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Now, Elisha, being seated in his house, and, the elders, seated with him, - when he had sent a man from before him, ere yet the messenger could come in unto him, he himself, said unto the elders - Do ye see how this son of a murderer hath sent to take away my head? See! when the messenger is coming in, close ye the door, and press him back with the door, is not the sound of his lord's feet behind him?

So they went to bury her, - but found not of her - save the skull, and the feet, and the palms of the hands.

and it came to pass, as, they, were burying a man, that, lo! they saw a troop, so they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha, - and, as soon as the man touched the bones of Elisha, he came to life again, and rose up on his feet.

And when he heard say of Tirhakah, king of Ethiopia, saying, Lo! he hath come forth to fight with thee, - then he again sent messengers unto Hezekiah, saying -

I, have digged, and have drunk foreign waters, - and have dried up, with the soles of my feet, all the streams of besieged places.

and I will not again let the foot of Israel wander away from the soil which I gave unto their fathers. Only if they take heed to do according to all that I have commanded them, even to the extent of all the law which, my servant Moses, commanded them.

and they found pasture, fat and good, and, the land, was broad on both hands, and quiet, and secure, - for, of Ham, were the dwellers there aforetime.

Moreover also, they who were near of kin unto them, as far as Issachar and Zebulun and Naphtali, were bringing bread, on asses and on camels and on mules and on oxen, meal-food, cakes of figs and cakes of raisins, and wine, and oil, and oxen, and sheep - in abundance, - for there was joy Israel.

And there again came to be war with Gath, - where was a man of great stature, whose fingers and toes, six on each hand and foot, were four and twenty, and, he also, had been born unto the giant.

and for the bread set in array, and for the fine meal for the meal-offering, and for the unleavened cakes, even for that which is baked in a pan, for the moistened food, - even of every measure, and size;

Then David the king rose up on his feet, and said, Hear me, my brethren and my people, - As for me, it was near my heart, to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of Yahweh, and for the footstool of our God, and I made ready to build.

And lo! for the hewers that cut the timbers, have I given wheat as food for thy servants, twenty thousand measures, and barley, twenty thousand measures, and wine, twenty thousand baths, and oil, twenty thousand baths.

the wings of these cherubim, outspread, were twenty cubits, - and, they themselves, were standing upon their feet, and, their faces, were inward.

And Solomon hallowed the middle of the court that was before the house of Yahweh, for he offered there the ascending-sacrifices, and the fat portions of the peace-offerings, - because, the altar of bronze which Solomon had made, was not able to receive the ascending-sacrifice and the meal-offering and the fat portions.

and the food of his table, and the seats of his servants, and the standing of his attendants, with their apparel, and his cupbearers, and their apparel, and his ascent whereby he used to ascend the house of Yahweh, then was there in her no more spirit.

And when Rehoboam had entered Jerusalem, he called together the house of Judah and Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand chosen men, warriors, - to fight against Israel, to bring back the kingdom to Rehoboam.

Thus, saith Yahweh, Ye shall not go up neither shall ye fight against your brethren, return every man to his own house, for, from me, hath this thing been brought about. So they hearkened unto the words of Yahweh, and turned back from going against Jeroboam.

And he strengthened the fortified places, - and put therein captains, and stores of food, and oil and wine;

So he took heed, and dispersed all his sons throughout all the lands of Judah and Benjamin, unto all the fortified cities, and gave them food in abundance, - and asked a multitude of wives.

And lo! with us as Head, is God himself, and his priests, and the trumpets of alarm, to sound an alarm against you, - O sons of Israel! do not fight against Yahweh God of your fathers, for ye shall not prosper.

And Asa became diseased - in the thirty-ninth year of his reign - in his feet, exceedingly severe, was his disease, - yet, even in his disease, he sought not Yahweh, but unto physicians.

and ye shall say, Thus, saith the king, Put ye this one into the prison, - and feed him with the bread of oppression, and with the water of oppression, until I return in peace.

Now, the king of Syria, had commanded the captains of chariots which he had, saying, Ye shall not fight, with small or with great, - save with the king of Israel, alone.

So it came to pass, when the chariot-captains saw Jehoshaphat, that, they, said, The king of Israel, it is. And they compassed him about, to fight, - but Jehoshaphat made outcry, and, Yahweh, helped him, yea God allured them away from him.

It is not, for you, to fight in this matter, - take your station, stand still, and see the salvation of Yahweh with you, O Judah and Jerusalem, do not fear, nor be dismayed, to-morrow, go ye out to meet them, and, Yahweh, will be with you.

Moreover also, the ascending-sacrifices, were in abundance, with the fat portions of the peace-offerings, and with the drink-offerings to every ascending-sacrifice,-thus was established the service of the house of Yahweh.

with him, is an arm of flesh, but, with us, is Yahweh our God, to help us, and to fight our battles. And the people leaned upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.

So will I not again remove the foot of Israel away from the soil which I appointed for their fathers. Only they must observe to do all that I have commanded them, even all the law and the statutes and the regulations, by the hand of Moses.

And, afterwards, prepared they for themselves and for the priests, because, the priests, the sons of Aaron, had been engaged in offering up the ascending-sacrifice and the fat pieces, until night, - the Levites, therefore prepared for themselves, and for the priests, the sons of Aaron.

After all this - when Josiah had prepared the house, Neco king of Egypt came up,-to fight against Carchemish, by Euphrates, and Josiah went forth against him.

Howbeit Josiah turned not his face from him, for, to fight against him, he had disguised himself, and he hearkened not unto the words of Neco, from the mouth of God, - so he came to fight in the valley of Megiddo.

And they gave silver, unto the masons and carpenters, - and food and drink and oil, unto them of Zidon and unto them of Tyre, to bring in cedar-trees out of the Lebanon, unto the sea of Joppa, according to the grant of Cyrus king of Persia unto them.

and they conspired, all of them together, to come, to fight against Jerusalem, - and to cause it harm;

Then I looked and rose up, and said - unto the nobles and unto the deputies and unto the rest of the people, Do not ye fear because of them, - the great and fearful Lord, remember ye, so shall ye fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.

In what place soever ye shall hear the sound of the horn, thither, gather yourselves unto us, - our God, will fight for us.

So he said unto them - Go your way, eat the fat and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared, for holy is the day, unto our Lord, - and be not grieved, for, the joy of Yahweh, is your strength.

Yea, forty years, didst thou sustain them in the desert, they lacked nothing, - their mantles, waxed not old and, their feet, swelled not.

and they captured fortified cities and a fat soil, and took possession of houses full of every good thing, wells digged, vineyards and oliveyards and fruit-trees, in abundance, - so they did eat and were filled and became fat, and luxuriated in thy great goodness.

But, they, in their kingdom, and in thine abundant goodness which thou gavest them, and in the broad and fat land which thou didst set before them, did not serve thee, neither turned they from their wicked doings.

Then said Haman unto King Ahasuerus, There is a certain people, scattered abroad and dispersed among the peoples, throughout all the provinces of thy kingdom, - whose laws, are diverse from every people, and, the laws of the king, they observe not, for the king, therefore, it is not fit, to suffer them.

Yet again, spake Esther before the king, and fell down at his feet, - and wept and made supplication unto him, to cause the mischief of Haman the Agagite to pass away, even the plot which he had plotted against the Jews.

For, in the face of my food, my sighing, cometh in, and, poured out like the water, are my groans:

My soul hath refused to touch, Those things, are like disease in my food.

They have passed away with boats of paper-reed, like a vulture which rusheth upon food.

For ruin, there is contempt, in the thought of the man at ease, - ready, for such as are of faltering foot!

Doth not, the ear, try, words? even as, the palate, tasteth for itself, food?

And thou dost put - in the stocks - my feet, and observest all my paths, Against the roots of my feet, thou dost cut out a bound;

For he is thrust into a net by his own feet, and, upon a trap, he marcheth;

Round about, terrors have startled him, and have driven him to his feet.

His food, in his stomach, is changed, the gall of adders, within him!

Lo! as wild asses in the wilderness, they go forth with their work, eager seekers for prey, the waste plain, yieldeth them food for their young;

He hath sunken a shaft, away from the inhabitants; Places forsaken by the foot, they hang down, away from men, sway to and fro;

Eyes, became I to the, blind, and, feet to the lame, was, I!

Who used to pluck off the mallow by the bushes, with the root of the broom for their food;

On my right hand, the young brood rose up, - My feet, they thrust aside, and cast up against me their earthworks of destruction;

Verily I walked not in falsity, nor did my foot haste unto deceit: -

So that his life maketh loathsome his food, and his soul, dainty meat;

Yea he might even have allured thee - out of the mouth of straitness, into a wide space - no narrowness there, - and, the food set down on thy table, should have been full of fatness.

For, by those things, he executeth judgment on peoples, He giveth food in abundance:

Who prepareth for the Raven his nourishment, - when his young ones - unto GOD - cry out, when they wander for lack of food?

And hath forgotten, that, a foot, may crush them, - or, the wild beast, tread on them!

From thence, he searcheth out food, far away, his eyes do pierce;

Shouldst give him dominion over the works of thy hands, - All things, shouldst have put under his feet:

The nations, have sunk, in the pit they had made, In the net which they had hidden, is caught their own foot.

Are all the workers of iniquity, without knowledge? devouring my people as they devour food! Upon Yahweh, have they not called.

Their own fat heart , have they shut up, - With their mouth, have they spoken proudly.

Then he stretched out the heaven, and came down, - and, thick gloom, was under his feet;

I crushed them, and they were unable to rise, They fell under my feet.

For dogs have surrounded me, - An assembly of evil doers, have encircled me, They have pierced my hands and my feet,

My foot standeth in a level place, In the convocations, will I bless Yahweh.

And hast not shut me up in the hand of the foe, Thou hast given standing, in a roomy place, unto my feet.

Let not the foot of pride reach me, nor, the hand of the lawless, scare me away.

For I said, Lest they rejoice over me! When my feet were tottering, against me, have they magnified themselves:

He will subjugate, Peoples under us, and, Tribes of men beneath our feet.

Are the workers of iniquity, without knowledge? Devouring my people, as they devour food? Upon God, have they not called.

For thou hast rescued my soul from death, Wilt thou not rescue my feet from stumbling? That I may walk to and fro, before God, In the light of life.

The righteous man will rejoice when he hath seen an avenging, His feet, will he bathe in the blood of the lawless one: -

They, may prowl about for food, - And, if they are not satisfied, then let them whine!

He turned the sea into dry land, Through the stream, crossed they over on foot, There did we rejoice in him:

Who hath set our soul among the living, And hath not suffered, our foot, to slip.

That thou mayest bathe thy foot in blood, - The tongue of thy dogs, from the foes, hath its portion.

Thou, didst crush the heads of the Sea-Monster, Thou didst give him to be food, for the people of the deserts;

They put GOD to the proof in their heart, By asking food to their mind:

Lo! he hath smitten a rock, And waters, have gushed out, Yea, torrents, have rushed along, - Food also, can he give? Or provide flesh for his people?

The food of the mighty, each one did eat, Nourishment, sent he them to the full;

They had not turned away from what they had longed for, Yet was their food in their mouth,

Thou hast fed them with the food of tears, And hast caused them to drink the water of weeping in threefold abundance.

Then would he feed them from the marrow of the wheat, Yea, out of the rock - with honey, would I satisfy thee.

Righteousness, before him, shall march long, - That he may make, into a way, the steps of its feet.

On hands, will they bear thee up, Lest thou strike, against a stone, thy foot;