Search: 4806 results
Exact Match
- 1.Gen 1:27-Gen 24:33
- 2.Gen 24:35-Gen 37:20
- 3.Gen 37:21-Gen 50:7
- 4.Gen 50:9-Exo 29:21
- 5.Exo 29:29-Lev 14:25
- 6.Lev 14:28-Num 15:33
- 7.Num 15:34-Deut 10:8
- 8.Deut 10:9-Josh 5:13
- 9.Josh 5:14-Judg 8:8
- 10.Judg 8:14-Rth 2:10
- 11.Rth 3:13-1 Sam 17:25
- 12.1 Sam 17:26-1 Sam 27:4
- 13.1 Sam 27:6-2 Sam 11:25
- 14.2 Sam 11:27-2 Sam 20:17
- 15.2 Sam 20:21-1 Kgs 12:20
- 16.1 Kgs 13:4-1 Kgs 22:22
- 17.1 Kgs 22:26-2 Kgs 9:36
- 18.2 Kgs 10:4-1 Chron 11:10
- 19.1 Chron 11:12-2 Chron 15:1
- 20.2 Chron 15:2-2 Chron 33:19
- 21.2 Chron 33:20-Esth 5:9
- 22.Esth 5:11-Job 22:29
- 23.Job 23:3-Psa 22:24
- 24.Psa 22:25-Psa 89:23
- 25.Psa 89:24-Prov 17:25
- 26.Prov 18:13-Isa 14:29
- 27.Isa 15:4-Jer 19:14
- 28.Jer 20:2-Jer 50:16
- 29.Jer 50:17-Dan 5:17
- 30.Dan 5:19-Jnh 1:8
- 31.Jnh 1:9-Matt 8:4
- 32.Matt 8:5-Matt 18:21
- 33.Matt 18:22-Matt 26:67
- 34.Matt 26:69-Mrk 5:18
- 35.Mrk 5:19-Mrk 11:27
- 36.Mrk 11:28-Luk 2:25
- 37.Luk 2:26-Luk 9:11
- 38.Luk 9:12-Luk 16:14
- 39.Luk 16:27-Luk 23:14
- 40.Luk 23:15-John 5:6
- 41.John 5:7-John 9:34
- 42.John 9:35-John 18:25
- 43.John 18:26-Act 8:32
- 44.Act 8:35-Act 20:37
- 45.Act 20:38-Rom 14:3
- 46.Rom 14:4-Col 2:7
- 47.Col 2:9-2 Pet 3:15
- 48.1 John 1:5-Rev 20:11
- 49.Rev 21:6-Rev 22:18
And they put him in ward, - because it was not clear what they should do unto him.
Then said Yahweh unto Moses, The man shall be, put to death, - all the assembly, stoning him with stones, outside the camp.
So then all the assembly, put him forth, outside the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died, - As Yahweh commanded Moses.
Then spake he unto Korah, and unto all his assembly, saying, In the morning, will Yahweh make known who are his, and who is the holy one and will cause him to come near unto himself, - yea him whom he shall choose, will he cause to come near unto himself.
Wherefore thou and all thine assembly, are conspiring against Yahweh, - But Aaron, what is he, that ye should murmur against him?
So Moses rose up, and went, unto Dathan and Abiram, - then went, after him the eiders of Israel.
And Moses spake unto the sons of Israel and every one of their princes gave unto him, a staff apiece, for each prince, by their ancestral houses, twelve staves, - and the staff of Aaron, was in the midst of their staves.
Then shall ye give her unto Eleazar the priest, and he shall take her forth unto the outside of the camp, and she shall be slain before him;
Whoso-ever toucheth the dead the person of the human being that dieth and doth not cleanse himself from sin, the habitation of Yahweh, hath he made unclean; that person therefore shall be cut off out of Israel, - because, the water of separation, was not dashed upon him, unclean, shall he be, his uncleanness is yet upon him.
And they shall take, for him that is un-clean, of the ashes of the burning of the sin-bearer, - and living water shall be put thereon in a vessel,
Then shall a man that is clean take hyssop, and dip in the water, and sprinkle upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, and upon the persons who were there, - and upon him that touched the bone or him who had been slain, or him who had died of himself or the grave;
But in the ease of the man who shall be unclean and shall not cleanse himself from sin, that person shall be cut off, out of the midst of the convocation, - for, the sanctuary of Yahweh, hath he made unclean, the water of separation, hath not been dashed upon him unclean, he is.
And Edom said unto him, Thou shalt not pass through my land, - lest with the sword, I come out to meet thee.
And the sons of Israel said unto him - By the highway, will we go up, and if thy waters, we should drink - I, and my cattle then would I give the price thereof, - only - it is nothing! - with my feet, would I pass through.
And he said, Thou shalt not pass through. And Edom came out to meet him, with a strong people, and with a firm hand.
Thus did Edom refuse to give Israel passage through his boundary, - and Israel turned away from him.
And Israel smote him with the edge of the sword, - and took possession of his land, from Arnon unto Jabbok, unto the sons of Ammon, for strong, was the boundary of the sons of Ammon.
Then said Yahweh unto Moses - Do not fear him, for into thy hand, have I delivered him and all his people, and his land, - Therefore shalt thou do unto him, as thou didst unto Sihon king of he Amorites, who was dwelling in Heshbon.
So then they smote him and his sons and all his people, until there was not left him a remnant, - and took possession of his land.
So he sent messengers unto Balaam son of Boor, to Pethor which was by the river of the land of the sons of his people to call him, - saying Lo! a people, hath come forth out of Egypt Lo! he hath covered the eye of the land, Yea he, is tarrying over against me.
Now, therefore, do come, I pray thee curse me this people. For stronger, he is than I, If peradventure I prevail, we shall smite him, That I may drive him out of the land, - For I know that, he whom thou dost bless, is to be blessed, And the whom thou dost curse, is to be cursed.
And the elders of Moab and the elders of Midian went their way, with the rewards of divination in their hand, - so they came in unto Balaam, and spake unto him the words of Balak.
Lo! the people that hath come forth out of Egypt - he covereth the eye of the land. Now, do come, do revile me him, Peradventure I shall prevail in making war with him, And shall drive him out.
And they came in unto Balaam, - and said unto him - Thus, said Balak son of Zipper, Do not be withheld, I pray thee from coming unto me:
And God came in unto Balaam, by night, and said unto him - If, to call thee, the men have come in, arise go with them, - But only, the thing that I shall speak unto thee, that, shalt thou do.
Then kindled the anger of God, because he was going, and the messenger of Yahweh stationed himself in the way, to withstand him, - as he was riding upon his ass, his two young men being with him.
Then did Yahweh unveil the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the messenger of Yahweh stationed in the road, with his sword drawn in his hand, - so he bent his head and bowed down before him.
And the messenger of Yahweh said unto him, Wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass, these three times? Lo! I, myself, am come forth to withstand thee, because headlong was thy way before me.
And Balak heard that Balaam, was coming, - so he went forth to meet him unto a city of Moab which was upon the boundary of Arnon, which was in the utmost part of the boundary.
And Balak sacrificed herd and flock, - and sent unto Balaam, and unto the princes that were with him.
And it came to pass in the morning, that Balak took Balaam, and brought him up the high places of Baal, - and he saw from thence the utmost part of the people.
And God came unto Balaam, - so he said unto him The seven altars, have I built in a row, and have caused to ascend, bullock and a ram on each altar.
So he returned unto him, and lo! he was stationed by his ascending-sacrifice, - he, and all the princes of Moab.
Surely from the head of the rocks, do I see him, Yea, from the hills, do I observe him, - Lo! a people, who alone doth dwell, And among the nations, he doth not reckon himself.
Then said Balak unto him - Come, I pray thee, with me unto another place, from whence thou mayest see him, nothing but his utmost part, shalt thou see, but all of him, shalt thou not see, - and so revile me him from thence.
And he took him to the field of Zophim, unto the head of Pisgah, - and built seven altars, and caused to ascend a bullock and a ram on each altar.
Then said he to Balak, Station thyself here by thine ascending-sacrifice, - while, I, meet him yonder.
So he came in unto him and, there he was-stationed by his ascending-sacrifice, and the princes of Moab with him. And Balak said unto him, What hath Yahweh spoken?
He hath not discovered trouble in Jacob, Neither hath he seen wretchedness in Israel, - Yahweh, his God, is with him, And, the acclaim of a king, in his midst:
Then said Balak unto Balaam, Thou shalt neither revile, him, - nor bless him.
And Balak said unto Balaam, Come, I pray thee! let me take thee unto another place, - peradventure, it may be right in the eyes of God, that thou revile me him. from thence.
So Balaam lifted up his eyes and saw Israel, dwelling, according to his tribes, - then came upon him the Spirit of God;
GOD having brought him forth out of Egypt, The very horns of the buffalo, are his, - He eateth up nations that assail him And the bones of them, he breaketh And the loins of him, he crusheth:
He hath knelt - hath lain down, Like a strong lion, yea like a lioness, Who shall rouse him up? Such as bless thee are each one blessed, But, such, as curse thee, are each one cursed.
Wherefore say, - Behold me! giving unto him my covenant of peace;
so shall it prove to be unto him and unto his seed after him, the covenant of our age-abiding priesthood, because he was jealous for his God, and did put a propitiatory-covering over the sons of Israel.
For the large one, thou shalt make large his inheritance, and for the small one, thou shalt make small his inheritance, - unto each one, in proportion to them who were numbered of him, shall he given his inheritance.
And, if his father hath no brethren, then shall ye give his inheritance unto his blood-relation that is near unto him of his family, and he shall possess it, - So shall it serve the sons of Israel as a regulative statute, As Yahweh commanded Moses.
And Yahweh said unto Moses: Take thee Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is spirit, - then shalt thou lean thy hand upon him;
and shalt cause him to stand before Eleazar the priest, and before all the assembly, - and shalt charge him before their eyes;
and shalt put some of thine honour upon him, - that all the assembly of the sons of Israel may hearken.
And, before Eleazar the priest, shall he stand, and shall ask by him for the decision of the Lights, before Yahweh, - at the bidding thereof, shall they go out, and at the bidding thereof, shall they come in - he, and all the sons of Israel with him, even all the assembly.
And Moses did Yahweh commanded him, - and took Joshua, and caused him to stand before Eleazar the priest, and before all the assembly;
and leaned his hands upon him and charged him, - As Yahweh spake by the hand of Moses.
If ye do turn away from following him, then will he yet again leave them behind in the desert, - so shall ye bring destruction upon all this people.
Then came they near unto him, and said, Folds, for flocks, would we build for our cattle, here, - and cities for our little ones;
and every armed man of you pass over the Jordan before Yahweh, - until he hath dispossessed his enemies, from before him;
And ye shall take your inheritance in the land by lot by your families - for the large one, ye shall make large his inheritance, and for the small one, make small his inheritance, whithersoever the lot cometh out to him, his, shall, it be, by the tribes of your fathers, shall ye take your inheritance.
If, then, with an instrument of iron, he smote him, and he died, a manslayer, he is, - a manslayer, shall surely die.
Or if with a stone thrown by hand, where-by one might die, he smote him and he died, a manslayer, he is, - the man-slayer, shall surely die,
Or, if with hand-weapon of wood, wherewith one might die, he smote him and he died a manslayer, he is, - the manslayer shall surely die.
The blood-redeemer, he, shall put to death the man-slayer, - when he lighteth upon him, he, shall put him to death.
Or if with hate, he shall thrust at him, or hurl at him designedly, and he have died,
or if with enmity, he hath smitten him with his band and he is dead, then shall he that dealt the blow, be surely put to death. a manslayer, he is - the blood-redeemer shall put to death the man-slayer, when he lighteth upon him.
But if suddenly, without enmity, he shall thrust him, or hurl upon him any missile, without design;
Or with any stone whereby one might die without seeing him, and it fall upon him, and he dieth; he, not being at enmity with him, nor seeking to harm him,
then shall the assembly judge, between him that smote and the blood-redeemer, - according to these regulations;
and the assembly shall rescue the manslayer out of the hand of the blood-redeemer, and the assembly shall restore him unto his city of refuge whither he had fled, - and he shall dwell therein until the death of the high priest, who hath been anointed with the hallowing oil.
and the blood-redeemer, find him, outside the bounds of his city of refuge, then may the blood-redeemer slay the slayer, without being guilty of blood;
Whosoever taketh away life, at the mouth of witnesses, shall, the slayer be slain, - but, one witness, shall not testify against a person, to put him to death.
And ye shall accept no ransom for the life of him that slayeth, if he have unlawfully caused death, - but he, must surely be put to death.
And ye shall accept no ransom for him that hath fled to his city of refuge, if he should return to dwell in the land before the death of the priest.
So shall ye not pollute the land wherein ye are, for blood, doth pollute the land, and for the land, no propitiatory-covering can be made, as touching blood, that is shed therein, save with the blood of him that shed it;
And it came to pass, in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first of the month, that Moses spake unto the sons of Israel, according to all that Yahweh had given him in charge for them;
saving Caleb son of Jephunneh, he, shall see it, and unto him, will I give the land through which he hath trodden, and unto his sons, - because he hath wholly followed Yahweh.
Joshua son of Nun, who standeth before thee, he, shall enter in thither, him, strengthen thou, for he, shall cause Israel to inherit it.
Arise ye, set forward and cross over the ravine of Arnon, see! I have given into thy hand - Sihon king of Heshbon, the Amorite and his land, begin - take possession, - and engage in strife with him in battle.
But Sihon king of Heshbon, was not willing, to let us pass along through it, - for Yahweh thy God had suffered him to make his spirit harsh and his heart bold, that he might give him into thy hand - (as appeareth this day).
And Yahweh our God delivered him up before us, - and we smote him and his sons, and all his people
And Yahweh said unto me: Do not fear him, for into thy hand, have I delivered him and all his people and his land, - so then thou shalt do unto him, as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites who was dwelling in Heshbon.
Then did Yahweh our God deliver into our hand, Og also, king of Bashan and all his people, - so we smote him until there was not left remaining to him a survivor.
But command thou Joshua and confirm him and embolden him, - for, he, shall pass over before this people, and, he shall cause them to inherit the land which thou shalt see.
For what great nation is there which hath gods nigh unto it, - like Yahweh our God, whensoever we have cried out unto him.
When thou shalt beget sons, and sons' sons, and become careless in the land and break faith and make an image the form of any thing, and shalt do the thing that is wicked in the eyes of Yahweh thy God provoking him to anger,
If thou shalt seek from thence, Yahweh thy God, then shalt thou find him, - when thou shalt search after him with all thy heart, and with all thy soul.
Or did a god ever make trial of entering in to take unto him a nation out of the midst of a nation, by provings, by signs and by wonders and by fighting, and by a firm hand and by a stretched-out arm, and by great terrors, - according to all that Yahweh your God did for you in Egypt, before your eyes?
And because that he loved thy fathers, therefore chose he his seed after him, - and brought thee forth with his presence with his great might, out of Egypt;
that the manslayer might flee thither who should slay his neighbour unawares, he, not having hated him, aforetime, - and might flee unto one of these cities, and live:
Thou shalt not utter the name of Yahweh thy God, for falsehood, - for Yahweh will not at him go unpunished who uttereth his name for falsehood:
Yahweh thy God, shalt thou revere And him, shalt thou serve, - And by his name, shalt thou swear.
Ye shall not put Yahweh your God to the proof, - as ye put him to the proof in Massah that is, "The place of proving" .
So then, thou must know that, Yahweh thy God, he, is God, - the faithful GOD, keeping his covenant and his lovingkindness with them that love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations
but requiting them who hate him unto his face to destroy them, - he will not be slack towards him that hateth him, unto his face, will he requite him.
Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments of Yahweh thy God, - to walk in his ways and to revere him.
Then lay I prostrate before Yahweh as at the first, forty days and forty nights, food, did I not eat, and water, did I not drink, - because of all your sin which ye had sinned, in doing the thing that was wicked, in the eyes of Yahweh. to provoke him to anger.
And with Aaron, did Yahweh show himself exceedingly angry, to destroy him, - so I prostrated myself, even in behalf of Aaron at that time.
Also when Yahweh sent you out of Kadesh-barnea saying, Go up and possess the land which I have given unto you then quarreled ye with the bidding of Yahweh your God, and trusted him not, neither hearkened unto his voice.
At that time, did Yahweh separate the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of Yahweh, - to stand before Yahweh to wait upon him and to bless in his name (until this day).
Extract Match Search Results...
- 1.Gen 1:27-Gen 24:33
- 2.Gen 24:35-Gen 37:20
- 3.Gen 37:21-Gen 50:7
- 4.Gen 50:9-Exo 29:21
- 5.Exo 29:29-Lev 14:25
- 6.Lev 14:28-Num 15:33
- 7.Num 15:34-Deut 10:8
- 8.Deut 10:9-Josh 5:13
- 9.Josh 5:14-Judg 8:8
- 10.Judg 8:14-Rth 2:10
- 11.Rth 3:13-1 Sam 17:25
- 12.1 Sam 17:26-1 Sam 27:4
- 13.1 Sam 27:6-2 Sam 11:25
- 14.2 Sam 11:27-2 Sam 20:17
- 15.2 Sam 20:21-1 Kgs 12:20
- 16.1 Kgs 13:4-1 Kgs 22:22
- 17.1 Kgs 22:26-2 Kgs 9:36
- 18.2 Kgs 10:4-1 Chron 11:10
- 19.1 Chron 11:12-2 Chron 15:1
- 20.2 Chron 15:2-2 Chron 33:19
- 21.2 Chron 33:20-Esth 5:9
- 22.Esth 5:11-Job 22:29
- 23.Job 23:3-Psa 22:24
- 24.Psa 22:25-Psa 89:23
- 25.Psa 89:24-Prov 17:25
- 26.Prov 18:13-Isa 14:29
- 27.Isa 15:4-Jer 19:14
- 28.Jer 20:2-Jer 50:16
- 29.Jer 50:17-Dan 5:17
- 30.Dan 5:19-Jnh 1:8
- 31.Jnh 1:9-Matt 8:4
- 32.Matt 8:5-Matt 18:21
- 33.Matt 18:22-Matt 26:67
- 34.Matt 26:69-Mrk 5:18
- 35.Mrk 5:19-Mrk 11:27
- 36.Mrk 11:28-Luk 2:25
- 37.Luk 2:26-Luk 9:11
- 38.Luk 9:12-Luk 16:14
- 39.Luk 16:27-Luk 23:14
- 40.Luk 23:15-John 5:6
- 41.John 5:7-John 9:34
- 42.John 9:35-John 18:25
- 43.John 18:26-Act 8:32
- 44.Act 8:35-Act 20:37
- 45.Act 20:38-Rom 14:3
- 46.Rom 14:4-Col 2:7
- 47.Col 2:9-2 Pet 3:15
- 48.1 John 1:5-Rev 20:11
- 49.Rev 21:6-Rev 22:18
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- Forgiving others
- Death Of A Family Member
- Overcoming
- Acceptance
- Siblings
- God's Love For Us
- Baptism
- Death Of A Child
- Surrender
- Helping The Poor
- The Cross
- Debt
- Discipleship
- The Devil
- Faith And Healing
- God's Forgiveness
- Recovery
- Putting God First
- Serving God
- Gods Plan
- Being A Good Father
- Reconciliation
- Death Of A Father
- Working For God
- Rejection
- Boldness
- Humble Yourself
- Fathers Love
- Forgiveness Kjv
- Jesus Death
- Resisting Temptation
- Knowing God
- The Presence Of God
- Family Death
- Being Happy And Enjoying Life
- Faith In God
- God's Plan For Us
- Discipline Child
- Giving Back
- Self Image
- Loving Children
- Servanthood
- Spanking
- Lent
- Saul
- Denial
- Following
- Ministering
- Gideon
- Crucifixion
- Lazarus
- Demonic Influence