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The sum of Your word is truth [the full meaning of all Your precepts],
And every one of Your righteous ordinances endures forever.

Princes persecute me without cause,
But my heart stands in [reverent] awe of Your words [so I can expect You to help me].

Unto you I lift up my eyes,
O You who are enthroned in the heavens!

Be gracious to us, O Lord, be gracious and favorable toward us,
For we are greatly filled with contempt.

“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,”
Let Israel now say,

“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side
When men rose up against us,

Then they would have [quickly] swallowed us alive,
When their wrath was kindled against us;

Our help is in the name of the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

Do good, O Lord, to those who are good
And to those who are upright in their hearts.

When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion (Jerusalem),
We were like those who dream [it seemed so unreal].

Restore our captivity, O Lord,
As the stream-beds in the South (the Negev) [are restored by torrents of rain].

Blessed [happy and sheltered by God’s favor] is everyone who fears the Lord [and worships Him with obedience],
Who walks in His ways and lives according to His commandments.

Nor do those who pass by say,
“The blessing of the Lord be upon you;
We bless you in the name of the Lord.”

O Israel, hope in the Lord;
For with the Lord there is lovingkindness,
And with Him is abundant redemption.

Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty;
Nor do I involve myself in great matters,
Or in things too difficult for me.

O Israel, hope in the Lord
From this time forth and forever.

How he swore to the Lord
And vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob:

Until I find a place for the Lord,
A dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob (Israel).”

Behold, we heard of it at Ephrathah;
We found it in the field of Jaar.

The Lord swore to David
A truth from which He will not turn back:
“One of your descendants I will set upon your throne.

It is like the precious oil [of consecration] poured on the head,
Coming down on the beard,
Even the beard of Aaron,
Coming down upon the edge of his [priestly] robes [consecrating the whole body].

It is like the dew of [Mount] Hermon
Coming down on the hills of Zion;
For there the Lord has commanded the blessing: life forevermore.

Behold, bless and praise the Lord, all servants of the Lord (priests, Levites),
Who stand and serve by night in the house of the Lord.

You who stand in the house of the Lord,
In the courts of the house of our God,

Whatever the Lord pleases, He does,
In the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all deeps—

They have ears, but they do not hear,
Nor is there any breath in their mouths.

Those who make idols are like them [absolutely worthless—spiritually blind, deaf, and powerless];
So is everyone who trusts in and relies on them.

To Him who struck the firstborn of Egypt,
For His lovingkindness endures forever;

With a strong hand and with an outstretched arm,
For His lovingkindness endures forever;

Who [faithfully] remembered us in our lowly condition,
For His lovingkindness endures forever;

By the rivers of Babylon,
There we [captives] sat down and wept,
When we remembered Zion [the city God imprinted on our hearts].

On the willow trees in the midst of Babylon
We hung our harps.

For there they who took us captive demanded of us a song with words,
And our tormentors [who made a mockery of us demanded] amusement, saying,
“Sing us one of the songs of Zion.”

How can we sing the Lord’s song
In a strange and foreign land?

Remember, O Lord, against the sons of Edom,
The day of [the fall of] Jerusalem,
Who said “Down, down [with her]
To her very foundation.”

The Lord will accomplish that which concerns me;
Your [unwavering] lovingkindness, O Lord, endures forever—
Do not abandon the works of Your own hands.

You have enclosed me behind and before,
And [You have] placed Your hand upon me.

If I ascend to heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in Sheol (the nether world, the place of the dead), behold, You are there.

If I take the wings of the dawn,
If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,

My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was being formed in secret,
And intricately and skillfully formed [as if embroidered with many colors] in the depths of the earth.

If I could count them, they would outnumber the sand.
When I awake, I am still with You.

For they speak against You wickedly,
Your enemies take Your name in vain.

“O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation,
You have covered my head in the day of battle.

“Those who surround me raise their heads;
May the mischief of their own lips come upon them.

“Do not let a slanderer be established in the earth;
Let evil quickly hunt the violent man [to overthrow him and stop his evil acts].”

Surely the righteous will give thanks to Your name;
The upright will dwell in Your presence.

Lord, I call upon You; hurry to me.
Listen to my voice when I call to You.

Do not incline my heart to [consent to or tolerate] any evil thing,
Or to practice deeds of wickedness
With men who plan and do evil;
And let me not eat of their delicacies (be tempted by their gain).

Let the righteous [thoughtfully] strike (correct) me—it is a kindness [done to encourage my spiritual maturity].
It is [the choicest anointing] oil on the head;
Let my head not refuse [to accept and acknowledge and learn from] it;
For still my prayer is against their wicked deeds.

Their [wicked, godless] judges are thrown down the sides of the rocky cliff,
And they [who followed them] will hear my words, for they are pleasant (just).

As when the one plows and breaks open the ground [and the soil scatters behind him],
Our bones have been scattered at the mouth of Sheol [by the injustices of the wicked].

For my eyes are toward You, O God, the Lord;
In You I take refuge; do not pour out my life nor leave me defenseless.

Let the wicked fall into their own nets,
While I pass by and safely escape [from danger].

When my spirit was overwhelmed and weak within me [wrapped in darkness],
You knew my path.
In the way where I walk
They have hidden a trap for me.

Look to the right [the point of attack] and see;
For there is no one who has regard for me [to act in my favor].
Escape has failed me and I have nowhere to run;
No one cares about my life.

I cried out to You, O Lord;
I said, “You are my refuge,
My portion in the land of the living.

And do not enter into judgment with Your servant,
For in Your sight no man living is righteous or justified.

For the enemy has persecuted me,
He has crushed my life down to the ground;
He has made me dwell in dark places, like those who have been long dead.

Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed and weak within me [wrapped in darkness];
My heart grows numb within me.

Save my life, O Lord, for Your name’s sake;
In Your righteousness bring my life out of trouble.

In your lovingkindness, silence and destroy my enemies
And destroy all those who afflict my life,
For I am Your servant.

My [steadfast] lovingkindness and my fortress,
My high tower and my rescuer,
My shield and He in whom I take refuge,
Who subdues my people under me.

Set me free and rescue me from the hand of [hostile] foreigners,
Whose mouth speaks deceit [without restraint],
And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.

Let our sons in their youth be like plants full grown,
And our daughters like corner pillars fashioned for a palace;

Let our barns be full, supplying every kind of produce,
And our flocks bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our fields;

Let our cattle bear
Without mishap and without loss,
And let there be no outcry in our streets!

How blessed and favored are the people in such circumstance;
How blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored] are the people whose God is the Lord!

One generation shall praise Your works to another,
And shall declare Your mighty and remarkable acts.

On the glorious splendor of Your majesty
And on Your wonderful works, I will meditate.