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And the sons of Benjamin - Bela and Becher, and Ashbel, Gera and Naaman, Ehi and Resh, - Muppim and Huppim, and Ard.

The rich, shall not give more, and the poor, shall not give less, than the half-shekel, - when they give the heave-offering of Yahweh, to put a propitiatory-covering over your souls.

But, if she, belonged to a husband, when her vows were taken upon her, - or a rash utterance fell from her lips, wherewith she put a bond upon her soul;

But if, on the day her husband heard, he forbade her, then shall he have made of none effect her vow that is upon her, or the rash utterance of her lips, wherewith she put a head upon her soul, - and, Yahweh, I will pardon her.

Yahweh will open unto thee his rich storehouse - the heavens, to give the rain of thy land in its season, and to bless ever, work of thy hand, so shalt thou lend unto many nations, but thou, shalt not borrow:

And he said - Blessed, be thou of Yahweh, my daughter, for thou hast made thy last lovingkindness better than the first, - in not following after young men, whether poor, or rich.

Wherefore, then, didst thou not hearken unto the voice of Yahweh, - but didst rush upon the spoil, and do that which was wrong in the sight of Yahweh?

So then Yahweh sent Nathan the prophet unto David, - who therefore came unto him and said to him - Two men, there were in a certain city, the one, rich, and, the other, poor.

The, rich, man had flocks and herds exceeding many;

Now there came a traveller to the rich man, but he thought it a pity to take of his own flock, or his own herd, to make ready for the wayfarer who had come to him, - so he took the lamb of his poor neighbour, and made ready for the man who had come to him.

Can the paper-reed grow up, without a marsh? Or the rush grow up, without water?

He shall not be rich, nor shall his substance continue, neither shall their shadow stretch along on the earth;

The rich man, shall lie down, and not do it again, his eyes, hath he opened, and then is not.

For he hath shewn no respect of persons unto princes, neither hath he recognised the rich rather than the poor? For, the work of his hands, are they all.

Wilt thou put a rush-cord on his nose? or, with a thorn, wilt thou pierce his jaw?

Also, the daughter of Tyre, cometh in with a present! Thy face, shall the rich of the people appease.

Both sons of the low, And sons of the high, - Together both rich and needy: -

Because he Rescueth, The needy from the rich, The oppressed, who hath no helper;

[RESH] Behold mine affliction, and rescue me, For, thy law, have I not forgotten.

There is who feigneth himself rich, yet hath nothing at all, who pleadeth poverty, yet hath great substance.

Be not rash with thy mouth, and, with thy heart, be not in haste to bring forth a word, before God, - for, God, is in the heavens, and, thou, upon the earth, for this cause, let thy words be few.

Sweet the sleep of the labourer, whether, little or much, he eat, - but, the surfeit of the rich man, will not suffer him to sleep.

Do not be rash in thy spirit, to be indignant, - for, indignation, in the bosom of dullards, doth remain.

Folly placed in great dignity, - while, the rich, in a low place, took their seat:

Even in thy thought, do not revile, the king, nor, within thy bed-chambers, revile thou the rich, - for, a bird of the heavens, might carry the voice, yea, an owner of wings, might tell the matter.

Therefore hath Yahweh cut off from Israel - Head and tail Palm-top and rush, In one day.

Alas! the booming of many peoples, Like the booming of the seas, shall they boom, - And the rushing of nations! Like the rushing of mighty waters, shall they rush.

Though nations like the rushing of many waters, shall rush, Yet shall one rebuke him, And he shall flee far away, - And be chased As the chaff of the mountains before a wind, And as whirling stubble before a storm!

And rivers, shall stink, The canals of Egypt be shallow and waste, Reed and rush, he withered;

And Egypt shall have nothing which can be don Which head or tail palm-top or rush, can do!

The oracle on the desert of the sea: As storm-winds in the South which with a rush from the desert, do come from a terrible land,

Like this, shall the fast be that I choose, A day for the son of earth to humble his soul? Is it to bow down as a rush his head, And sackcloth and ashes, to spread out? Is it, this, thou wilt call a fast, Or a day of acceptance with Yahweh?

As, a cage, is full of birds, So, are, their houses, full of unrighteous gain, - For this cause, have they become great and waxen rich:

Thus, saith Yahweh Let not, the wise man, glory in his wisdom, Neither let, the mighty man, glory, in his might, - Let not, the rich man, glory in his riches;

So of man Set thy face against Gog, of the land of the Magog, Princes of Rash Meshech and Tubal,- And prophesy concerning him,

and thou shalt say, Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, - Behold me! against thee O Gog, Prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal;

Thou therefore son of man. Prophesy against Gog, and thou shalt say, Thus saith My Lord Yahweh: Behold me! against thee O Gog Prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.

Unexpectedly, even into the rich places of the province, will he enter, and will do what neither his fathers nor his father's fathers had done, prey and spoil and substance - among them, will he scatter, - and, against strongholds, will he devise plots even until a (convenient) time.

And, in the time of the end, will the king of the south, push at him, and the king of the north, will rush against him, with chariots and with horsemen, and with many ships, - and he will enter the lands, and overwhelm and pass over;

For, her rich men, are full of violence, and, her inhabitants, have spoken falsehood, - and, their tongue, is deceitful in their mouth.

In the streets, madly go the chariots, they rush along in the broadways, - their appearance, is like torches, as lightnings, hither and thither do they run.

Plunder silver, plunder gold, - and there is no end to the costly furnishing, rich with every article of delight.

On which account, he is glad and exulteth: on which account, he sacrificeth to his Net, and burneth incense to his Drag; because, thereby, rich, is his portion, and his food - fatness!

A day of indignation, - that day! day of danger and distress, day of rush, and of crash, day of obscurity, and deep gloom, day of cloud, and thick darkness;

Whose, buyers, slay them, and are not held guilty, and whose, sellers, say - Blessed be Yahweh, that I am become rich, And so, their own shepherds, have no pity upon them.