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Turn to me, and be gracious to me;
Grant Your strength [Your might and the power to resist temptation] to Your servant,
And save the son of Your handmaid.

The Lord loves the gates of Zion
More than all the dwellings of Jacob (Israel).

But of Zion it will be said, “This one and that one were born in her,”
And the Most High Himself will establish her.

“His descendants shall endure forever
And his throne [will continue] as the sun before Me.

You have swept them away like a flood, they fall asleep [forgotten as soon as they are gone];
In the morning they are like grass which grows anew—

For all our days pass away in Your wrath;
We have finished our years like a whispered sigh.

Who understands the power of Your anger? [Who connects this brevity of life among us with Your judgment of sin?]
And Your wrath, [who connects it] with the [reverent] fear that is due You?

Your precepts are fully confirmed and completely reliable;
Holiness adorns Your house,
O Lord, forever.

If the Lord had not been my help,
I would soon have dwelt in [the land of] silence.

Zion heard this and was glad,
And the daughters (cities) of Judah rejoiced [in relief]
Because of Your judgments, O Lord.

Light is sown [like seed] for the righteous and illuminates their path,
And [irrepressible] joy [is spread] for the upright in heart [who delight in His favor and protection].

The Lord is great in Zion,
And He is exalted and magnified above all the peoples.

My days are like an evening shadow that lengthens and vanishes [with the sun];
And as for me, I wither away like grass.

You will arise and have compassion on Zion,
For it is time to be gracious and show favor to her;
Yes, the appointed time [the moment designated] has come.

For the Lord has built up Zion;
He has appeared in His glory and brilliance;

So that people may declare the name of the Lord in Zion
And His praise in Jerusalem,

When the sun arises, they withdraw
And lie down in their dens.

When he enters into dispute, let wickedness come about.
Let his prayer [for help] result [only] in sin.

Let the wickedness of his fathers be remembered by the Lord;
And do not let the sin of his mother be blotted out.

The Lord will send the scepter of Your strength from Zion, saying,
“Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”

O Lord, truly I am Your servant;
I am Your servant, the son of Your handmaid;
You have unfastened my chains.

I have seen that all [human] perfection has its limits [no matter how grand and perfect and noble];
Your commandment is exceedingly broad and extends without limits [into eternity].

I will lift up my eyes to the hills [of Jerusalem]—
From where shall my help come?

When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion (Jerusalem),
We were like those who dream [it seemed so unreal].

May the Lord bless you from Zion [His holy mountain],
And may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life;

May all who hate Zion
Be put to shame and turned backward [in defeat].

For the Lord has chosen Zion;
He has desired it for His dwelling place:

It is like the dew of [Mount] Hermon
Coming down on the hills of Zion;
For there the Lord has commanded the blessing: life forevermore.

May the Lord bless you from Zion,
He who made heaven and earth.

The sun to rule over the day,
For His lovingkindness endures forever;

By the rivers of Babylon,
There we [captives] sat down and wept,
When we remembered Zion [the city God imprinted on our hearts].

For there they who took us captive demanded of us a song with words,
And our tormentors [who made a mockery of us demanded] amusement, saying,
“Sing us one of the songs of Zion.”

The Lord shall reign forever,
Your God, O Zion, to all generations.
Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)

He gives [to the earth] snow like [a blanket of] wool;
He scatters the frost like ashes.

He sends out His word and melts the ice;
He causes His wind to blow and the waters to flow.

Let Israel rejoice in their Maker;
Let Zion’s children rejoice in their King.

The proverbs (truths obscurely expressed, maxims) of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:

My son, if you will receive my words
And treasure my commandments within you,

My son, do not reject or take lightly the discipline of the Lord [learn from your mistakes and the testing that comes from His correction through discipline];
Nor despise His rebuke,

My son, let them not escape from your sight,
But keep sound wisdom and discretion,

Hear, my son, and accept my sayings,
And the years of your life will be many.

My son, pay attention to my words and be willing to learn;
Open your ears to my sayings.

My son, be attentive to my wisdom [godly wisdom learned by costly experience],
Incline your ear to my understanding;

“I was almost in total ruin
In the midst of the assembly and congregation.”

Why should you, my son, be exhilarated with an immoral woman
And embrace the bosom of an outsider (pagan)?

The iniquities done by a wicked man will trap him,
And he will be held with the cords of his sin.

My son, if you have become surety (guaranteed a debt or obligation) for your neighbor,
If you have given your pledge for [the debt of] a stranger or another [outside your family],

Do this now, my son, and release yourself [from the obligation];
Since you have come into the hand of your neighbor,
Go humble yourself, and plead with your neighbor [to pay his debt and release you].

My son, keep my words
And treasure my commandments within you [so they are readily available to guide you].

But he does not know that the spirits of the dead are there,
And that her guests are [already] in the depths of Sheol (the nether world, the place of the dead).

He who gathers during summer and takes advantage of his opportunities is a son who acts wisely,
But he who sleeps during harvest and ignores the moment of opportunity is a son who acts shamefully.

The wages of the righteous [the upright, those in right standing with God] is [a worthwhile, meaningful] life,
The income of the wicked, punishment.

As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout,
So is a beautiful woman who is without discretion [her lack of character mocks her beauty].

Righteousness (being in right standing with God) guards the one whose way is blameless,
But wickedness undermines and overthrows the sinner.

Fools mock sin [but sin mocks the fools],
But among the upright there is good will and the favor and blessing of God.

Righteousness [moral and spiritual integrity and virtuous character] exalts a nation,
But sin is a disgrace to any people.

A wise servant will rule over the [unworthy] son who acts shamefully and brings disgrace [to the family]
And [the worthy servant] will share in the inheritance among the brothers.

Also it is not good for a person to be without knowledge,
And he who hurries with his feet [acting impulsively and proceeding without caution or analyzing the consequences] sins (misses the mark).

Cease listening, my son, to instruction and discipline
And you will stray from the words of knowledge.

Haughty and arrogant eyes and a proud heart,
The lamp of the wicked [their self-centered pride], is sin [in the eyes of God].

Listen, my son, and be wise,
And direct your heart in the way [of the Lord].

My son, eat honey, because it is good,
And the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste.

For it is better that it be said to you, “Come up here,”
Than for you to be placed lower in the presence of the prince,
Whom your eyes have seen.

Do not rush out to argue your case [before magistrates or judges];
Otherwise what will you do in the end [when your case is lost and]
When your neighbor (opponent) humiliates you?

Like the cold of snow [brought from the mountains] in the time of harvest,
So is a faithful messenger to those who send him;
For he refreshes the life of his masters.

Like snow in summer and like rain in harvest,
So honor is not fitting for a [shortsighted] fool.

My son, be wise, and make my heart glad,
That I may reply to him who reproaches (reprimands, criticizes) me.