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A seed shall serve him; it shall be numbered to Jehovah for a generation.

His soul shall lodge in good, and his seed shall inherit the earth.

I hated the convocation of those being evil, and with the unjust I will not sit

The voice of Jehovah will cause the hinds to bring forth, and will uncover the forests: and in his temple every one said, Glory.

And I said in my hasty flight; I was cut off from before thine eyes: yet thou heardest the voice of my supplications in my crying to thee.

They will widen their mouth upon me: they said, Aha! aha our eye saw it.

All the day he compassionates and lends; and his seed to be blessed.

For I said, Lest they shall rejoice over me: in the wavering of my foot they magnified against me.

To the overseer, to Jeduthun: chanting of David. I said, I will watch my way from sinning with my tongue: I will watch for my mouth with a muzzle while yet the unjust one is before me.

Deliver me from all my transgression: thou wilt not set me a reproach of the foolish one.

Then I said, Behold, I came: in the volume of the book it was written concerning me.

I hid not thy justice within my heart; I said thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I hid not thy mercy and thy truth to the great convocation.

Thou wilt set us a reproach to our neighbors, and a derision and scorn to them round about us.

Thou wilt set us a parable among the nations, a shaking of the head among the peoples.

Instead of thy fathers shall be thy sons; thou shalt set them for chiefs in all the earth.

Come, behold the works of Jehovah, what desolations he set in the earth.

Set your hearts to her fortification; divide up her palaces, so that ye shall recount to the later generation.

And to the unjust one God said, What to thee to recount my law, and thou wilt lift up my covenant upon thy mouth?

Thou wilt sit, and thou wilt speak against thy brother; against the son of thy, mother thou wilt give a stumbling-block.

These things thou didst and I was silent; thou thoughtest, being, I shall be like to thee: I will reprove thee, and I will set it in order before thine eyes.

For strangers rose up against me, and the powerful sought out my soul: they set not God before them. Silence.

Thou didst recount my wanderings: set thou my tears in thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

To the overseer, Thou wilt not destroy, to David a poem; in Saul sending, and they will watch the house to kill him. Deliver me from mine enemies, O God: thou wilt set me on high from those rising up against me.

How long will ye set upon a man? ye will kill all of you: as a wall inclining, a wall thrust down.

Play ye on the harp, the glory of his name: set the glory of his praise.

Thou broughtest us into the net; thou didst set a heavy burden upon our loins.

Jehovah said, I will turn back from Bashan; I will turn back from the depths of the sea:

And the seed of his servants shall inherit it, and they loving his name shall dwell in it.

For mine enemies said to me, and they watching my soul took counsel together,

They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue will go in the earth.

And they said, How did God know? and is there knowledge in the Most High?

If I said, I will recount thus; behold, I transgressed against the generation of thy sons.

Surely in slippery places thou wilt set them, to cast them down into ruins.

Thine enemies roared in the midst of thine appointment; they set their signs, signs.

They said in their heart, We will rage against them together: they burnt up all the appointments of God in the earth.

I said to the foolish, Ye shall not be foolish; and to the unjust, Ye shall not lift up the horn:

And they shall set their hope in God, and they shall not forget the works of God, and they shall watch his commands.

And they will speak against God; they said, Will God be able to arrange a table in the desert?

How he set in Egypt his signs, and his wonders in the field of loading.

Chanting to Asaph. O God, the nations came into thine inheritance; they defiled thy holy temple; they set Jerusalem for ruins.

Thou wilt set us a strife to our neighbors, and our enemies will deride to themselves.

Thou didst set in order before it, and thou wilt cause its roots to take root and the earth will be filled.

He set him a testimony in Joseph in his going forth upon the land of Egypt: I shall hear a lip I knew not

Set them their nobles as Oreb, and as Zeeb: and as Zebah and as Zalmunna, all their princes:

Who said, We will inherit for us the dwellings of God.

O my God, set them as a wheel; as straw before the wind.

Passing through in the valley of Baca they will set it a fountain; also the early rain will cover the ponds.

Justice shall go before him, and shall set to the way of his steps.

O God, the proud rose up against me, and the assemblies of the terrible sought my soul; and they set not thee before them.

Thou didst set me in the pit beneath, in darknesses, in the shades.

Thou didst remove far from me mine acquaintance; thou didst set me an abomination to them: I was shut up, and I shall not go forth.

For I said, Mercy shall be built up forever: the heavens, thy faithfulness shall be prepared in them.

Even to forever I will prepare thy seed, and I built up to generation and generation thy throne, Silence.

And I set his hand in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.

A thousand shall fall from thy side, and ten thousand from thy right hand; and to thee it shall not reach.

For thou, O Jehovah, my trust; thou didst set the Most High thy refuge.

I will not set a word of Belial before mine eyes: I hated him doing transgressions; he shall not cleave to me.

The sons of thy servants shall abide, and their seed shall be prepared before thee.

Thou didst set a bound they shall not pass over; they shall not turn bark to cover the earth.

Thou didst set darkness and it will be night: in it all the beasts of the forest shall creep.

He set him lord to his house, and ruler over all his possessions:

They set the words of his signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham.

He said, and the gad-fly will come, and gnats in all their bounds.