'Comes' in the Bible
For what person knows the thoughts and motives of a man except the man’s spirit within him? So also no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
Now, we have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who comes from God, so that we can understand the things that were freely given to us by God.
But the unbeliever does not welcome what comes from God’s Spirit, because it is foolishness to him; he is not able to understand it since it is evaluated spiritually.
If any man's work comes through the test, he will have a reward.
Therefore don’t judge anything prematurely, before the Lord comes, who will both bring to light what is hidden in darkness and reveal the intentions of the hearts. And then praise will come to each one from God.
But the man who is strong in mind and purpose, who is not forced but has control over his desires, does well if he comes to the decision to keep her a virgin.
Is God simply thinking about the oxen? Or is it really in our interest that He speaks? Of course, it was written in our interest, because it is His will that when a plough-man ploughs, and a thresher threshes, it should be in the hope of sharing that which comes as the result.
No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy].
For just as woman came from man, so man comes through woman, and all things come from God.
For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.
Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening].
Love never fails [it never fades nor ends]. But as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for the gift of special knowledge, it will pass away.
But when the perfect comes,the partial will come to an end.
For now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God].
So if the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and unbelievers or uninformed people enter, will they not say that you have lost your minds?
But if all are prophesying and some unbeliever or uninformed person comes in, he is convicted by all and is judged by all.
But if an inspired revelation is made to another who is seated, then the first one must be silent.
For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead also comes through a man.
For as in Adam death comes to all, so in Christ will all come back to life.
However, this will happen to each person in the proper order: first the Messiah, then those who belong to the Messiah when he comes.
Then comes the end, when He hands over the kingdom to God the Father, when He abolishes all rule and all authority and power.
So is it with the coming back from the dead. It is planted in death; it comes again in life:
It is planted in shame; it comes again in glory: feeble when it is planted, it comes again in power:
It is planted a natural body; it comes again as a body of the spirit. If there is a natural body, there is equally a body of the spirit.
The spiritual does not come first, but the physical does, and then comes the spiritual.
For this body which comes to destruction will be made free from the power of death, and the man who is under the power of death will put on eternal life.
If Timothy comes, see that he has nothing to fear from you, because he is doing the Lord’s work, just as I am.
If any man has not love for the Lord, let him be cursed. Maran atha (our Lord comes).
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- Revelation (13)
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- Combats (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Combed (1 instance in 7 translations)
- Combers (1 instance in 1 translation)
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- Commanding (113 instances in 12 translations)
- Commandment (219 instances in 12 translations)
- Commandments (213 instances in 12 translations)
- Commands (349 instances in 10 translations)
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- Commemoration (3 instances in 3 translations)
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- Commenced (7 instances in 3 translations)
- Commencement (24 instances in 5 translations)
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- Commendation (6 instances in 6 translations)
- Commendatory (1 instance in 1 translation)
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- Commending (5 instances in 10 translations)
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- Comment (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Commentary (2 instances in 3 translations)
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- Commerce (4 instances in 3 translations)
- Commercial (1 instance in 2 translations)
- Commercializing (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Commiserates (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Commission (24 instances in 12 translations)
- Commissioned (17 instances in 8 translations)
- Commissioner (3 instances in 2 translations)
- Commissioners (6 instances in 2 translations)
- Commissions (4 instances in 5 translations)
- Commit (177 instances in 12 translations)
- Commitment (20 instances in 4 translations)
- Commitments (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Commits (64 instances in 9 translations)
- Committed (303 instances in 12 translations)
- Committest (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Committeth (22 instances in 4 translations)
- Committing (60 instances in 12 translations)
- Commodious (1 instance in 2 translations)
- Commodities (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Common (161 instances in 13 translations)
- Commoners (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Commonly (6 instances in 3 translations)
- Commonwealth (2 instances in 9 translations)
- Commotion (30 instances in 12 translations)
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- Commune (11 instances in 5 translations)
- Communed (23 instances in 6 translations)
- Communicate (11 instances in 9 translations)
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- Communing (3 instances in 5 translations)
- Communion (15 instances in 5 translations)
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- Community (158 instances in 7 translations)
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- Compact (2 instances in 6 translations)
- Compacted (3 instances in 3 translations)
- Compacts (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Companied (2 instances in 3 translations)
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- Company (323 instances in 13 translations)
- Company's (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Comparable (17 instances in 8 translations)
- Comparatively (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Compare (36 instances in 12 translations)
- Compared (47 instances in 12 translations)
- Compares (6 instances in 3 translations)
- Compareth (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Comparing (4 instances in 9 translations)
- Comparison (41 instances in 11 translations)
- Comparisons (8 instances in 2 translations)
- Compartment (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Compartments (1 instance in 2 translations)
- Compass (49 instances in 11 translations)
- Compassed (56 instances in 5 translations)
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- Compassest (2 instances in 2 translations)
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- Compassing (6 instances in 3 translations)
- Compassion (184 instances in 12 translations)
- Compassionate (35 instances in 11 translations)
- Compassionately (2 instances in 2 translations)
- Compassions (14 instances in 10 translations)
- Compassionsof (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Compatriot (1 instance in 2 translations)
- Compatriots (2 instances in 2 translations)
- Compel (11 instances in 10 translations)
- Compelled (28 instances in 12 translations)
- Compellest (1 instance in 2 translations)
- Compelleth (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Compelling (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Compels (6 instances in 5 translations)
- Compensate (7 instances in 6 translations)
- Compensated (3 instances in 3 translations)
- Compensation (26 instances in 6 translations)
- Compete (4 instances in 6 translations)
- Competed (2 instances in 2 translations)
- Competence (3 instances in 1 translation)
- Competency (1 instance in 2 translations)
- Competent (12 instances in 8 translations)
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- Competes (2 instances in 7 translations)
- Competing (2 instances in 3 translations)
- Competition (7 instances in 2 translations)
- Competitive (2 instances in 1 translation)
- Competitor (1 instance in 2 translations)
- Compile (1 instance in 4 translations)
- Compiled (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Complacency (3 instances in 4 translations)
- Complacent (7 instances in 5 translations)
- Complain (32 instances in 11 translations)
- Complained (25 instances in 9 translations)
- Complainers (1 instance in 5 translations)
- Complaining (22 instances in 10 translations)
- Complains (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Complaint (39 instances in 12 translations)
- Complaints (14 instances in 9 translations)
- Complementary (2 instances in 1 translation)
- Complete (347 instances in 13 translations)
- Completed (163 instances in 11 translations)
- Completely (407 instances in 12 translations)
- Completeness (10 instances in 3 translations)
- Completer (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Completes (1 instance in 2 translations)
- Completest (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Completeth (7 instances in 1 translation)
- Completing (18 instances in 8 translations)
- Completion (51 instances in 11 translations)
- Complex (59 instances in 3 translations)
- Complexion (5 instances in 3 translations)
- Compliance (5 instances in 2 translations)
- Compliant (2 instances in 2 translations)
- Complicate (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Complicated (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Complicity (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Complied (4 instances in 3 translations)
- Complimentary (3 instances in 2 translations)
- Complimented (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Compliments (2 instances in 3 translations)
- Comply (5 instances in 3 translations)
- Complying (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Compose (9 instances in 4 translations)
- Composed (16 instances in 8 translations)
- Composing (3 instances in 1 translation)
- Composition (6 instances in 6 translations)
- Compositions (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Composure (6 instances in 5 translations)
- Compound (5 instances in 5 translations)
- Compounded (2 instances in 4 translations)
- Compounder (3 instances in 1 translation)
- Compounders (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Compoundeth (1 instance in 4 translations)
- Compounds (1 instance in 3 translations)
- Comprehend (53 instances in 11 translations)
- Comprehended (7 instances in 9 translations)
- Comprehending (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Comprehends (5 instances in 3 translations)
- Comprehension (14 instances in 5 translations)
- Comprehensive (7 instances in 1 translation)
- Comprehensively (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Compressed (1 instance in 2 translations)
- Compresses (1 instance in 5 translations)
- Compresseth (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Comprise (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Comprised (5 instances in 1 translation)
- Comprises (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Compromise (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Compromises (2 instances in 2 translations)
- Comptrollers (3 instances in 1 translation)
- Compulsion (9 instances in 8 translations)
- Compulsory (5 instances in 4 translations)
- Compunction (2 instances in 1 translation)
- Compute (2 instances in 2 translations)
- Computed (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Comrade (14 instances in 6 translations)
- Comrade's (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Comrades (1 instance in 1 translation)
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