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He took him to Jerusalem, set him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here;

He said to them, "Surely you will quote this proverb to me: 'Physician, heal yourself! Do here also in your own country what we have heard that you did in Capernaum.'"

But he knew their thoughts, and said to the man who had the withered hand, "Rise and stand here." And he rose and stood there.

Now the day began to wear away; and the twelve came and said to him, "Send the crowd away, to go to the surrounding villages and country, to lodge and get provisions; for we are here in a deserted place."

But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God."

As the men were parting from him, Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah"not knowing what he said.

The queen of the South will rise at the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them; for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here.

The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, one greater than Jonah is here.

At that very time some Pharisees came, and said to him, "Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you."

But when he came to himself, he said, 'How many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and here I perish with hunger!

But Abraham said, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and Lazarus received evil things; but now he is comforted here and you are in agony.

And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.'

nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There!' for behold, the kingdom of God is within you."

And they will say to you, 'Look here!' or 'Look there!' Do not go after them or follow them.

Then another came, saying, 'Master, here is your mina, which I have kept laid away in a handkerchief;

But those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me.'"

saying, "Go into the village opposite you, where as you enter you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it here.

"As for these things which you see, the days will come when there shall not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down."

They said, "Look, Lord, here are two swords." And he said to them, "It is enough."

He is not here, but is risen! Remember how he told you while he was still in Galilee,

And while they still did not believe for joy, and marveled, he said to them, "Have you anything here to eat?"