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also, The Watch Tower, as to which it is said, Yahweh watch betwixt me and thee, when we are parted one from another.

And Laban said to Jacob - Behold this heap, and behold this pillar, which I have set betwixt me, and thee:

And Jacob said, when he saw them, the camp of God, is this! So he called the name of that place, Mahanaim.

And he said. Should Esau come upon the one camp, and smite it, yet shall the camp that is left escape.

And Jacob said, God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, - Yahweh, who wast saying unto me, - Return to thy land and to thy kindred that I may deal well with thee:

But, thou thyself, saidst, - I wilt deal well with thee. So will I make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which is not to be counted, for multitude.

And he gave them into the hand of his Servants, each drove by itself, and said unto his servants - Pass over before me, and, a breathing-space, shall ye put betwixt drove and drove.

Then shall ye say, Also, lo! thy servant Jacob is behind us. For he said: I must pacify him with the present that goeth on before me. And, after that, will I see his face: Peradventure he will accept me.

Then said he - Let me go, for uprisen hath the dawn. And he said: I will not let thee go, except thou have blessed me

Then he said unto him - What is thy name? And he said - Jacob.

Then he said - Not Jacob, shall thy name be called any more, but Israel, - For thou hast contended with God and with men and hast prevailed.

Then asked Jacob and said, Do, I pray thee, tell me thy name! And he said - Wherefore now, shouldest thou ask for my name? And he blessed him there,

Then lifted he up his eyes, and beheld the women and the children, and said What are these to thee? And he said - The children wherewith God hath favoured thy servant,

Then said he, What to thee is all this camp, which I have fallen in with? And he said, - To find favour in the eyes of my lord.

Then said Esau, I have an abundance, - my brother, be thine what thou hast!

Then said Jacob, Nay, I pray thee, if, I pray thee, have found favour in thine eyes, then thou wilt take my present at my hand, - For on this account, hath my seeing thy face been like seeing the face of God in that thou wast well-pleased with me.

Then he said, Let us break up and go, and let me go on before thee.

And he said unto him, My lord, is taking note, that, the children are tender, - and the flocks and the herds are giving suck with me, - and, should I overdrive them a single day, then would all the flocks die.

Then said Esau: Let me leave, I pray thee, along with thee, some of the people who are with me! And he said - Why so? let me find favour in the eyes of my lord!

And he set up there an altar, - and called it, El-elohe-Israel.

Then said Shechem unto her father and unto her brethren, Let me find favour in your eyes, - and, whatsoever ye may say unto me, will I give:

and said unto them - We cannot do this thing, to give our sister to a man that is uncircumcised, - for a reproach, it would be to us.

Then said Jacob unto Simeon and unto Levi - Ye have troubled me by making me odious among them that dwell in the land, among the Canaanites, and among the Perizzites, - I, having only men that may be counted, they will gather themselves, together against me and smite me, - and I shall be destroyed both I and my house.

And they said, - As with a harlot, was he to deal with our sister.

Then said God unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there, - and make there an altar, to the GOD who appeared unto thee, when thou fleddest from the face of Esau thy brother.

And Jacob said unto his house, and unto all who were with him, - Put away the gods of the alien which are in your midst, and purify yourselves, and change your garments;

And God said to him, Thy name, is Jacob, - Thy name shall no longer he called Jacob But, Israel, shall be thy name. So he called his name, Israel.

And God said to him - I, am GOD Almighty! Be fruitful and multiply, A nation, and a multitude of nations shall spring from thee, - And, kings, from thy loins, shall come forth;

And, the land which I gave to Abraham and to Isaac, To thee, will I give it, - And to thy seed after thee, will I give the land.

And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he had spoken with him, a pillar of stone, - and he poured out thereon a drink-offering, and poured thereon oil.

So it came to pass when she was in hard-labour in her child-birth, that the midwife said to her - Do not fear, for this also of thine, is, a son.

And Jacob set up a pillar, over her grave, - the same, is - The Pillar of the Grave of Rachel until this day.

And he said unto them, Hear ye I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed:

And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou, reign, over us, shalt thou, have dominion over us? So they went on yet more to hate him, because of his dreams and because of his words.

Then dreamed he, yet another, dream, and related it to his brethren, and said: - Lo! I have dreamed a dream, yet again, Lo! then, the sun and the moon, and eleven stars, were bowing themselves down to me.

So he related it unto his father, and unto his brethren, - and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream which thou hast dreamed? Shall we, indeed come in, I, and thy mother and thy brethren, to bow our-selves down to thee to the earth?

So Israel said unto Joseph Are not, thy brethren, feeding the flock in Shechem? Come on! and let me send thee unto them. And he said to him Behold me!

So he said to him - Go, I pray thee, look after the welfare of thy brethren, and the welfare of the flock, and bring me back word. And he sent him from the vale of Hebron, and he came in towards Shechem.

And he said, My brethren, am, I, seeking, - do tell me, I pray thee, where they are feeding their flock.

And the man said, They have broken up from hence, for I heard them saying Let us go our way towards Dothan. So Joseph went after his brethren, and found them, in Dothan.

And they said each man unto his brother, Lo! that master of dreams yonder, coming in!

And Reuben heard it, and rescued him out of their hand, and said Let us not smite him, so as to take his life!

And Reuben said unto them Do not shed blood! Cast him into this pit, which is in the wilderness, but put not forth, a hand, against him! that he might rescue him out of their hand, to restore him unto his father.

And when they had sat down to eat bread, they lifted up their eyes and looked, and lo! a caravan of Ishmaelites, coming in from Gilead, - and, their camels, were bearing tragacanth gum, and balsam and cistus-gum, they were going their way, to take them down to Egypt.

So Judah said unto his brethren, - What profit that we slay our brother, and conceal his blood?

and returned unto his brethren, and said, - The, lad, is not! And, I, oh where can I, go?

and sent the long tunic and brought it in unto their father, and said This, have we found! Examine, we pray thee, whether it is the tunic of thy son, or not!

So he examined it, and said - The tunic of my son! A cruel beast hath devoured him, - torn in pieces - torn in pieces, is Joseph!

And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to console him but he refused to be consoled, and said - Surely I will go down unto my son mourning to hades! And his father wept for him.

Then said Judah to Onan, Go in unto thy brothers wife, and fulfil the duty of a brother-in-law unto her, - and raise up seed, to thy brother.

And Onan knew that the seed would not be his, - and so although he did go in unto his brothers wife, yet made he waste upon the ground, so as not to give seed to his brother.

Then said Judah to Tamar his daughter-in-law - Remain a widow in the house of thy father until Shelah my son grow up. For he said, Lest, he also, die, like his brethren. So Tamar went her way, and remained in the house of her father.

So she put off from her the garments of her widowhood and covered herself with a veil and wrapped herself up, and sat down in the entrance of, Enaim, which is by the way towards Timnah, - for she saw that Shelah had grown up, and she, had not been given him to wife.

So he turned aside unto her. by the way, and said Grant it! I pray thee, let me come in unto thee! For he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law. And she said, What wilt thou give me, if thou shouldst come in unto me?

And he said, I, will send a kid of the goats from the flock. And she said, Wilt thou give a pledge until thou send it?

And he said - What is the pledge that I shall give thee? And She said - Thy signet-ring, and thy guard, and thy staff that is in thy hand. So he gave them to her and came in unto her and she conceived by him.

So he asked the men of her place saying. Where is the devotee, she that was in Enaim, by the way? And they said, - Then hath been here no devotee.

Then returned he unto Judah, and said - I found her not, - moreover also, the men of the place said, There hath been here no devotee..

And Judah said: Thou must take it to her, lest we become a contempt, - lo! I sent this kid, and, thou, hast not found her.

And it came to pass that about three months after, it was told Judah, saying - Tamar thy daughter-in-law hath been guilty of unchastity, moreover also lo! she hath conceived by unchastity. Then said Judah, Bring her forth and let her be burnt.

When, she, was about to be brought forth, then, she herself, sent unto her father-in-law saying, By the man to whom these belong, have I, conceived! And she said - Examine, I pray thee, to whom belong the signet-ring, and the guard, and the staff - these!

So Judah examined them and said - More righteous than I! forasmuch, as I had not given her to Shelah my son. And he knew her again no more.

And so it was that, no sooner had he withdrawn his hand, than lo! his brother had come. And she said, Wherefore hast thou made for thyself a breach? So his name was called Perez.

And it came to pass after these things, that his lord's wife lifted up her eyes unto Joseph, - and she said - Come! lie with me.

And he refused and said unto his lord's wife, Lo! my lord, taketh no note with me as to what is in the house, - but, all that pertaineth to him, hath he delivered into my hand:

And Joseph came in unto them in the morning, - and looked at them, and lo! they were sad.

And they said unto him, A dream, have we dreamed, but there is none, to interpret, it. Then said Joseph unto them - Is it not unto God, that interpretations belong? Relate it. I pray you, to me.

And the chief of the butlers related his dream to Joseph, - and said to him, In my dream, then lo! a vine, before me;

Now, the cup of Pharaoh, being in my hand, I took the ripe grapes and pressed them out into the cup of Pharaoh, and set the cup upon Pharaohs palm.

And Joseph said to him, This, is the interpretation thereof, - The three shoots are three days:

In three days more, will Pharaoh lift up thy head, and restore thee to thine office, and thou shalt set the cup of Pharaoh in his hand, according to the former custom when thou wast his butler.

Then the chief of the bakers, seeing that he had well interpreted, said unto Joseph, I, too, was in my dream, when lo! three wicker baskets of fine bread were on my head;

And Joseph responded and said, This, is the interpretation thereof, The three baskets, are, three days:

and restored the chief of the butlers to his butlership, so that he set the cup upon the palm of Pharaoh;

And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, A dream, have I dreamed, but none can interpreted it, - but, I, have heard say concerning thee, that on hearing a dream, thou canst interpret it.

Then said Joseph unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh, is, one. What God is about to do hath he announced to Pharaoh.

Now, therefore, let Pharaoh look out a man discreet and wise, - and set him over the land of Egypt.

and Pharaoh said unto his servants, - Can we find such a one, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?

So Pharaoh said unto Joseph, After God hath made known unto thee all this, there is no one discreet and wise like thee.

And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, - See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.

And Pharaoh said unto Joseph. I, am Pharaoh, Without thee, therefore shah no man raise his hand or his foot in all the land of Egypt.

and the seven years of famine began to come in, according as Joseph had said, - and it came to pass that there was a famine in all the lands, but in all the land of Egypt, there was bread.

Yet was famine felt in all the land of Egypt, and the people made outcry; unto Pharaoh for bread, - and Pharaoh said to all Egypt, - Go ye unto Joseph, that which he saith to you, shall ye do.

Then saw Jacob that there was corn in Egypt, - and Jacob said to his sons, Wherefore look ye one at another?

And he said, Lo I have heard that there is corn in Egypt, - Go down thither and buy corn for us from thence, that we may live and not die.

but, Benjamin, Joseph's own brother, Jacob sent not with his brethren, - for he said, Lest there befall him any mischief.

And Joseph beheld his brethren and recognised them, - and made himself a stranger unto them and spake with them harsh things and said unto them - Whence have ye come in? And they said, From the land of Canaan, to buy food.

And Joseph remembered the dreams which he had dreamed regarding them, - so he said unto them - Spies, are, ye! to see the nakedness of the land, have ye come in!

And they said unto him, Nay, my lord, - but, thy servants, are come to buy food.

And he said unto him, - Nay! but, the nakedness of the land, are ye come in to see.

And they said: We, thy twelve servants, are, brethren, sons of one man in the and of Canaan, - and lo! the youngest: is with our father this day, and, the one, is not!

And Joseph said unto them, - The very thing, that I spake unto you, saying - Spies, are, ye.

And they said each man unto his brother - Verily guilty, we are, respecting our brother, in that we saw the distress of his soul when he appealed unto us for favour and we hearkened not, - therefore, hath come in unto us this distress.

So he said unto his brethren My silver hath been returned, yea verily, there it is in my sack! Then went forth their heart and they turned trembling - each man unto his brother saying. Wharf is this that God hath done to us?

And we said unto him Honest men, are, we, - we are not spies!

Then said the man the lord of the land unto us, Hereby, shall I get to know that honest men, ye are, - One brother of you, leave ye remaining with me, and corn for the famine of your houses, take ye and go your way;

And Jacob their father said unto them, Me, have ye bereaved, - Joseph, is not, and, Simeon, is not, and Benjamin, ye would take! Against me, have happened all these things.

And he said, My son shall not go down with you, - For, his brother, is dead and, he alone, is left, and as surely as there befall him any mischief by the way wherein ye go, so surely shall ye bring down my grey hairs with sorrow unto hades.

So it came to pass when they had made an end of eating the corn which they had brought in out of Egypt, that their father said unto them, - Return buy for us a little food.