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And thou Ezra, according to the wisdom of thy God that is in thy hand, appoint judges and tribunals to be judging for all the people that are beyond the river, to all knowing the laws of thy God; and those not knowing ye shall cause to know.

And the rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the gate-keepers, those singing, the Nethinims, and all being separated from the people of the lands to the law of God, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, all knowing understanding;

And the king will say to the wise knowing the times, (for thus spake the king before all knowing the edict and judgment:

And there will come to him all his brethren and all his sisters, and all knowing him before; and they will eat bread with him in his house: and they will deplore for him, and they will comfort him upon all the evil which Jehovah brought upon him: and they will give to him tack one weight, and each one ring of gold.

All knowing thee among the peoples were astonished at thee: thou wert terrors; and thou not, even to forever.

For this, thus said Jehovah God of armies, the Lord: In all your broad places, wailing; and in all the streets they shall say, Wo! wo! and they called to the husbandman to mourning, and wailing to all knowing lamentation.

Non-Exact Match

And they will answer Jeremiah, all the men knowing that their wives burn incense to other gods, and all the women standing, a great convocation, and all the people dwelling in the land of Egypt in Pathros, saying,

All ye about him, bewail for him; and all ye knowing his name, say, How was the strong rod broken, the beautiful shoot!

And also all that generation were gathered to its fathers; and another generation will arise after them not knowing Jehovah, and also the works which he did to Israel

And now command and they shall cut for me cedars from Lebanon; and my servants shall be with thy servants: and the hire of thy servants will I give to thee according to all which thou shalt say: for thou knewest that not among us a man knowing to cut wood as the Sidonians.

And from the sons of Issachar, those knowing the understanding to the times to know what Israel shall do; their heads two hundred; and all their brethren at their mouth.

And she will see, and behold, the king standing upon his standing in the coming in, and the chiefs and the trumpets by the king: and all the people of the land rejoicing, and they clanged upon the trumpets; and those singing with instruments of the song, and those knowing to praise. And Athaliah will rend her garments and say, A conspiracy! a conspiracy!

All the king's servants, and the people of the kings provinces, knowing that every man and woman who shall go in to the king to the inner enclosure who shall not be called, one edict of his to put to death only which the king shall stretch out to him the sceptre of gold, and he lived: and I was not called to go in to the king this thirty days.

From all mine enemies I was a reproach, and greatly to my neighbors, and a fear to those knowing me: they seeing me without fled from me.

I turned back, and saw under the sun that not to the fleet the race, and the war not to the strong, and also not to the wise, bread; and also not to the understanding ones, riches; and also not to the knowing, favor; for time and chance will light upon all of them.

And the vision of all will be to you as the words of the book being sealed, which they shall give to him, to him knowing writing, saying, Read now, this: and he said, I shall not be able, for it was sealed.

But knowing, ye shall know that if ye put me to death, that ye give innocent blood upon yourselves and upon this city, and to her inhabitants: for in truth Jehovah sent me to you to speak in your ears all these words.

Children whom not any blemish in them, and good of aspect, and understanding in all wisdom, and knowing knowledge, and understanding intelligence, and to whom power in them to stand in the king's temple, and to teach them the writing and tongue of the chaldees