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she called out with a loud cry, "Blessed among women are you, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!

Verse ConceptsExcellent WomenIndividuals ShoutingChildren BlessedBlessed By GodBabies Being A BlessingBlessing Others

The axe is lying all ready at the root of the trees; any tree that is not producing good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."

Verse ConceptsBearing Bad FruitRootsSin, God's Judgment OnToolsUnfruitfulnessFelling TreesBurning PlantsHarming Trees

No sound tree bears rotten fruit, nor again does a rotten tree bear sound fruit:

Verse ConceptsWicked Described AsFood DecayingBad Items

each tree is known by its fruit. Figs are not gathered from thorns, and grapes are not plucked from a bramble-bush.

Verse ConceptsThornsWeedsBramblesDistinguishingRecognising Things

And he told this parable. "A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; he came in search of fruit on it but he found none.

Verse ConceptsMetaphorical VineyardsSeeking For Concrete Things

So he said to the vinedresser, 'Here have I come for three years in search of fruit on this fig tree without finding any; cut it down, why should it take up space?'

Verse ConceptsDivine DelaysFelling TreesThree YearsSeeking For Concrete ThingsNo Roomspacecutting

Then it may bear fruit next year. If not, you can have it cut down.'"

Verse ConceptsDivine DelaysFelling TreesBearing FruitOlive Treescutting

And this woman, a daughter of Abraham, bound by Satan for all these eighteen years, was she not to be freed from her bondage on the sabbath?"

Verse ConceptsdaughtersCripplesevil, origins ofPainRescueSatan, Defeat OfSatan, Kingdom OfBindingSatan, Work Of15 To 20 YearsChildren Of AbrahamOn The SabbathJesus Healing On Sabbath