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Let our sons in their youth be like plants full grown,
And our daughters like corner pillars fashioned for a palace;

They will overflow [like a fountain] when they speak of Your great and abundant goodness
And will sing joyfully of Your righteousness.

He has not dealt with any other nation like this; they never knew his decrees. Hallelujah!

For they will be like an elegant garland on your head, and like pendants around your neck.

Look, it is useless to spread a net in full view of all the birds,

Return to my correction! Look, I will pour out my spirit on you, and I will make my words known to you.

He stores up effective counsel for the upright, and is like a shield for those who live with integrity,

She is like a tree of life to those who obtain her, and everyone who grasps hold of her will be blessed.

Like a loving deer, a beautiful doe, let her breasts satisfy you all the time. Be constantly intoxicated by her love.

So your poverty will come like an approaching prowler who walks [slowly, but surely]
And your need [will come] like an armed man [making you helpless].

He will not look, at any ransom, neither will he consent, though thou increase the bribe.

Keep my commands and live, and my teaching like [the] {apple of your eye}.

That is why I came out to meet you, to look for you, and I found you!

Suddenly he went after her, as an ox goes to the slaughter [not knowing the outcome],
Or as one in stocks going to the correction [to be given] to a fool,

Until an arrow pierced his liver [with a mortal wound];
Like a bird fluttering straight into the net,
He did not know that it would cost him his life.

"Whoever is naive, let him turn in here," she says to those who lack understanding.

"Whoever is simple, let him turn in here," she says to those who lack understanding.

The tongue of the righteous is like choice silver. The heart of the wicked is of little worth.

The way of the Lord is like a stronghold for the upright, but it is destruction to evildoers.

The mouth of the righteous flows with [skillful and godly] wisdom,
But the perverted tongue will be cut out.

Like as righteousness bringeth life; even so to cleave unto evil, bringeth death.

It's better to be unimportant, yet have a servant, than to pretend to be important, but lack food.

Good understanding wins favor [from others],
But the way of the unfaithful is hard [like barren, dry soil].

Much food is in the fallow ground of the poor: but there is that is destroyed for lack of justice.

In the multitude of people is the king's glory; but in the lack of people is the ruin of a prince.

The way of the lazy is like a hedge of thorns [it pricks, lacerates, and entangles him],
But the way [of life] of the upright is smooth and open like a highway.

The wrath of the king is like those who give news of death, but a wise man will put peace in place of it.

In the light of the face of the king [there is] life, and his favor [is] like a cloud of spring rain.

A discreet servant shall have more rule than the sons that have no wisdom, and shall have like heritage with the brethren.

A bribe is like a bright, precious stone in the eyes of its owner;
Wherever he turns, he prospers.

The words of a man’s mouth are like deep waters [copious and difficult to fathom];
The fountain of [mature, godly] wisdom is like a bubbling stream [sparkling, fresh, pure, and life-giving].

The words of a whisper [are] like delicious morsels, and they themselves go down [to] inner parts of the body.

A good-for-nothing witness makes sport of the judge's decision: and the mouth of evil-doers sends out evil like a stream.

Roaring like the lion [is the] dreaded anger of a king; he who provokes him forfeits his life.

A [discerning] king who sits on the throne of judgment
Sifts all evil [like chaff] with his eyes [and cannot be easily fooled].

There is gold, and an abundance of rubies, but words of knowledge are like a precious jewel.

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