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Sustain me, God, as you have promised, and I will live. Do not let me be ashamed of my hope.

For the sake of the Temple of the LORD our God, I will seek your welfare. A Song of Ascents

Consider this: as the eyes of a servant focus on what his master provides, and as the eyes of a female servant focus on what her mistress provides, so our eyes focus on the LORD our God, until he has mercy on us.

LORD, do good to those who are good, and to those who are upright in heart.

The LORD is righteous he has cut me free from the cords of the wicked.

you who are standing in the LORD's Temple, in the courtyards of the house of our God.

Praise the LORD, because the LORD is good; Sing to his name, for he is gracious.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his gracious love is everlasting.

Give thanks to the God of gods, for his gracious love is everlasting.

Give thanks to the God of Heaven, for his gracious love is everlasting.

God, if only you would execute the wicked, so that the men guilty of bloodshed would get away from me,

So I say to the LORD, "You are my God; listen to my voice as I plead for mercy, LORD.

Nevertheless, my eyes are on you, Lord GOD, as I seek protection in you. Don't leave me defenseless!

Because of your gracious love, you will cut off my enemies. You will destroy all who oppose me, for I am your servant. Davidic

Happy are the people to whom these things come; happy are the people whose God is the LORD. A Davidic Psalm

The LORD is good to everyone and his mercies extend to everything he does.

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your authority endures from one generation to another. God is faithful about everything he says and merciful in everything he does.

Happy is the one whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God,

The LORD will reign forever, your God, Zion, for all generations! Hallelujah!

Let high praises to God be heard in their throats, while they wield two-edged swords in their hands

Then you will understand what is right, just, and upright every good path.

Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget or turn aside from the words of my mouth!

Wisdom is of utmost importance, therefore get wisdom, and with all your effort work to acquire understanding.

The words of the righteous overflow with wisdom, but the perverse tongue will be cut out.

The desire of the righteous is to seek good, but the hope of the wicked results in wrath.

The person seeking good will find favor, but anyone who searches for evil it will find him!

The good person will gain favor from the LORD, but the man who plots evil will be condemned by him.

Good understanding produces grace, but the lifestyle of the treacherous never changes.

Evil men will bow down in the presence of good men and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.

Won't those who plot evil go astray? But gracious love and truth are for those who plan what is good.

The entire life of the afflicted seems disastrous, but a good heart feasts continuously.

The person who loves transgression loves strife; the person who builds a high gate invites destruction.

The person whose mind is perverse does not find good, and anyone with perverted speech falls into trouble.

Furthermore, it isn't good to fine the righteous, or to beat an official because of his uprightness.

It's not good to be partial towards an evil person, thereby depriving the righteous of justice.

The righteous God considers the house of the wicked, bringing the wicked to ruin.

Listen, my son, and be wise, commit yourself to live God's way.

If you say, "Look here, we didn't know about this," doesn't God, who examines motives, discern it? Doesn't the one who guards your soul know about it? Won't he repay each person according to what he has done?

My son, eat honey, because it's good for you; indeed, drippings from the honeycomb are sweet to your taste;

Keep in mind that wisdom is like that for your soul; if you find it, there will be a future for you, and what you hope for won't be cut short.

Here are some more proverbs from wise people: It isn't good to show partiality in judgment.

But as for people who rebuke the wicked; a good blessing will fall upon them.

Take the coat of anyone who puts up security for a stranger; hold it in pledge if he cosigns for an immoral woman.

You will have enough goat's milk to drink and to supply your household needs, as well as sustenance for your servant girls.

Whoever misleads the upright along an evil way will himself fall into his own pit, but the blameless will inherit what is good.

To show partiality isn't good, yet for a piece of bread the valiant will transgress.

A discourse by the faithful collector. This is what this valiant man declared to the God with me, to the God with me, who then prevailed:

God, I have asked you for two things don't refuse me before I die

so that I don't become overfed and deny you by saying, "Who is the LORD?" or so that I don't become poor and steal, and then misuse the name of my God.

Three things are stately in procession, four which are stately in their gait:

The strutting rooster, as well as the goat, and a king with his army.

I dedicated myself to using wisdom for study and discovery of everything that is done under heaven. God uses terrible things so human beings will struggle with life.

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