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Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither; And as for him that is void of understanding, she saith to him,

The Lord will not let the upright be in need of food, but he puts far from him the desire of the evil-doers.

In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.

It is better to be lowly and a servant {to someone} than self-glorifying and lacking food.

From the fruit of his mouth will a man have good food in full measure, and the work of a man's hands will be rewarded.

The upright man has food to the full measure of his desire, but there will be no food for the stomach of evil-doers.

There is bitter punishment for him who is turned from the way; and death will be the fate of the hater of teaching.

The heart of him who understands will seek knowledge, but the faces of fools, they will feed on folly.

Folly is joy to him that is void of wisdom; But a man of understanding maketh straight his going.

The desire of the working man is working for him, for his need of food is driving him on.

A man void of understanding striketh hands, and becometh surety in the presence of his friend.

A gossip’s words are like choice food
that goes down to one’s innermost being.

He who keeps the law keeps his soul; but death will be the fate of him who takes no note of the word.

Food gained by deceit is sweet to a man,
But afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel [just as sin may be sweet at first, but later its consequences bring despair].

For sweet shall they be, when thou shalt keep them in thine inmost mind, they shall fit well together, upon thy lips.

For as the thoughts of his heart are, so is he: Take food and drink, he says to you; but his heart is not with you.

The food which you have taken will come up again, and your pleasing words will be wasted.

Yes, she is waiting secretly like a beast for its food, and deceit by her is increased among men.

realize that wisdom is the same for you.
If you find it, you will have a future,
and your hope will never fade.

Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house.

Do not go forth quickly to fight, lest you know not what to do in the end of it, when your neighbor has put you to shame.

Apples of gold in imagery of silver, Is the word spoken at its fit times.

Like a dog going back to the food which he has not been able to keep down, is the foolish man doing his foolish acts over again.

He who gets mixed up in a fight which is not his business, is like one who takes a dog by the ears while it is going by.

Like breath on coals and wood on fire, so a man given to argument gets a fight started.

A gossip’s words are like choice food
that goes down to one’s innermost being.

Whoever digs a pit [for another man’s feet] will fall into it,
And he who rolls a stone [up a hill to do mischief], it will come back on him.

The full man has no use for honey, but to the man in need of food every bitter thing is sweet.

And thou shalt have goats' milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens.

The prince void of intelligence is also a great oppressor: he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days.

A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet.

This is the way of a false wife; she takes food, and, cleaning her mouth, says, I have done no wrong.

A cock ready to fight; A ram; and a king that goeth forth with his people.

{The wise man can see where he is walking}, but the fool walks in darkness. Yet I also realized that both of them suffer the same fate.

So I said {to myself}, "{If I also suffer the same fate as the fool}, {what advantage is my great wisdom}?" So I said {to myself}, "This also [is] vanity!"

God has made everything fit beautifully in its appropriate time, but he has also placed ignorance in the human heart so that people cannot discover what God has ordained, from the beginning to the end of their lives.

For the fate of {humans} and the fate of the beast is {the same}. The death of the one is like the death of the other, for {both are mortal}. Man has no advantage over the beast, for both are fleeting.

The foolish man, folding his hands, takes the flesh of his body for food.

As for the people that have been before him, and that come after him, they are innumerable: yet is not their joy the greater through him. This is also a vain thing and a vexation of mind. (v17) When thou comest into the house of God, keep thy foot and draw nigh, that thou mayest hear: that is better than the offerings of fools, for they know not what evil they do

Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.

The sleep of a working man is sweet, if he has little food or much; but to him who is full, sleep will not come.

Even if a man lives a thousand years twice, if he does not enjoy {prosperity}, {both suffer the same fate}!

Whatever has happened was foreordained, and what happens to a person was also foreknown. It is useless for him to argue with God about his fate because God is more powerful than he is.

The same fate [comes] to everyone: to the righteous and to the wicked, to the good and to the wicked, to the clean and to the unclean, to those who sacrifice and to those who do not sacrifice. As [with] the good [man], so also to the sinner; [as with] those who swear an oath, so [also] those who fear oaths.

This evil is in all that is done under the sun, that one fate comes to all. Also, the hearts of the sons of men are full of evil, and madness is in their hearts while they live, and afterwards they go to the dead.

I looked again and saw under the sun that the race [does] not [belong] to the swift, the battle [does] not [belong] to the mighty, food [does] not [belong] to the wise, wealth [does] not [belong] to the intelligent, and success [does] not [belong] to the skillful, for time and chance befalls all of them.

I have seen slaves on horseback and princes walking on foot like slaves.

Happy is the land whose ruler is of noble birth, and whose chiefs take food at the right time, for strength and not for feasting.

in the day when the keepers of the house (hands, arms) tremble, and the strong men (feet, knees) bow themselves, and the grinders (molar teeth) cease because they are few, and those (eyes) who look through the windows grow dim;

Say, O love of my soul, where you give food to your flock, and where you make them take their rest in the heat of the day; why have I to be as one wandering by the flocks of your friends?

If thou know not, O thou fairest among women, go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock, and feed thy kids beside the shepherds' tents.

Feed me with raisin cakes, comfort me with apples, for I am sick with love.

My loved one is mine, and I am his: he takes his food among the flowers.

I have put off my coat; how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them?