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'And if that servant may say in his heart, My lord doth delay to come, and may begin to beat the men-servants and the maid-servants, to eat also, and to drink, and to be drunken;

and also upon My men-servants, and upon My maid-servants, in those days, I will pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy;

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For which is greater, the man at the table, or the servant who waits on him? Is not the man at the table? Yet I am like a servant among you.

And another time he said to the disciples, There was a certain man of great wealth who had a servant; and it was said to him that this servant was wasting his goods.

Again, the man sent another servant to them. They beat the servant over the head and treated him shamefully.

And the servant went again, and brought his master word thereof. Then was the good man of the house displeased, and said to his servant, 'Go out quickly into the streets and quarters of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.'

For though I am a man under authority myself, I have soldiers under me; I tell one man to go, and he goes, I tell another to come, and he comes, I tell my servant, 'Do this,' and he does it."

Therefore the servant girl (the doorkeeper) says to Peter, Are thou not also of this man's disciples? That man says, I am not.

But in fact, the man from the servant girl was born according to flesh, but the man from the freewoman through promise.

And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow:

of the holy places a servant, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord did set up, and not man,

“Which of you who has a servant plowing or tending sheep will say to him when he comes in from the field, ‘Come at once and sit down to eat?’

And a servant-girl, seeing him as he sat in the firelight and looking intently at him, said, “This man was with Him too.”

But My righteous one [the one justified by faith] shall live by faith [respecting man’s relationship to God and trusting Him];
And if he draws back [shrinking in fear], My soul has no delight in him.

When the servant saw him again she began to tell those standing nearby, “This man is one of them!”

But if the man, being a bad servant, should say in his heart, 'My master is a long time in coming,'

Here the servant of a certain Captain, a man dear to his master, was ill and at the point of death;

No man may be a servant to two masters: for he will have hate for the one and love for the other; or he will keep to the one and have no respect for the other. You may not be servants of God and of wealth.

They said to him in answer, We are Abraham's seed and have never been any man's servant: why do you say, You will become free?

And he went and there was a man of Ethiopia, a servant of great authority under Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, and controller of all her property, who had come up to Jerusalem for worship;

And the kings of the earth, and the rulers, and the chief captains, and the men of wealth, and the strong, and every servant and free man, took cover in the holes and the rocks of the mountains;

When he had gone out to the gateway, another servant-girl saw him and *said to those who were there, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.”

Then the servant who had got the two hundred and fifty pounds came forward. He said, 'I knew you were a hard man, sir, reaping where you never sowed and gathering where you never winnowed.

They all with one accord began to ask to be excused. The first man said to the servant 'I have bought a field and am obliged to go and look at it. I must ask you to consider me excused.'

The owner afterwards sent another servant; but the tenants beat and insulted this man too, and sent him away empty-handed.

In truth I tell you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor yet a messenger than the man who sends him.

But thus shall it not be with you. But whosoever will be a great man among you, let him be your servant;

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