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Mine eyes will bring down streams of waters because they will not watch thy laws.

Song of ascensions to Solomon. If Jehovah shall not build the house, they building it, in it labored in vain. If Jehovah shall not watch the city, he watching, watched in vain.

If thy sons shall watch my covenant and my testimonies, these I shall teach them; also their sons even to forever shall sit upon the throne to thee forever.

All which Jehovah delighted in he did, in the heavens and in the earth, in the seas and all the depths.

Watch me from the hands of the snare they will lay for me, and the snares of those working iniquity.

In my spirit languishing upon me, and thou knewest my beaten paths. In the way which I shall go they hid a snare for me.

And he taught me, and he will say to me, Thy heart shall hold fast my words: watch my commands and live.

They shall not turn aside from thine eyes; watch them in the midst of thy heart

To watch meditation, and thy lips shall guard knowledge.

Which no leader to her, scribe and ruler;

In thy going about it shall lead thee; in thy lying down it shall watch over thee; and awaking, it shall speak to thee.

To watch thee from the woman of evil, from the smoothness of the strange tongue.

My son, watch my words, and thou shalt hide my commands with thee.

To watch thyself from the strange woman, from the stranger making smooth her sayings.

The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: to watch his ways the guarding of his soul.

The gift a stone of grace in the, eyes of him possessing it: to all which it shall turn it shall prosper.

For pleasant things if thou shalt watch them in thy belly; they shall be prepared together for thy lips.

Thy morsel which thou didst eat thou shalt vomit forth and destroy thy pleasant words.

Also these the proverbs of Solomon which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah transcribed.

For three the earth was moved, and for four, which it shall not be able to lift up:

The words of Lemuel the king, the lifting up which his mother will instruct him.

The sun arose and the sun went down, and panted after its place which it arose there.

Is there a word will be said, See, this is new? This was already to a long time which was before us.

No remembrance to former things; and also to the latter things that shall be; to them shall be no remembrance with them which shall be for the latter state.

And I gave my heart to seek and to search out in wisdom concerning all which was done under the heavens: this evil business God gave to the sons of man to be occupied in it

I examined in my heart to draw my flesh with wine, and my heart led in wisdom; and to lay hold upon folly till that I shall see what this good to the sons of man which they will do under the heavens the number of the days of their life.

And who shall know whether he shall be wise or foolish? And he shall have dominion over all my labor which I labored, and was wise under the sun. Also this is vanity.

A time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to watch, and a time to cast away

I saw the labor which God gave to the sons of man to be humbled in it

I knew that all which God will do it shall be forever: to it not to be added, and from it not to be taken away: and God doing they shall be afraid from his face.

And I turned back, and I shall see all the oppressions which are doing under the sun: and behold, the tears of the oppressed, and none comforting to them; and from the hand of those oppressing them was power, and none comforting to them.

And good above them two which were not yet, which saw not the evil work which was done under the sun.

I saw all the living going under the sun, with the second child which shall stand in his stead.

No end to all the people, to all which were before them: also the last ones shall not rejoice in him. For also this is vanity and striving of the spirit

Watch thy feet when thou shalt go to the house of God, and draw near to hear, rather than give the sacrifice of the foolish, for they not knowing the doing of evil.

Behold, what I saw: good, which is beautiful to eat and to drink, and to see good in all his labor that he will labor under the sun the number of the days of his life, which God gave to him; for this his portion.

Also every man which God gave to him wealth and riches, and permitted him to eat from it, and to lift up his portion, and to rejoice in his labor; this the gift of God himself.

There is evil which I saw under the sun, and it is much upon man:

A man which God will give to him wealth and riches and honor, and wanting not to his soul from all which he shall desire, and God will not permit him to eat from it, for a man, a stranger shall eat it. This is vanity and it is an evil disease.

Wisdom shall strengthen to the wise one more than ten having power which were in the city.

All this I saw, and giving my heart to every work which was done under the sun: a time which man had power overman for evil to him.

There is vanity which was done upon the earth; that there is the just which it comes upon them according to the work of the unjust: and there is the unjust, it comes upon them according to the work of the just. I said, Also this is vanity.

And I praised joy, because there is no good to man under the sun but to eat and to drink, and to rejoice: for this shall lodge with him in his labor the days of his life which God gave to him under the sun.

Also their love, also their hatred, also their envy perished already; and no more portion to them forever in all which was done under the sun.

See life with the wife which thou didst love all the days of the life of thy vanity which he gave to thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for this thy portion in life, and in thy labor which thou laborest under the sun.

Thou shalt not see me, I am black; the sun searched me: my mother's sons were angry with me; they set me to watch the vineyards; my vineyard I watched not for me.

Behold thee beautiful, my friend, behold thee beautiful; thine eyes doves' from behind to thy veil: thy hair as a herd of goats which lay down from mount Gilead.

Thy teeth as a herd of the shorn which came up from the washing; all of them bearing twins, and none barren among them.

Turn away thine eyes from before me; they enlarged me: thy hair as a herd of goats which lay down from Gilead.

Thy teeth as a herd of sheep which went up from the washing, all of them bearing twins, and none barren among them.

The vision of Isaiah son of Amos which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

For they shall be ashamed of their mighty ones which ye desired, and ye shall blush for the gardens which ye chose.

For ye shall be as an oak the leaf withering, and as a garden which there no water to it.

The word which Isaiah son of Amos saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

In that day man shall cast the nothings of his silver and the nothings of his gold which they made for him to worship, to the digging of moles and to bats.

And yet in it a tenth, and it turned back, and it was for consuming, as the terebinth and as the oak which in casting the trunk in them the holy seed its pillar.

And say to him, Watch and rest; thou shalt not fear, and thy heart shall not be tender from the two tails of these smoking fire-brands, upon the heat of anger of Rezin and Aram, and the son of Remaliah.

For before the boy shall know to reject in evil and to choose in good the land which thou abhorrest shall be forsaken from the face of its two kings.

Jehovah shall bring upon thee and upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, days which came not, from the day Ephraim turned away from Judah; the king of Assur.

And it was in that day Jehovah shall hiss for the fly which is in the extremity of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee which is in the land of Assur.

And all the mountains which shall be dressed with the hoe, the fear of sharp points and thorns shall not come there: and it was for the sending forth of the ox and for the treading of sheep.

Behold me and the children which Jehovah gave to me for signs and for wonders in Israel from Jehovah of armies dwelling in mount Zion.

And there was in that day a root of Jesse which stood for a signal of the peoples; to him shall the nations seek, and his rest was glory.

And it was in that day Jehovah shall add the second time his hand to gain the remnant of his people which shall be left from Assur and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.,

And there was a highway for the remnant of his people which shall be left from Assur, as it was to Israel in the day of his coming up from the land of Egypt.

And it was in that day Jehovah gave rest to thee from thy toil and from thy trouble, and from the hard service which was served upon thee.

This the word which Jehovah spake to Moab from that time.

In that day shall his strong cities be as the forsaken thicket, and the summit which they forsook from the face of the sons of Israel: and it was a desolation.

Wo to the land of the whizzing of wings, which is from beyond the rivers of Cush: