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he will wind a winding tightly around you like ball, to a {wide land}. There you shall die, and there the chariots of your splendor [will be], disgrace to your master's house!

"Take a harp, go around [the] city, forgotten prostitute! Do [it] well, playing a stringed instrument! Make numerous songs, that you may be remembered."

So he poured [the] wrath [of] his anger upon him and [the] strength of war. And it set him afire all around, but he did not understand; and it burned him, but he did not take [it] to heart.

Lift your eyes up all around and see; all of them gather; they come to you. {As surely as I live}, {declares} Yahweh, surely you shall put on all of them like [an] ornament, and you shall bind them on like bride.

Lift up your eyes all around and see! All of them gather; they come to you. Your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be looked after on [the] hip.