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These were potters and dwelt among trees and hedges and were in the king's work and dwelt even there.

These be they which David set for to sing in the house of the LORD, after that the Ark had rest.

with other of their brethren, heads in the ancient households of them, a thousand seven hundred and three score active men in the work of the service of the house of God.

And let us bring again the Ark of the Lord to us: for we regarded it not in the days of Saul."

And David gathered all Israel together from Shihor in Egypt unto Hamath, to bring the Ark of the Lord from Kiriathjearim.

And David went up, and all Israel, to Baalah, and so to Kiriathjearim that is in Judah, to fetch thence the Ark of the God and LORD that sitteth on the Cherubs, where his name is called on.

And they carried the Ark of God in a new cart out of the house of Abinadab. And Uzzah and his brother drove the cart.

And when they came on the threshing floor of Chidon, Uzzah put forth his hand to hold the ark, for the oxen stumbled.

And the LORD was wroth with Uzzah and smote him, because he put his hand to the Ark.

And David was so afraid of God that day, that he said, "How shall I bring the Ark of God home to me?"

And so David brought not the Ark home to him in the city of David: But turned it in to the house of Obededom o Gittite,

and the Ark of God was with Obededom in his house, three months. And the LORD blessed the house of Obededom and all that he had.

And David made him houses in the city of David, and prepared a place for the Ark of God, and pitched for it a tent.

And then David said, "The Ark of God ought not to be carried but of the Levites. For them hath the LORD chosen to bear the Ark of the LORD and to minister to him forever."

And therefore David gathered all Israel to Jerusalem, to fetch the Ark of the LORD unto the place which he had ordained for it.

and said unto them, "Ye are the principal heads of the Levites - sanctify therefore yourselves and your brethren and bring the Ark of the LORD God of Israel unto the place that I have prepared for it.

And the priests and the Levites sanctified themselves to fetch the Ark of the LORD God of Israel.

And the children of the Levites bare the Ark of God upon their shoulders with staves thereon as Moses commanded according to the word of the LORD.

And Barachiah and Elkanah kept the door of the Ark.

And Shebaniah, Jehoshaphat, Nathaniel, Amasai, Zachariah, Benaiah and Eliezer, priests, were blowers with trumpets before the Ark of God. And Obededom and Jehiah were keepers of the door of the Ark.

And David and the elders of Israel and the Captains over thousands went to fetch the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD out of the house of Obededom with gladness.

And when God had helped the Levites that bare the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD, they offered seven oxen and seven rams.

And David had on him an alb of bysse, and so had the Levites that bare the Ark, and so had the singers, and Chenaniah the ruler of the song and of the singers. And David had moreover upon him an Ephod of linen.

And all Israel brought the Ark of the LORD's covenant with shouting and blowing of horns, and with trumpets and cymbals that sounded, and with psalteries and harps.

And as the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD came unto the city of David, Michal the daughter of Saul looked out at a window: and when she saw king David dancing and playing, she despised him in her heart.

When they had brought in the Ark of God they set it in the tent that David had pitched for it. And they brought burnt sacrifice and peace offerings before God.

and Benaiah and Jahaziel, priests, with trumpets; continually before the Ark of the covenant of God.

And he left there before the ark of the LORD's covenant, Asaph and his brethren, to minister before the Ark evermore day by day.

And as David dwelt in his house he said to Nathan the prophet, "Lo, I dwell in a house of cedar tree: and the Ark of the LORD's covenant dwelleth under curtains."

Moreover, thou hast workmen enough and masons and carpenters to work in stone and timber, and all manner of wise men for whatsoever work it be.

Now therefore set your hearts and your souls to seek the LORD your God. And up, and build ye the temple of the LORD God, to bring the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD, and the holy vessels of God into the house so built for the name of the LORD."

Of which twenty four thousand were set to further the work of the house of the LORD. And six thousand were officers and judges.

These are the children of Levi in the households of their fathers the ancient heads, viewed and numbered by name and poll by poll from twenty year and above, to work in the service of the house of the LORD.

"To wait at the hands of the sons of Aaron in the service of the house of the LORD, and to have the oversight of the courts and of the store houses, and of the purifying of all holy things, and of the work of the things that served for the house of God,

And David and the captains of the host appointed out to do service, the sons of Asaph of Heman and Jeduthun, which did prophesy with harps, psalteries and cymbals. And they were numbered unto the work according to their office.

Among the Izrahites was Chenaniah, with his sons, for the work without over Israel, officers and judges.

And king David stood upon his feet and said, "Hear me, my brethren and my people: I had in mine heart to build a house of rest for the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD, and a footstool for our God, and had made ready to build.

And for the altar of cense of tried gold by weight. And the similitude of the seat of the Cherubs that stretched out their wings and covered the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD.

And David said to Solomon his son, "Harden thyself and be strong and do it. Fear not, nor let thine heart discourage thee. For the LORD my God is with thee, and shall not leave thee nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work that must serve for the house of the LORD.

And David the king said unto all the congregation, "God hath specially chosen Solomon my son which is yet young and tender, and the work is great, for the house is not for man, but for the LORD God.

to sile the walls of the house with gold where it becometh, and with silver where silver is meet, and for all manner of work by the hands of Artificers. And let me see who is willing also, to fill his hand for the LORD this day."