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And to the sons of Aaron the priests in the fields of the area of their cities, in every city and city, the men who were distinguished by names to give gifts to every male among the priests, and to all the enrolling among the Levites.

Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib had come and that he planned war on Jerusalem,

And they cried with a loud voice in the Jews language unto the people of Jerusalem that were on the wall, to affright them, and to trouble them; that they might take the city.

Verse ConceptsLanguages

And the rest of the matters of Manasseh, and his prayer unto his God, and the matters of the seers, those speaking unto him in the name of Jehovah, God of Israel, lo, they are on the book of the matters of the kings of Israel;

Verse ConceptsSeersaccomplishments

For in the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet young, he began to seek after the God of David his father: and in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, and the groves, and the carved images, and the molten images.

Verse ConceptsChildren, Good Examples OfPurgingYouthful Devotionteenager

And they brake down the altars of the Baalim in his presence; and the sun-images that were on high above them he hewed down; and the Asherim, and the graven images, and the molten images, he brake in pieces, and made dust of them, and strewed it upon the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them.

Now in the eighteenth year of his reign, when he had purged the land, and the house, he sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah, and Maaseiah the governor of the city, and Joah the son of Joahaz the recorder, to repair the house of the LORD his God.

Verse ConceptsPurification

And Josiah gave to the children of the people, of the flock, lambs and kids, all of them for the passover-offerings, unto all that were present, to the number of thirty thousand, and three thousand bullocks: these were of the king's substance.

Verse ConceptsThree Thousand And UpThirty Thousand And Up

And the singers, sons of Asaph, are on their station, according to the command of David, and Asaph, and Heman, and Jeduthun seer of the king, and the gate keepers are at gate and gate; it is not for them to turn aside from off their service, for their brethren the Levites have prepared for them.

Verse ConceptsGatekeepersMusicMusiciansSingersSeersSingingPorters

In the eighteenth year of the reign of Josiah was this passover kept.

However, Josiah would not turn away from him, but disguised himself in order to make war with him; nor did he listen to the words of Neco from the mouth of God, but came to make war on the plain of Megiddo.

Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,

Verse ConceptsHuman WillHeart, Human

Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,

Verse ConceptsHuman WillProclamationsImpulsesWords To Individuals FulfilledThe First Temple

And these were they that went up from Tel-melah, Tel-harsha, Cherub, Addan, and Immer; but they could not show their fathers houses, and their seed, whether they were of Israel:

Now in the second year of their coming unto the house of God at Jerusalem, in the second month, began Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and the remnant of their brethren the priests and the Levites, and all they that were come out of the captivity unto Jerusalem; and appointed the Levites, from twenty years old and upward, to set forward the work of the house of the LORD.

Verse ConceptsJudaismMaturity, PhysicalMiddle AgeTwentyAge Ranges Of Levites

And the rest of the nations whom the great and noble Asnapper brought over, and set in the cities of Samaria, and the rest that are on this side of the river, and at such a time.

Verse ConceptsExiled ForeignersBeyond The RiverBeyond The Euphrates

Then ceased the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem. So it ceased unto the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia.

Verse ConceptsHouse Of GodRebuilding The Templeconstruction

The copy of the letter that Tatnai, governor on this side the river, and Shethar-boznai, and his companions the Apharsachites, who were on this side the river, sent to Darius the king.

Verse ConceptsGovernorsCopies Of DocumentsBeyond The RiverNamed Gentile Rulers

But in the first year of Cyrus the king of Babylon the same king Cyrus made a decree to build this house of God.

Verse ConceptsProclamationsThe Second TempleThe King's OrdersThe First Templerebuilding

In the first year of Cyrus the king the same Cyrus the king made a decree concerning the house of God at Jerusalem, Let the house be builded, the place where they offered sacrifices, and let the foundations thereof be strongly laid; the height thereof threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof threescore cubits;

Verse ConceptsFoundationsBreadthProclamationsThe Second TempleDimensions Of BuildingsThe First Temple

And by me is made a decree concerning that which ye do with the elders of these Jews to build this house of God, that of the riches of the king, that are of the tribute beyond the river, speedily let the outlay be given to these men, that they cease not;

Verse ConceptsPersecution, Attitudes To

And this house was finished on the third day of the month Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king.

Verse ConceptsMonth 12

And there went up some of the children of Israel, and of the priests, and the Levites, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nethinims, unto Jerusalem, in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king.

Verse ConceptsServanthood, And Worship Of GodArtaxerxes The KingSingersTemple Assistants

And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, which was in the seventh year of the king.

all these have taken strange women, and there are of them women -- who adopt sons.

Verse ConceptsInterracial MarriageMarriage Between Man And Woman

The words of Nehemiah son of Hacaliah:

Now it happened in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year [of the Persian king], as I was in the capitol of Susa,

Verse ConceptsMonthMonth 9

But if ye turn unto me, and keep my commandments, and do them; though there were of you cast out unto the uttermost part of the heaven, yet will I gather them from thence, and will bring them unto the place that I have chosen to set my name there.

Verse ConceptsConversion, God's demands forelection, privileges ofReturning To GodRevival, CorporateGathering IsraelA Place For God's Name

And it came to pass in the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, that wine was before him: and I took up the wine, and gave it unto the king. Now I had not been beforetime sad in his presence.

Verse ConceptsCupbearerMonthButlersArtaxerxes The KingProviding Wine

Give ear, O our God, for we are looked down on: let their words of shame be turned back on themselves, and let them be given up to wasting in a land where they are prisoners:

Verse ConceptsHeadsInferiorityCrying To GodLet Evil ReboundPay Attention O God!

and now, as the flesh of our brethren is our flesh, as their sons are our sons, and lo, we are subduing our sons and our daughters for servants, and there are of our daughters subdued, and our hand hath no might, and our fields and our vineyards are to others.'

Verse ConceptsdaughtersBodyPower, HumanLike People By NatureNo Earthly Inheritance

Moreover from the time that I was appointed to be their governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year even unto the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes the king, that is, twelve years, I and my brethren have not eaten the bread of the governor.

Verse ConceptsGovernorsArtaxerxes The KingTen To Fourteen Years

I said to them, “Do not open the gates of Jerusalem until the sun is hot, and let the doors be shut and securely fastened while the guards are on duty. Station the citizens of Jerusalem as guards, some at their posts and some at their homes.”

Verse ConceptsGatesHeatWatchfulness, Of BelieversThe Act Of OpeningOpening The TempleHot Weather

And these were they that went up from Tel-melah, Tel-harsha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer; but they could not show their fathers houses, nor their seed, whether they were of Israel:

And Jeshua, and Bani, and Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodijah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Levites, giving the people understanding in the law, and the people, are on their station,

Verse ConceptsA Fourth Part

Thou art the LORD the God, who didst choose Abram, and broughtest him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees, and gavest him the name of Abraham;

Verse ConceptsPast, TheGod Renaming PeopleBringing People Out Of Other Places

Those whose seals were on the document were:

Nehemiah the governor, son of Hacaliah, and Zedekiah,

Verse ConceptsGovernorsSealing Things

And if the people of the land bring ware or any victuals on the sabbath day to sell, that we would not buy it of them on the sabbath, or on the holy day: and that we would leave the seventh year, and the exaction of every debt.

Verse Conceptsethics, personalBuying and sellingCreditRespect, For EnvironmentSabbatical YearSabbath, In OtTradeYearsDebtorsCancellation Of DeptCancelling DebtsSabbath ObservedDebt

Now in the days of Jehoiakim the priests and the heads of the {families} were: of Seraiah, Meraiah; of Jeremiah, Hananiah;

Verse ConceptsHeads Of Priestly HouseholdsTimes Of People

from Beth-gilgal, and from the area of Geba and Azmaveth, because the singers had built villages for themselves in the vicinity of Jerusalem.

But in all this time was not I at Jerusalem: for in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon came I unto the king, and after certain days obtained I leave of the king:

Verse ConceptsArtaxerxes The KingGone Away

Half of their children spoke the language of Ashdod or the language of one of the other peoples but could not speak Hebrew.

Verse ConceptsFractions, One HalfSpeech

In the third year of his reign, he made a feast unto all his princes and his servants; the power of Persia and Media, the nobles and princes of the provinces, being before him:

Verse ConceptsBanquets, Reasons

Where were white, green, and blue, hangings, fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and pillars of marble: the beds were of gold and silver, upon a pavement of red, and blue, and white, and black, marble.

Verse ConceptsBedsTapestriesCordsWhite ClothsPurple ClothPavementsStone Items

Beverages were served in an array of gold goblets, each with a different design. Royal wine flowed freely, according to the king’s bounty

Verse ConceptsPlenty Of Wine

So Esther was taken unto king Ahasuerus into his house royal in the tenth month, which is the month Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.

Verse ConceptsMonth 10

and thought it too little to lay hands only on Mordecai: for they had showed him the nation of Mordecai. Wherefore, he sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole empire of Ahasuerus and were of the nation of Mordecai.

Verse ConceptsVindictivenessJews Under ThreatKilling IsraelitesIdentity

In the first month, that is, the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar.

Verse ConceptsCasting LotsPurimMonth 12

Then the king came back from the garden into the room where they had been drinking; and Haman was stretched out on the seat where Esther was. Then the king said, Is he taking the queen by force before my eyes in my house? And while the words were on the king's lips, they put a cloth over Haman's face.

Verse ConceptsBedsPeople Tumbling

Observing him from a distance, at first they didn't even recognize him, so they raised their voices and burst into tears. They each ripped their robes, threw ashes into the air on their heads,

Verse ConceptsDust, Figurative UseRobesSprinklingTearing Of ClothesWeepingSeeing At A DistanceDust On The HeadNot Recognising PeopleThose Who Tore Clothes

If only darkness had taken that night away!
May it not appear among the days of the year
or be listed in the calendar.

Verse Conceptsdarkness, naturalGod Is UnchangeableOther Times

The eye of him who has seen me shall see me no more; Your eyes are on me, and I am gone.

Verse ConceptsIndividuals Passing Away

For ruin, there is contempt, in the thought of the man at ease, - ready, for such as are of faltering foot!

Verse ConceptsAffluencePeace, Human Search ForPeople Stumblingfate

But you put a false face on things; all your attempts to put things right are of no value.

Verse ConceptsdoctorsLying, Examples OfUseless PeopleFake FriendsValue

My face is red because of weeping, and deep shadows [are] on my eyelids,

Verse ConceptsShadowsWeepingThe Shadow Of DeathTearsRed Faces

He hath put my brethren far away from me, and such as were of mine acquaintance, are become strangers unto me.

Verse ConceptsFamily And Friends

"He will flee from an iron weapon, [but] an arrow of bronze will pierce him.

Verse ConceptsArrows, Described AsIronSteel

He draws it forth, and it comes out of his body. Yes, the glittering point comes out of his liver. Terrors are on him.

Verse ConceptsFear Will Come

“As for me, is my complaint to man or about him?
And why should I not be impatient and my spirit troubled?

Verse ConceptsComplaintsDanger From MenComplaining

Place thou gold upon the dust, and the precious ore of the torrents of Ophir.

Verse ConceptsBrooks

They are of those that rebel against the light; they know not the ways thereof, nor abide in the paths thereof.

Verse ConceptsBeing A LightCharacter Of WickedRebellion Against God, Shown InPaths Of The WickedPurgatory

High they were for a little, and they are not, And they have been brought low. As all others they are shut up, And as the head of an ear of corn cut off.

Verse ConceptsAbhorWorldly AmbitionHumbling The Proud

No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies.

Verse ConceptsCoralPearlsPrecious StonesTransparencyBenefits Of Wisdom

But, now, they who are of fewer days than I, have poured derision upon me; whose fathers I refused - to set with the dogs of my flock.

Verse ConceptsdogsMockeryOld Age, Attitudes ToRidicule, Objects OfDisrespect For Old AgeDerisionDisdainFun

If I did despise the cause of my manservant or of my maidservant, when they contended with me;

Verse ConceptsEmployersMasters Duties Towards ServantsSlavesWhat Sin?

Then He uncovereth the ear of men, And for their instruction sealeth:

Verse ConceptsThe Faculty Of Hearingmovement

He withdraws not his eyes from the righteous: but with kings they are on the throne; yea, he does establish them forever, and they are exalted.

Verse ConceptsRighteous, TheGod Seeing The RighteousPeople Of The Kingdom

And who has knowledge of how the clouds are stretched out, or of the thunders of his tent?

Verse ConceptsClouds, God's PresenceThunderUnderstanding

Canst thou got to know of GOD'S giving charge over them, or of the causing of the lightning of his cloud to shine forth?

Verse ConceptsThe RainbowGod Controls Storms

The sword may come near him but is not able to go through him; the spear, or the arrow, or the sharp-pointed iron.

As a straw, is a club accounted, and he laugheth at the whir of the javelin;

Verse ConceptsLaughter

To my words, give ear, O Yahweh, Understand thou my softly murmured prayer:

Verse ConceptsFlutesMusicPay Attention O God!

Their ways always seem prosperous. Your judgments are on high, far away from them. They scoff at all their enemies.

Verse ConceptsNosesPride, Results OfSelf Righteousness, Nature OfNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsThe Wicked Prosperrehabilitationprospering

He waits in ambush near the villages;
he kills the innocent in secret places.
His eyes are on the lookout for the helpless;

Verse ConceptsSecrecyWaitingWatchfulness, Of BelieversCharacter Of WickedHelplessnessLooking At People For EvilJudged As Murderersrehabilitation

You have seen it; for your eyes are on sorrow and grief, to take it into your hand: the poor man puts his faith in you; you have been the helper of the child who has no father.

Verse ConceptsOrphansPoverty, Attitudes TowardsSorrowSympathyUnhappinessAfflictions, Consolation DuringChoosing God's WayGod Helpsrehabilitation

For lo, the wicked tread a bow, They have prepared their arrow on the string, To shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.

Verse ConceptsBow And Arrows, Illustrations OfArrows, Figurative OfDarkness Of EvilArrowsResolving Conflict

[those] who say, "With our tongue we will prevail. Our lips [are] on our side. Who [is] master over us?"

Verse ConceptsThe Lips Of The WickedThe TongueOvercomingThe Power Of Words

They are of greater value than gold, than even a great amount of pure gold; they bring greater delight than honey, than even the sweetest honey from a honeycomb.

Verse ConceptsFoodTasteBible, Described AsHoneySweetnessThings Like GoldAlternatives To MoneyWorthValue

Let those who are on my side give cries of joy; let them ever say, The Lord be praised, for he has pleasure in the peace of his servant.

Verse ConceptsShouting For JoyProsperityGod VindicatesRejoicing Over JusticeMillionaire MentalityvindicationwellnessGod As A Source Of Delight

O let there be no end to your loving mercy to those who have knowledge of you, or of your righteousness to the upright in heart.

Verse ConceptsLovingkindnessenlightenmentKnowing God, Nature OfGod Does Right For PeopleLove And Relationshipsdevotion

The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as are of upright deportment.

Verse ConceptsPainStrength, HumanAttempting To KillAttacked By Evil

My wounds are of bad odour - they have festered, by reason of my folly:

Verse ConceptsFolly, Effects OfFoolish PeopleWoundsMental Illnesscorruption

My heart is flowing over with good things; my words are of that which I have made for a king; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

Verse ConceptsCarvings Of FlowersKingship, HumanMusicPensSkillSongsTongueWedding SongsInspirationJournalizing

Their inner thoughts are on their homes forever; their dwellings from generation to generation. They even name their lands after themselves.

Verse ConceptsPeople Naming ThingsInner Beauty

They were in great fear, where there was no cause for fear: for the bones of those who make war on you have been broken by God; you have put them to shame, because God has no desire for them.

Verse ConceptsBones BrokenGuilty FearBonesTerror Of GodBeing Overwhelmedoverwhelmed

To the Overseer with stringed instruments. -- An instruction, by David. Give ear, O God, to my prayer, And hide not from my supplication.

Verse ConceptsPsalms As PrayersMusicMusical Instruments, types ofGod HidingHear Prayer!Pay Attention O God!ventinginstrumentssupplication

Your vows are on me, God. I will give thank offerings to you.

Verse ConceptsVowsRight SacrificesWe Thank God

My soul is among lions; I am stretched out among those who are on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and whose tongue is a sharp sword.

Verse ConceptsArrows, Figurative OfBitingLionsSpeech, Power And Significance OfSuffering, Of Jesus ChristTeethSharpnessEnemies Surrounding

So that it does not listen to the voice of charmers,
Or of the skillful enchanter casting [cunning] spells.

Verse ConceptsSkillWisdom, Human NatureUnhearing

Look, they pour out [talk] with their mouth. Swords [are] on their lips, for [they say], "Who hears?"

Verse ConceptsInfidelity To GodUnhearing