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And he slaughtered the son of the cow before Jehovah: and the sons of Aaron the priests brought near the blood, and they sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about, which is at the door of the tent of appointment

And he slaughtered it upon the thigh of the altar, northward before Jehovah: and Aaron's sons, the priests, sprinkled his blood upon the altar round about

And the priest brought it near to the altar, and broke off the head, and burnt upon the altar: and pressed out its blood upon the wall of the altar.

And he placed his hand upon the head of his offering, and slaughtered it at the door of the tent of appointment: and Aaron's sons the priests sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about

And he placed his hand upon the head of his offering, and slaughtered it before the tent of appointment. And the sons of Aaron sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about

And he placed his hand upon his head and slaughtered it before the tent of appointment: and Aaron's sons sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about

And the priest being anointed, took the blood of the bullock, and brought it to the tent of appointment

And the priest dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkled from the blood seven times before Jehovah, before the vail of the holy place.

And the priest gave from the blood upon the horns of the altar of the incense of aromatics before Jehovah, which is in the tent of appointment; and all the blood of the bullock he shall pour out at the foundation of the altar of burnt-offering, which is at the door of the tent of appointment

And the priest being anointed. brought the blood of the bullock to the tent of appointment

And the priest dipped his finger from the blood and sprinkled seven times before Jehovah, before the vail.

And from the blood he will give upon the horns of the altar, which is before Jehovah in the tent of appointment, and he shall pour out all the blood at the foundation of the altar of the burnt-offering, which is at the door of the tent of appointment

And the priest took from the blood of the sin with his finger, and gave upon the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering, and he shall pour out the blood at the foundation of the altar of the burnt-offering.

And the priest took from its blood with his finger, and gave upon the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering; and all the blood he will pour out at the foundation of the altar.

And the priest took from the blood of the sin with his finger, and gave upon the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering; and all its blood he will pour out at the foundation of the altar.

And he sprinkled from the blood of the sin upon the wall of the altar; and that remaining of the blood he shall press out at the foundation of the altar: it is sin.

Every one touching upon its flesh shall be consecrated: and when shall be sprinkled from its blood upon his garment, what shall be sprinkled upon it thou shalt wash in the holy place.

And all sin, the blood of which shall be brought into the tent of appointment to expiate in the holy place, shall not be eaten: it shall be burnt in fire.

In the place where they shall slaughter the burnt-offering they shall slaughter the trespass: and he shall sprinkle its blood upon the altar round about

And he brought from it one from all the offering an oblation to Jehovah, for the priest sprinkling the blood of peace, to him it shall be.

And any blood ye shall not eat in any of your dwellings, of fowl, and of cattle.

Every soul which shall eat any blood, and that soul was cut off from its people.

And he bringing near the blood of the peace, and the fat, from the sons of Aaron, to him shall be the right leg for a portion.

And he will put upon him the breast-plate: and will give to the breastplate the Lights and the Truth.

And he will slaughter; and Moses will take the blood and give upon the horns of the altar round about with his finger, and he will purify the altar, and he will sour out the blood at the foundation of the altar, and he will consecrate it to expiate upon it

And he will slaughter, and Moses will sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about

And he will slaughter, and Moses will take from its blood, and will give upon the extremity of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.

And he will bring near Aaron's sons, and Moses will give from the blood upon the extremity of their right ear, and upon the thumb of their right hand, and upon the great toe of their right feet: and Moses will sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about.

And Moses will take from the oil of anointing, and from the blood which is upon the altar, and will sprinkle upon Aaron, upon his garments, and upon his sons, and upon his sons' garments with him; and will consecrate Aaron and his garments, and his sons, and his sons' garments with him.

And Aaron's sons will bring the blood to him, and he will dip his finger in the blood, and give upon the horns of the altar, and he will pour out the blood at the foundation of the altar.

And he will slaughter the burnt-offering; and the sons of Aaron will bring the blood to him, and they will sprinkle it upon the altar round about

And he will slaughter the bullock, and the ram of the sacrifice of peace, which is for the people: and the sons of Aaron will bring the blood to him, and he will sprinkle it upon the altar round about

Behold, he brought not its blood to the holy place before it: eating, ye shall eat it in the holy place as I was commanded.

And thirty days and three days, she shall sit down in the blood of purification: she shall not touch upon any holy thing, and into the holy place she shall not come till the completing of the days of her purification.

And if she shall bear a female, and she was unclean two sevens, as her removal: and sixty days and six days she shall sit down upon the blood of her purification.

And he offered it before Jehovah, and expiated for her, and cleansed her from the flowing of her blood. This the law of the bringing forth for a male, or for a female.

And if a man when his head shall become bald, he being bald; he is clean.

And if from the side of his face his head shall become bald, he is bald; he is clean.

The living bird he will take it, and the cedar wood and the double scarlet, and the hyssop, and he dipped them and the living bird in the blood of the bird slain over the living water.

And the priest took from the blood of the trespass, and the priest gave upon the extremity of the right ear of him being cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot

And from the remainder of the oil which was upon his hand, the priest will give upon the extremity of the right ear of hint being cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass.

And he slaughtered the lamb of the trespass, and the priest took from the blood of the trespass, and gave upon the extremity of the right ear of him being cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot:

And the priest gave from the oil which was upon his hand, upon the extremity of the right ear of him being cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the place of the blood of the trespass.

And he took the cedar wood, and the hyssop and the double scarlet, and the living bird, and dipped them in the blood of the slain bird, and in the living water, and sprinkled into the house seven times.

And he cleansed the house with the blood of the bird in living water, and with the living bird, and with the cedar wood, and with the double scarlet

And when a woman, shall be flowing, and her flowing shall be blood in her flesh, seven days shall she be in her uncleanness: and all touching upon her shall be unclean till the evening.

And when a woman shall flow a flowing of her blood many days out of the time of her uncleanness, or when she shall flow upon her uncleanness; all the days of the flowing from her uncleanness shall be as the days of her uncleanness: she shall be unclean.

And he took from the blood of the bullock, and sprinkled with his finger upon the face of the cover eastward, and before the cover he shall sprinkle seven times from the blood with his finger.

And he slaughtered the he goat of the sin which was for the people, and he brought its blood within the vail, and he did its blood as he did to the blood of the bullocks; and he sprinkled it upon the cover and before the cover.

And he went forth to the altar which is before Jehovah and expiated upon it; and he took from the blood of the bullock, and from the blood of the he goat, and gave upon the horns of the altar round about

And he sprinkled upon it from the blood round about with his finger, seven times, and cleansed it, and consecrated it, from the uncleanness of the sons of Israel.

And the bullock of sin and the he goat of sin, from which he brought their blood to expiate in the holy place, he shall bring forth to without the camp, and they shall burn in fire their skins, and their flesh, and their dung.

And at the door of the tent of appointment brought it not in to bring near an offering to Jehovah before the dwelling of Jehovah, blood shall be reckoned to that man: he shed blood; and that man was cut off from the midst of his people:

And the priest shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar of Jehovah, at the door of the tent of appointment; and he burnt the fat for an odor of sweetness to Jehovah.

And a man, a man from the house of Israel, and from the stranger sojourning in the midst of you, who shall eat any blood; and I gave my face against the soul eating the blood, and I cut it off from the midst of its people.

For this I said to the sons of Israel, Every soul from you shall eat no blood, and the stranger sojourning in the midst of you shall not eat blood.

And a man, a man from the sons of Israel, and from the stranger sojourning in the midst of you, who shall hunt a hunting, a beast or bird which shall be eaten, and he poured out its blood and covered it with dust.

For the soul of all flesh it is its blood in its soul: and say to the sons of Israel, The blood of all flesh ye shall not eat, for the soul of all flesh it is its blood: all eating it shall be cut off.

And a man who shall lie with his father's wife, uncovered his father's nakedness: dying, they shall die: they two their blood is upon them,

And a man who shall lie with his daughter-in-law, dying, they shall die, they two: they did profanation; their blood is upon them.

And a woman who shall come near to any quadruped to lie down with it, and didst thou kill the woman and the quadruped; dying, they shall die; their blood is upon them.

And a man who shall lie with a woman being sick, and uncovered her nakedness; he made naked her fountain, and she uncovered the fountain of her blood: and they two were cut off from the midst of their people.