver coin, if she lose one of them, doth she not light a lamp, and sweep the house, and make diligent search until she find it?

And having found it, she calleth her female friends and neighbours together, saying, Congratulate me; for I have found the silver piece I had lost.

For this my son was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found. And they began to be joyous.

But it was right that we should rejoice, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

There are none found returning to give glory to God, but this alien.

saying, Go into the opposite village; in which, as ye are at the entrance, ye will find a foal tied, on which no man hath ever yet sat: loose, and bring him.

Then they who were sent, going, found it just as he had described to them.

And they going away, found it just as he had told them: and they made ready the passover.

And when he rose up from prayer, on coming to his disciples, he found them sleeping from sorrow.

and began to accuse him, saying, We have found this fellow perverting the nation, and forbidding to pay tribute to Caesar; pretending that he himself is the King Messiah.

Then said Pilate unto the chief priests and the multitudes, I find nothing culpable in this man.

said unto them, Ye have brought this man to me, as one who perverteth the people: and lo! on examining him before you, I have found nothing culpable in this man, respecting the charges ye bring against him:

Then the third time he said to them, What evil hath this man done? I have found nothing deserving death in him: I will therefore, after scourging, discharge him.

And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.

And some of those who were with us went to the sepulchre, and found every thing just as the women had said: but him they did not see.

And rising up the same hour, they returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven and those who were with them crowded together,

He first finds his own brother Simon, and saith to him, We have found the Messiah (which is, being translated, the Christ).

Philip findeth Nathaniel, and saith to him, We have found him whom Moses in the law has described, and the prophets, Jesus the son of Joseph, who is of Nazareth.

And he found in the temple those who sold oxen, and sheep, and doves, and the moneychangers seated:

And when they found him on the other side the sea, they said to him, Rabbi, when camest thou hither?

Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, ye cannot come.

Then said the Jews among themselves, Whither will this man go, that we shall not find him? will he go to the dispersed among the Grecians, and teach the Greeks?

What is this saying which he hath spoken, Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, ye cannot come?

Then Jesus, when he came; found that he had already lain in the tomb four days.

Then Jesus, having found a young ass, sat upon it; as it is written,

Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And having thus spoken, he went out again unto the Jews and saith to them, I find no fault in him.

Then again went Pilate out, and said to them, Behold, I bring him out to you, that ye may know that I find in him no fault at all.

When the chief priests therefore and the officers saw him, they cried vociferously, saying, Crucify him! crucify him! Pilate saith to them, Take him yourselves, and crucify him: for I have not found in him a fault.

Then he said to them, Shoot the net on the right side of the vessel, and ye shall find fish. They shot it therefore, and now they were not able to drag it in from the quantity of fishes.

Then she fell instantly at his feet, and expired: and the young men entering, found her dead, and carrying her out, buried her with her husband.

But the officers, on their arrival, found them not in the prison: and returning, informed them,

saying; The prison indeed found we fast locked with all security, and the guards standing without, before the door: but when we opened it, we found no person within.

but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; and in that case would be found fighters against God.

Then came a famine upon all the land of Egypt and Canaan, and great distress: and our fathers found no provisions.

who found favour before God, and sought to procure an habitation for the God of Jacob.

But Philip found himself at Azotus: and passing through he preached the gospel in all the cities, until he came to Caesarea.

besought of him letters for the synagogues at Damascus, that if he should find any persons of this way, whether men or women, he might bring them in chains to Jerusalem.

And found there a certain man named AEneas, during six years stretched on a bed, who was paralytic.

And conversing with him, he entered, and found many assembled together.

and having found him, he brought him to Antioch. And it came to pass, that during a whole year they were jointly employed in that church, and taught a vast multitude, and they called for the first time in Antioch the disciples Christians.

And Herod sought him out earnestly, but not being able to find him, after having examined the guards strictly, he commanded them to be executed. And going down from Jerusalem to Caesarea, took up his abode there.

Now as they travelled through the island as far as Paphos, they found a certain person who professed magic, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-jesus: