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I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles, and by the does of the field, do not stir up or awake my Love until He please.

Verse ConceptsAdjurationDeer Etc.DeerBeing In Love

Until when does the day blow, and the shadows flee away? Turn, my Beloved, and be like a gazelle, or a young deer, the stag, on the mountains of Bether.

Verse ConceptsThe Cool Of The DayUntil DaybreakDeer Etc.

But a little while after I passed from them, I found Him whom my soul loves. I held Him and would not let Him go, until I had brought Him into my mother's house, and into the room of her who conceived me.

Verse ConceptsPrivate RoomsSoulmates

I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles, and by the does of the field, do not stir up nor awake my love until it pleases.

Verse ConceptsAdjurationYoung LoversDeer Etc.

Until when the day blows, and the shadows flee away, I will go to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill of frankincense.

Verse ConceptsFrankincenseThe Cool Of The Day