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And he said to me, Son of man, see, I will take away from Jerusalem her necessary bread: they will take their bread by weight and with care, measuring out their drinking-water with fear and wonder:

Son of man, take your food with shaking fear, and your water with trouble and care;

And say to the people of the land, This is what the Lord has said about the people of Jerusalem and the land of Israel: They will take their food with care and their drink with wonder, so that all the wealth of their land may be taken from it because of the violent ways of the people living in it.

And one of her little ones came to growth under her care, and became a young lion, learning to go after beasts for his food; and he took men for his meat.

For this cause the Lord has said, Now I will let the fate of Jacob be changed, and I will have mercy on all the children of Israel, and will take care of the honour of my holy name.

And he said to me, This room, facing south, is for the priests who have the care of the house.

And the room facing north is for the priests who have the care of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok, who, from among the sons of Levi, come near to the Lord to do the work of his house.

And you have not taken care of my holy things; but you have put them as keepers to take care of my work in my holy place.

But I will make them responsible for the care of the house and all its work and everything which is done in it.

But as for the priests, the sons of Zadok, who took care of my holy place when the children of Israel were turned away from me, they are to come near me to do my work, they will take their places before me, offering to me the fat and the blood, says the Lord;

They are to come into my holy place and they are to come near to my table, to do my work and have the care of my house.

And the fixed measure of oil is to be a tenth of a bath from the cor, for ten baths make up the cor;