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But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God has said, If you take of it or put your hands on it, death will come to you.

And the Lord God said, Now the man has become like one of us, having knowledge of good and evil; and now if he puts out his hand and takes of the fruit of the tree of life, he will go on living for ever.

You have sent me out this day from the face of the earth and from before your face; I will be a wanderer in flight over the earth, and whoever sees me will put me to death.

And the Lord said, Truly, if Cain is put to death, seven lives will be taken for his. And the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one might put him to death.

And Lamech said to his wives, Adah and Zillah, give ear to my voice; you wives of Lamech, give attention to my words, for I would put a man to death for a wound, and a young man for a blow;

And Adam had connection with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son to whom she gave the name of Seth: for she said, God has given me another seed in place of Abel, whom Cain put to death.

You are to put a window in the ark, a cubit from the roof, and a door in the side of it, and you are to make it with a lower and second and third floors.

But the dove saw no resting-place for her foot, and came back to the ark, for the waters were still over all the earth; and he put out his hand, and took her into the ark.

And when the sweet smell came up to the Lord, he said in his heart, I will not again put a curse on the earth because of man, for the thoughts of man's heart are evil from his earliest days; never again will I send destruction on all living things as I have done.

And Shem and Japheth took a robe, and putting it on their backs went in with their faces turned away, and put it over their father so that they might not see him unclothed.

And the sons of Ham: Cush and Mizraim and Put and Canaan.

And moving on from there to the mountain on the east of Beth-el, he put up his tent, having Beth-el on the west and Ai on the east: and there he made an altar and gave worship to the name of the Lord.

And I am certain that when the men of Egypt see you, they will say, This is his wife: and they will put me to death and keep you.

For twelve years they were under the rule of Chedorlaomer, but in the thirteenth year they put off his control.

And the king of Sodom with the king of Gomorrah and the king of Admah and the king of Zeboiim and the king of Bela (that is Zoar), went out, and put their forces in position in the valley of Siddim,

Now the valley of Siddim was full of holes of sticky earth; and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah were put to flight and came to their end there, but the rest got away to the mountain.

And the angel said to her, Go back, and put yourself under her authority.

And he took butter and milk and the young ox which he had made ready and put it before them, waiting by them under the tree while they took food.

And he said, See now, I have undertaken to put my thoughts before the Lord: what if there are twenty there? And he said, I will have mercy because of the twenty.

But the men put out their hands and took Lot into the house to them, shutting the door again.

For we are about to send destruction on this place, because a great outcry against them has come to the ears of the Lord; and the Lord has sent us to put an end to the town.

And when they had put them out, he said, Go for your life, without looking back or waiting in the lowland; go quickly to the mountain or you will come to destruction.

So it came about that when God sent destruction on the towns of the lowland, he kept his word to Abraham, and sent Lot safely away when he put an end to the towns where he was living.

Now Abimelech had not come near her; and he said, Lord, will you put to death an upright nation?

Then Abimelech sent for Abraham, and said, What have you done to us? what wrong have I done you that you have put on me and on my kingdom so great a sin? You have done to me things which are not to be done.

And Abraham said, Because it seemed to me that there was no fear of God in this place, and that they might put me to death because of my wife.

And he said to Sarah, See, I have given to your brother a thousand bits of silver so that your wrong may be put right; now your honour is clear in the eyes of all.

And early in the morning Abraham got up, and gave Hagar some bread and a water-skin, and put the boy on her back, and sent her away: and she went, wandering in the waste land of Beer-sheba.

And when all the water in the skin was used up, she put the child down under a tree.

And Abraham put seven young lambs of the flock on one side by themselves.

Then Abimelech said, What are these seven lambs which you have put on one side?

Now after these things, God put Abraham to the test, and said to him, Abraham; and he said, Here am I.

And Abraham put the wood for the burned offering on his son's back, and he himself took the fire and the knife in his hand, and the two of them went on together.

And they came to the place of which God had given him knowledge; and there Abraham made the altar and put the wood in place on it, and having made tight the bands round Isaac his son, he put him on the wood on the altar.

And stretching out his hand, Abraham took the knife to put his son to death.

I am living among you as one from a strange country: give me some land here as my property, so that I may put my dead to rest

My lord, truly you are a great chief among us; take the best of our resting-places for your dead; not one of us will keep back from you a place where you may put your dead to rest.

And he said to them, If you will let me put my dead to rest here, make a request for me to Ephron, the son of Zohar,

And Abraham said to Ephron, in the hearing of the people of the land, If only you will give ear to me, I will give you the price of the field; take it, and let me put my dead to rest there.

My lord, give ear to me: the value of the land is four hundred shekels; what is that between me and you? so put your dead to rest there.

Then Abraham put Sarah his wife to rest in the hollow rock in the field of Machpelah near Mamre, that is, Hebron in the land of Canaan

And Abraham said to his chief servant, the manager of all his property, Come now, put your hand under my leg:

And the servant put his hand under Abraham's leg, and gave him his oath about this thing.

And meat was put before him, but he said, I will not take food till I have made my business clear to you. And they said, Do so.

And questioning her, I said, Whose daughter are you? And she said, The daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor, and Milcah his wife. Then I put the ring on her nose and the ornaments on her hands.

And Abraham came to his death, an old man, full of years; and he was put to rest with his people.

And Isaac and Ishmael, his sons, put him to rest in the hollow rock of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron, the son of Zohar the Hittite, near Mamre;

The same field which Abraham got from the children of Heth: there Abraham was put to rest with Sarah, his wife.

And the years of Ishmael's life were a hundred and thirty-seven: and he came to his end, and was put to rest with his people.

And the children were fighting together inside her, and she said, If it is to be so, why am I like this? So she went to put her question to the Lord.

And when he was questioned by the men of the place about his wife, he said, She is my sister; fearing to say, She is my wife; for, he said, the men of the place may put me to death on account of Rebekah; because she is very beautiful.

And he said to Isaac, It is clear that she is your wife: why then did you say, She is my sister? And Isaac said, For fear that I might be put to death because of her.

And Abimelech gave orders to his people that anyone touching Isaac or his wife was to be put to death.

So Isaac went away from there, and put up his tents in the valley of Gerar, making his living-place there.

Then he made an altar there, and gave worship to the name of the Lord, and he put up his tents there, and there his servants made a water-hole.

That you will do us no damage, even as we put no hand on you, and did you nothing but good, and sent you away in peace: and now the blessing of the Lord is on you.

And make me food, good to the taste, such as is pleasing to me, and put it before me, so that I may have a meal and give you my blessing before death comes to me.

If by chance my father puts his hand on me, it will seem to him that I am tricking him, and he will put a curse on me in place of a blessing.

And Rebekah took the fair robes of her oldest son, which were with her in the house, and put them on Jacob, her younger son:

And she put the skins of the young goats on his hands and on the smooth part of his neck:

And Isaac said, Come near so that I may put my hand on you, my son, and see if you are truly my son Esau or not.

And Jacob went near his father Isaac: and he put his hands on him; and he said, The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau.

And he said, Put it before me and I will take of my son's meat, so that I may give you a blessing. And he put it before him and he took it; and he gave him wine, and he had a drink.

And in great fear Isaac said, Who then is he who got meat and put it before me, and I took it all before you came, and gave him a blessing, and his it will be?

Then Rebekah, hearing what Esau had said, sent for Jacob, her younger son, and said to him, It seems that your brother Esau is purposing to put you to death.

Then Jacob took an oath, and said, If God will be with me, and keep me safe on my journey, and give me food and clothing to put on,

And this stone which I have put up for a pillar will be God's house: and of all you give me, I will give a tenth part to you.

And all the flocks would come together there, and when the stone had been rolled away, they would give the sheep water, and put the stone back again in its place on the mouth of the water-hole.

And so you will be able to put my honour to the test in time to come; if you see among my flocks any goats which are not marked or coloured, or any sheep which is not black, you may take me for a thief.

And he put the banded sticks in the drinking-places where the flock came to get water; and they became with young when they came to the water.

These lambs Jacob kept separate; and he put his flock in a place by themselves and not with Laban's flock.

And whenever the stronger ones of the flock became with young, Jacob put the sticks in front of them in the drinking-places, so that they might become with young when they saw the sticks.

But when the flocks were feeble, he did not put the sticks before them; so that the feebler flocks were Laban's and the stronger were Jacob's.

I am the God of Beth-el, where you put oil on the pillar and took an oath to me: now then, come out of this land and go back to the country of your birth.

Then Jacob put his wives and his sons on camels;

Now when Laban overtook him, Jacob had put up his tent in the hill-country; and Laban and his brothers put up their tents in the hill-country of Gilead.

As for your gods, if anyone of us has them, let him be put to death: make search before us all for what is yours, and take it. For Jacob had no knowledge that Rachel had taken them.

Now Rachel had taken the images, and had put them in the camels' basket, and was seated on them. And Laban, searching through all the tent, did not come across them.

Then Jacob took a stone and put it up as a pillar.

And Laban said, See these stones and this pillar which I have put between you and me;

Then Jacob was in great fear and trouble of mind: and he put all the people and the flocks and the herds and the camels into two groups;

Then he put up his tent there for the night; and from among his goods he took, as an offering for his brother Esau,

He put the servants and their children in front, Leah and her children after them, and Rachel and Joseph at the back.

And Jacob went on to Succoth, where he made a house for himself and put up tents for his cattle: for this reason the place was named Succoth.

So Jacob came safely from Paddan-aram to the town of Shechem in the land of Canaan, and put up his tents near the town.