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Why dost thou boast thyself of wickedness, O mighty man? The lovingkindness of GOD, lasteth all the day.

Rebuke thou, The wild beast of the reeds, The herd of mighty oxen among the calves of the peoples - Each one bowing down with bars of silver, - Scatter thou the peoples, who in wars take delight.

Do not deliver up, to a wild beast, the life of thy turtle-dove, The living host of thine oppressed ones, do not forget perpetually.

I have said to the boasters, Do not boast, And to the lawless, Do not lift up a horn;

The boar out of the forest, browseth upon it, And, the wild beast of the field, pastureth thereon.

Established hath been thy throne from of old, From age-past times, thou art.

They pour forth words , they speak arrogantly, All the workers of iniquity, do boast:

Let all who serve an image, be ashamed, They who boast themselves in things of nought, Bow down unto him, all ye gods.

They give drink, to every wild beast of the field, The wild asses do break their thirst.

Thou causest darkness, and it becometh night, Therein, creepeth forth, Every wild beast of the forest;

Make your boast in his holy Name, Joyful be the heart of them who are seeking Yahweh.

I have remembered thy regulations, which have come down from age-past times, O Yahweh, and have consoled myself.

Thou wild-beast, and all ye cattle, crawling creature, and bird of wing;

She will give for thy head, a wreath of beauty, A crown of adorning, will she bestow upon thee.

For, as regardeth the destiny of the sons of men and the destiny of beasts, one fate, have they, as dieth the one, so, dieth the other, and, one spirit, have they all, - and, the pre-eminence of man over beast, is nothing, for, all, were vanity:

Who knoweth the spirit of the sons of men, whether it, ascendeth, above, - or the spirit of the beast, whether it, descendeth, below, to the earth?

And, thereupon, I considered the lawless when buried, when they had entered, their graves , that, from the place of the Holy One, they used to go and boast in the city that they had so done, - even this, was vanity.

Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? Or, the saw, magnify itself, against him that wieldeth it? As if a rod, could wield, them who lift it up! As if a staff, could raise, what is, not wood!

This, is the word which Yahweh spake concerning Moab in, time past;

They shall be left together. To the ravenous birds, of the mountains, And to the beast of the earth, - Then shall the ravenous bird, summer upon them, And, every beast of the earth, upon them, shall winter.

Thus shall they be confounded and turn pale, - For Ethiopia, their expectation, and For Egypt their boast;

Then cried he. A lion! On the watch, O My Lord, had I been standing continually, by day, And at my post, had I been stationed whole nights; -

So shall be wiped out your covenant with death, And your vision with hades, not stand, - When the overflowing scourge, sweepeth past, then shall ye be thereby beaten down:

As often as it sweepeth past, it shall take you away, For morning by morning, shall it pass along. By day and by night, - And it shall be nothing less than a terror to make out the message;

There shall be, there, no lion, Nor shall ravenous beast, go up thereon, It shall not be found, there, - Thus, shall travel the redeemed;

Thou shalt fan them and, a wind, shall carry them away, And, a whirlwind, scatter, them, - But, thou, shalt exult in Yahweh, And, in the Holy One of Israel, shalt thou boast thyself.

I have held my peace from age-past times, I kept still, I restrained myself, - As a travailing woman, I pant, I breathe hard and gasp, all at once!

The wild beast of the field shall honour me, Jackals, and ostriches, Because I have given - In the desert, waters, Rivers in, desolate land, To give drink unto my people, my chosen:

They have not taken note, neither can they perceive, - He hath besmeared - past seeing - their eyes, Past understanding, their hearts;

Tell ye - and bring near, Yea let them take counsel, together, - Who let this be known aforetime. In time past, declared it? Was it not, I - Yahweh? And there is none else that is God besides me, A GOD, righteous and ready to save, There is none, besides me!

In Yahweh, shall be justified and shall boast themselves - All the seed of Israel.

Bel, hath crouched, Nebo, is cowering, Their images, are delivered up to beast and to cattle, - The things ye carried about, are become a load, A burden, to the weary!

Remember ye the things named in advance from age-past times, - For, I, am, The Mighty One, and there is none else, The Adorable and there is none like me!

therefore told I thee - in time past, Ere yet it came, I let thee hear, - Lest thou shouldest say Mine idol wrought them, Yea, my carved image and my molten image, commanded them!

Now, are they created, and not in time past, And, before to-day, thou hadst not heard of them, - Lest thou shouldest say, Lo! I knew them!

Nay! thou hadst not heard, Nay! thou hadst not known, Nay! in time past, thine ear, was not opened, - For I knew that thou, wouldst be treacherous, Yea a transgressor from birth, hast thou been called.

And behind the door arid the post, hast thou set thy symbol, For, with another than me, hast thou uncovered thyself and gone up - Hast widened thy couch, And hast solemnised for thyself a covenant from them, Thou hast loved their couch a sign, hast thou seen;

Whom then hadst thou been anxious about and feared that thou shouldest speak falsely, When me, thou rememberedst not, caredst not for me? Did not, I, keep silence even from age-past times, Although me, thou wouldest not fear?

And they who come of thee shall build the wastes of age-past times, And as for the foundations of generation after generation, thou shall rear them up, - So shalt thou be called - A Repairer of broken walls, A Restorer of paths leading home.

But, ye, the priests of Yahweh, shall be called, The attendants of our God, shall ye be named, - The riches of the nations, shall ye eat, And in their glory, shall ye boast yourselves.

In all their affliction, he, was afflicted And the messenger of his presence saved them, In his love and in his pity, he, redeemed them, - And then lifted them up and carried them all the days of the age-past time.

Then were recalled the days of the age-past time Moses - his people: - Where is he that led them up out of the sea with the shepherds of his flock? Where is he that put within him his Holy Spirit?

As a beast, into the valley, goeth down, The Spirit of Yahweh, causeth him to rest, So, didst thou lead thy people, To make thyself a majestic name!

For, thou, art our father, Though, Abraham, knew us not, And Israel could not acknowledge us, - Thou, O Yahweh, art our father, Our Redeemer from the Age-past time, is thy name.

Wherefore shouldst thou suffer us to wander O Yahweh, from thy ways? Wherefore shouldst thou let us harden our heart past revering thee? Return thou for the sake of Thy servants, The tribes thou thyself hast inherited.

We have become like those Over whom from age-past times, thou hast not ruled, Who have never been called by thy name!

Although from age-past times It was never heard, It was not perceived by the ear, - Neither did, the eye, ever see - That, a god besides thee, could work for the man who waited for him,

For, in age-past time, I brake thy yoke, I tare off thy fetters, And thou saidst, I will not transgress, - Nevertheless, on every high hill, and under every green tree, wast thou lying down as an unchaste woman.

Behold me! bringing upon you a nation from afar, O house of Israel, Declareth Yahweh, - A nation invincible, it is, A nation from age-past times, hath it been, A nation whose tongue thou shalt not know, Neither shalt thou understand what it speaketh:

Thus saith Yahweh - Stand ye at the ways - and see, And ask for the paths of age-past times, Where is the good way? And walk therein, And ye shall find rest to your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein !

Wherefore, Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh - Lo! mine anger and mine indignation, are about to be poured out upon this place, On man and on beast, and On the tree of the field and On the fruit of the ground, - And it shall burn and shall not be quenched.

And the dead bodies of this people shall become food, For the bird of the heavens, and For the beast of the earth, - And there shall be none to drive them away.

Over the mountains, will I take up a weeping and wailing, And over the oases of the desert, a dirge, For they have been burned, so that no man passeth through, Neither have men heard the lowing of cattle, - Both the bird of the heavens and the beast have fled, have gone their way:

How long, shall the land mourn, And, the herbage of the whole field, wither? For the wickedness of them that dwell therein, beast and bird, have perished, For say they, He will not see our latter end!

And I will set in charge over them - four species Declareth Yahweh, The sword to slay, and The dogs to trail along, - and The bird of the heavens and The beast of the earth to devour and to destroy.

Of deaths from diseases, shall they die, They shall not be lamented, Neither shall they be buried, As heaps of dung on the face of the ground, shall riley serve, - Yea by sword and by famine, shall they be consumed, And, their dead bodies shall become, food - To the bird of the heavens, and To the beast of the earth.

Yet my people have forgotten me, Unto vanity, have they been burning incense; And it hath caused them to stumble In their ways The roads of age-past times, To walk in by-paths - A way not cast up.

And I will give their dead bodies for food, to the bird of the heavens and to the beast of the earth; And I will make this city a desolation and a hissing, - every one that passeth by it, shall be astonished and hiss over all her wounds;

and I will smite the inhabitants of this city, both man and beast, - of a great pestilence, shall they die.

I, made The earth - The man and the beast that are on the face of the earth - By my great power, And by mine outstretched arm, - And gave it to whomsoever was right in mine own eyes.

Now, therefore, I, have given all these lands, into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon my servant, - Moreover also, the wild beast of the field, have I given him, to serve him.

The prophets who were before me and before thee, from age-past times when they prophesied against many lands and concerning great kingdoms, of war and of calamity and of pestilence,

For, Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts God of Israel, - A yoke of iron, have I put upon the neck of all these nations to serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and they shall serve him, Moreover also the wild beast of the field, have I given to him.

Therefore shall fields be bought in this land, - whereof ye are saying, It is, a desolation, Without man or beast, It hath been given into the hand of the Chaldeans:

Thus, saith Yahweh - Again, shall be heard in this place, as to which ye are saying, Deserted, it is without man or beast, In the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, Which are desolate without man or inhabitant or beast

Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, Again, shall there be in this place - Which is deserted without man or even beast - And all the cities thereof, - The home of shepherds, causing flocks to lie down.

But unto Jehoiakim king of Judah, shalt thou say, Thus, saith Yahweh, - Thou, hast burned this roll saying, Why hast thou written thereon - saying, The king of Babylon shall, certainly, come and lay waste this land, and cause to cease therefrom man and beast?

For there hath come up against her - a nation out of the North The same, shall make her land an astonishment, And there shall be none to dwell therein, - Both man and beast, have removed - have gone.

For, Yahweh, is spoiling Babylon, And will destroy out of her the loud voice, - Though their waves have roared like many waters, Been uttered the loud boast of their voice.

and thou shalt say - O Yahweh! thou, thyself, hast spoken against this place to cut it off, That there be in it no inhabitant Neither man nor beast, - But desolations age-abiding, shall it become!

In dark places, hath he made me sit, like the dead of age-past times.

So will I send upon you famine and mischievous beast and they shall bereave thee, - and pestilence and blood, shall pass through thee, - and a sword, will I bring in upon thee, Yahweh have spoken.

So I went in. and looked, and lo! every similitude of creeping thing, and detestable beast, and all the manufactured gods of the house of Israel,- pourtrayed upon the wall round about on every side;

Son of man, When a land, shall sin against me by committing treachery, and I shall stretch out my hand against it, And break for it the staff of bread, And send thereon famine, And cut off therefrom man and beast,

If a mischievous wild beast, I suffer to pass through the land, and that beast bereave it, so that it become too desolate for any man to pass through, by reason of the wild beast,

Or, a sword, I should bring upon that land, and should say. O sword! thou shalt go through the land, and so I should cut off therefrom, man and beast,

Or pestilence, I, should send into that land, - and should pour out mine indignation thereon in blood, to cut off therefrom man and beast

For thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, How much less should they avail when my four calamitous judgments, sword and famine and mischievous wild beast and pestilence I have sent against Jerusalem, - to cut off therefrom man and beast?

An overthrow, overthrow, overthrow, will I make it, - Even this hath not befallen unto the coming of One to whom belongeth the right Then will I bestow it.

Therefore Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, I will therefore stretch forth my hand over Edom, and will cut off therefrom man and beast, And will deliver it up as a desolation, from Teman, And they of Dedan, by the sword, shall fall,

Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Because of what the Philistines have done by way of vengeance,- In that they have taken vengeance with contempt in the soul, to destroy, with the enmity of age-past times.

Then will I bring thee down with them that go down into the pit. Unto the people of age-past times And cause thee to dwell in the earth below Among the desolations from age-past times With them that go down into the pit That thou mayest not be dwelt in, Nor yet present thyself in the land of the living.

And I will stretch thee out towards the desert thee and all the fish of thy rivers, Off the face of the field, shalt thou lie Thou shalt not be carried away. nor shalt thou be gathered, To the wild beast of the earth and to the bird of the heavens, have I given thee for food.

Therefore, Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Behold me! bringing upon thee a sword,- And I will cut off out of thee, man and beast;

The foot of man shall not pass through it, Nor shall the foot of beast, pass through it, Neither shall it be inhabited forty years:

At the sound of his fall, I made nations tremble, When I caused him to descend into hades, with them who descend into the pit, - Then were grieved in the earth below-All the trees of Eden, The choicest and best of Lebanon All who had drunk the waters.

And I will cause to perish all her beasts, from beside the many waters, - And the foot of man shall not trouble them any more, Nor shall hoof of beast, trouble them.

Therefore shall they not lie with the mighty men The fallen ones from age-past times, Who descended into hades with their weapons of war And their swords were placed under their heads. But their iniquities have come upon their bones Because of the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

Thus shalt thou say unto them, Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, As I live, surely, they who are in the waste places by the sword, shall fall, And him who is on the face of the field to the wild beast, have I given to be devoured,- And they who are in the mountain holds and in the pits :by pestilence, shall die;

And they were scattered, because there was no shepherd; And they became food for every wild beast of the field. So were they scattered.