140 occurrences in 13 translations

'Signs' in the Bible

And Laban said, If you will let me say so, do not go away; for I have seen by the signs that the Lord has been good to me because of you.

Verse ConceptsLearningBlessing Through God's People

Now when Reuben came back to the hole, Joseph was not there; and giving signs of grief,

Verse ConceptsClothingClothing, Tearing OfTearing Of ClothesThose Who Tore ClothesNowhere To Be Found

And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe also these two signs, neither hearken unto thy voice, that thou shalt take of the water of the river, and pour it upon the dry land: and the water which thou takest out of the river shall become blood upon the dry land.

Verse ConceptsMiracles Of Moses And AaronTurned To BloodBad WaterDry PlacesPouring WaterNot Believing SignsTwo Intangible ThingsThings Changed

And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs.

Verse Conceptsequipping, physicalSigns From God

And Moses told Aaron all the words of the LORD who had sent him, and all the signs which he had commanded him.

Verse ConceptsSigns From GodTelling Of God

And Aaron spake all the words which the LORD had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people.

Verse ConceptsSigns From GodTelling Of God

And the LORD said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh: for I have hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might shew these my signs before him:

Verse ConceptsMiraculous SignsGod Hardening People

And that thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy son's son, what things I have wrought in Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; that ye may know how that I am the LORD.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsBad ParentsExperience, of GodChildren, needs ofHistoryKnowledge, Of GodInstruction Of ChildrenParents Duty To ChildrenYou Will Know I Am The LordTeaching ChildrenTelling Of God

And Moses said to Aaron and to Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons, Do not let your hair be loose, and give no signs of grief; so that death may not overtake you, and his wrath come on all the people; but let there be weeping among your brothers and all the house of Israel for this burning of the Lord's fire.

Verse ConceptsClothingClothing, Tearing OfHairsCovering HeadsBare HeadsDeath Due To God's PresenceBurning PeopleNot Tearing ClothesDo Not MournGod Will Be AngryMourning The Death Of Others

And the leper who has the disease on him is to go about with signs of grief, with his hair loose and his mouth covered, crying, Unclean, unclean.

Verse ConceptsCovering The MouthPurity, Nature OfVeilsQuarantiningCovering HeadsFacial Hair

This is the law for all signs of the leper's disease and for skin diseases;

Verse Conceptsmold

Then Caleb made signs to the people to keep quiet, and said to Moses, Let us go up straight away and take this land; for we are well able to overcome it.

Verse ConceptsFaith, Nature OfHesitationManlinessPeople OvercomingOvercomingOvercoming Obstaclesexploring

And Joshua, the son of Nun, and Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, two of those who had been to see the land, giving signs of grief,

Verse ConceptsTearing Of ClothesThose Who Tore Clothes

And the LORD said unto Moses, How long will this people provoke me? and how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have shewed among them?

Verse ConceptsImpenitence, Warnings AgainstMiracles, Responses ToQuestionsUnbelieversNot Believing SignsBefore People ActDoubting God

none of the men who have seen My glory and the signs I performed in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tested Me these 10 times and did not obey Me,

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorTen TimesTesting GodNot Believing Signs

When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he did not go as he had done each time before [superstitiously] to seek omens and signs [in the natural world], but he set his face toward the wilderness (desert).

Verse ConceptsGod Blesses

Or hath God assayed to go and take him a nation from the midst of another nation, by temptations, by signs, and by wonders, and by war, and by a mighty hand, and by a stretched out arm, and by great terrors, according to all that the LORD your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes?

Verse ConceptsMiracles, Nature OfStrength, DivineArm Of God

And the LORD shewed signs and wonders, great and sore, upon Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his household, before our eyes:

The great temptations which thine eyes saw, and the signs, and the wonders, and the mighty hand, and the stretched out arm, whereby the LORD thy God brought thee out: so shall the LORD thy God do unto all the people of whom thou art afraid.

Verse ConceptsArm Of GodGod's HandStrength Of GodGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

His signs and the works He did in Egypt to Pharaoh king of Egypt and all his land;

Verse ConceptsHeart, Human

[There] shall not be found among you one who makes his son or his daughter go through the fire, [or] {one who practices divination}, [or] an interpreter of signs, or an augur, or sorcerer,

Verse ConceptsAstrologyChild sacrificeOccultismHuman SacrificesNecromancyAvoid SorcerySorceryDrugsmagicwitchespracticepsychicsOccultism Being Forbidden

For these nations that you [are] about to dispossess listen to interpreters of signs and to diviners, but Yahweh your God has not allowed you to do the same.

Verse ConceptsDivination, Practiced ByAvoid SorceryGod ForbiddingSorcery

Then let the girl's father and mother put before the responsible men of the town, in the public place, signs that the girl was a virgin:

Verse ConceptsTownComing To Gatesvirginity

"But if {this charge} was true, {and the signs of virginity were not found} for the young woman,

Verse Conceptsvirginity

And the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great terribleness, and with signs, and with wonders:

Verse ConceptsArm Of GodGod's HandStrength Of GodGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

The great temptations which thine eyes have seen, the signs, and those great miracles:

In all the signs and the wonders, which the LORD sent him to do in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to all his land,

Verse ConceptsOther Miracles

And I sent Moses and Aaron, troubling Egypt by all the signs I did among them: and after that I took you out.

Verse ConceptsAaron, PositionGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

For the LORD our God, he it is that brought us up and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and which did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the people through whom we passed:

Verse ConceptsCaptivity, Of IsraelJourneySigns From GodSustaining ProvidenceGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

But after they had taken it away, the hand of the Lord was stretched out against the town for its destruction: and the signs of disease came out on all the men of the town, small and great.

And let it be, when these signs are come unto thee, that thou do as occasion serve thee; for God is with thee.

Verse ConceptsSigns From GodGod With Specific PeopleDoing God's Works

And it was so, that when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, God gave him another heart: and all those signs came to pass that day.

Verse ConceptsHeart, Fallen And RedeemedChanged HeartPeople TransformedMan's Words Fulfilledsaul

Ben-hadad's advisors, quickly analyzing the signs in what Ahab was saying, responded, "Yes, your brother Ben-hadad." "Go get him," Ahab responded. So Ben-hadad came out to him, and Ahab took him up into his personal chariot.

Verse ConceptsChariots

And looking, she saw the king in his regular place by the pillar, and the captains and the horns near him; and all the people of the land giving signs of joy and sounding the horns. Then Athaliah, violently parting her robes, gave a cry, saying, Broken faith, broken faith!

Verse ConceptsCustomTreacheryTrumpetMusical Instruments, types ofTreasonDuplicating WordsPillars For Solomon's TempleTrumpets For CelebrationThose Who Tore ClothesUnfaithfulRejoicing In God's Workstraitors

And he made his son go through the fire, and made use of secret arts and signs for reading the future; he gave positions to those who had control of spirits and to wonder-workers; he did much evil in the eyes of the Lord, moving him to wrath.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyFireChild sacrificeMediumsProvoking GodSacrifice, In OtSorcery And MagicSpiritismSpiritsIdolatry, Wicked Practices OfPagan PracticesInfanticideHuman SacrificesFortunetellingNecromancyOccultismTime PassingSorcerypsychics

Because your heart was soft, and you made yourself low before me, when you had word of what I said against this place and its people, that they would become a waste and a curse, and you gave signs of grief, weeping before me: truly, I have given ear to you, says the Lord.

Verse ConceptsHumilityRepentance, Examples OfRenewed HeartPenitentConviction Of SinAfflicted Saints, Examples OfHumbling OneselfHumble YourselfChanging Yourself

He got rid of the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense [to pagan gods] in the high places in Judah’s cities and all around Jerusalem—also those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun, to the moon, to the constellations [of the zodiac], and to all the [starry] host of heaven.

Verse ConceptsConstellationsHigh PlacesMoonPriests, Institution In Ot TimesShrinesIncense Offered AmissIdolatrous Worship Of The Moon

Remember His wonders that He did, His signs, and the judgments of His mouth,

Verse ConceptsPast, TheRemembering

And looking, she saw the king in his place by the pillar at the doorway, and the captains and the horns by his side; and all the people of the land were giving signs of joy and sounding the horns; and the makers of melody were playing on instruments of music, taking the chief part in the song of praise. Then Athaliah, violently parting her robes, said, Broken faith, broken faith!

Verse ConceptsSingersTreacheryTrumpetExcitementTreasonPillars For Solomon's Temple

More than this, he made his children go through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom; and he made use of secret arts, and signs for reading the future, and unnatural powers, and gave positions to those who had control of spirits and to wonder-workers: he did much evil in the eyes of the Lord, moving him to wrath.

Verse ConceptsChild sacrificeMediumsProvoking GodSorcery And MagicSpiritismSpiritsHuman SacrificesAncestral WorshipSorcerypsychics

And your heart was soft, and you made yourself low before God, on hearing his words about this place and its people, and with weeping and signs of grief have made yourself low before me, I have given ear to you, says the Lord God.

Verse ConceptsHardness Of HeartHumilityRobesHumility, Examples Of

And hearing this, with signs of grief and pulling out the hair of my head and my chin, I took my seat on the earth deeply troubled.

Verse ConceptsMantlesCloaksClothing, Tearing OfBeardsHairsDressTrimming Facial HairHair PluckingThose Who Tore Clothes

And at the evening offering, having made myself low before God, I got up, and with signs of grief, falling down on my knees, with my hands stretched out to the Lord my God,

Verse ConceptsTearing Of ClothesCloaksHigh Priest, In OtKneelingPrayer, Practicalities OfReverence, And ObedienceLifting HandsThose Who Tore Clothes

And shewedst signs and wonders upon Pharaoh, and on all his servants, and on all the people of his land: for thou knewest that they dealt proudly against them. So didst thou get thee a name, as it is this day.

Verse ConceptsPride, Results OfArrogance, Punishment OfGod, All knowingAs At This Day

And lifting up their eyes when they were still far off, it did not seem that the man they saw was Job because of the change in him. And they gave way to bitter weeping, with signs of grief, and put dust on their heads.

Verse ConceptsDust, Figurative UseRobesSprinklingTearing Of ClothesWeepingSeeing At A DistanceDust On The HeadNot Recognising PeopleThose Who Tore Clothes

Have ye not asked those passing by the way? And their signs do ye not know?

Verse ConceptsTravellers

Men make signs of joy because of him, driving him from his place with sounds of hissing.

Verse ConceptsClappingHissing

“Can you lead forth a constellation in its season,And guide [the stars of] the Bear with her sons?

Verse ConceptsAstrologyConstellationsControlling Sun Moon And Stars

Those who live far away are awed by Your signs;You make east and west shout for joy.

Verse ConceptsFear, Caused BySunsetsTerror Of GodPeople From Far AwayAweSunSunshine

Thine enemies roar in the midst of thy congregations; they set up their ensigns for signs.

Verse ConceptsBanners, Literal UseGroups ShoutingFlags

How he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Zoan:

Verse ConceptsMiraculous Signs

Let Your work [the signs of Your power] be revealed to Your servantsAnd Your [glorious] majesty to their children.

Verse ConceptsGlory Of God

Remember His wonders that He did, His signs and the judgments of His mouth.

Verse ConceptsPast, The

They shewed his signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham.

Verse ConceptsMiraculous SignsOther Miracles

He sent signs and wonders against you, Egypt,against Pharaoh and all his officials.

Verse ConceptsGod Controls Storms

winking with his eyes, making signs with his feet, pointing with his fingers,

Verse ConceptsEvil EyesWinkingFingers Of PeopleFeet In ActionHeartacheFunmovement

He who makes signs with his eyes is a cause of trouble, but he who makes a man see his errors is a cause of peace.

Verse ConceptsGriefAbasing PeopleEvil EyesWinkingHeartache

Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.

Verse ConceptsChildren Of GodProphetic SignsSpiritual AdoptionChildren In The FaithOther MiraclesSigns And Wonders Before ChristFamily Conflict

that frustrateth the signs of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish;

Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfIntelligenceWisdom, Source Of HumanThe Vanity Of Human KnowledgeFalse WisdomFrustrationCounted As Fools

This is what the Lord says, the Creator of the signs: "Question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hands.

Verse ConceptsMan's Relationship With His CreatorQuestioning GodThe FutureSolar Eclipse

"I will put up signs among them, and from them I will send survivors to the nations to Tarshish, Libya, and Lydia, (who draw the bow), to Tubal and Greece, to the far off coastlands that have not heard of my fame or seen my glory. Then they will proclaim my glory among the nations.

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorFameIslandsMission, Of IsraelSigns From GodMissionary WorkArchers, In ArmiesAfricaSurvivors Of The Nations

Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

Verse ConceptsAstrologySkySuperstitionHeathenOccultismFear, Of UnknownDivinationFruitless LearningSigns In The SkyEclipsecultureatheismalignment

And you, you must not listen to your prophets, and to your diviners, and to your dreamers, and to your interpreters of signs, and to your sorcerers who are {saying}, 'You will not serve the king of Babylon.'

Verse ConceptsListeningMediumsFortunetellingOccultismDivinationMisleading DreamsFalse Prophets DenouncedAvoid SorceryDo Not Listen!SorceryDreams And False Prophetsmagic

For this is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said: Do not let yourselves be tricked by the prophets who are among you, and the readers of signs, and give no attention to their dreams which they may have;

Verse Conceptsencouragement, examples ofWarnings Against DeceptionFalse Doctrines, AvoidanceMisleading DreamsAvoiding DeceitWicked ProphetsDeceptionprophetsattention

Truly, after I had been turned, I had regret for my ways; and after I had got knowledge, I made signs of sorrow: I was put to shame, truly, I was covered with shame, because I had to undergo the shame of my early years.

Verse ConceptsHumiliationSelf RespectExamining YourselfThighsBeating OneselfRepentanceShame Has Come

Set up for thee signs, make for thee heaps, Set thy heart to the highway, the way thou wentest, Turn back, O virgin of Israel, Turn back unto these thy cities.

Verse ConceptsHighwayReturning to their landHighwaysroadblocksvirginity

Which hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day, and in Israel, and among other men; and hast made thee a name, as at this day;

Verse ConceptsSigns And Wonders Before Christ

And hast brought forth thy people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs, and with wonders, and with a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with great terror;

Verse ConceptsGod, Human Descriptions OfGod, Power OfHand Of GodStrength, DivineStrength Of GodTerror Of GodSigns And Wonders Before ChristGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

But they had no fear and gave no signs of grief, not the king or any of his servants, after hearing all these words.

Verse ConceptsNot Tearing ClothesFearing God's Word

All you who are round about him, give signs of grief for him, and all you who have knowledge of his name, say, How is the strong rod broken, even the beautiful branch!

Verse ConceptsSceptreSorrowDeposing

Give loud cries and make sounds of grief, O son of man: for it has come on my people, it has come on all the rulers of Israel: fear of the sword has come on my people: for this cause give signs of grief.

Verse ConceptsPrincesWar As God's JudgmentThighsBeating OneselfKilled With The Sword

Then Daniel said in answer to the king, No wise men, or users of secret arts, or wonder-workers, or readers of signs, are able to make clear to the king the secret he is searching for;

Verse ConceptsAstrologyClairvoyancesNecromancyPeople's Inability To UnderstandDisclosuresUnable To Understandpsychics

How great are his signs! and how mighty are his wonders! his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation.

Verse ConceptsGenerationsGod, The EternalGod Reigning ForeverSigns And Wonders Before ChristGod's Kingdom Being Eternaldominion

Then the wonder-workers, the users of secret arts, the Chaldaeans, and the readers of signs came in to me: and I put the dream before them but they did not make clear the sense of it to me.

Verse ConceptsStarsAstrologersClairvoyancesMagiciansNecromancyOccultismpsychics

The king, crying out with a loud voice, said that the users of secret arts, the Chaldaeans, and the readers of signs, were to be sent for. The king made answer and said to the wise men of Babylon, Whoever is able to make out this writing, and make clear to me the sense of it, will be clothed in purple and have a chain of gold round his neck, and will be a ruler of high authority in the kingdom.

Verse ConceptsInscriptionsClothingChainsGoldRulersWisdom, Human NatureWisdom, Source Of HumanColors, PurpleRich ApparelDressGold ChainsPurple ClothesGold OrnamentsJewelleryThird PersonReading Other Matter

There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of your father, light and reason like the wisdom of the gods were seen in him: and King Nebuchadnezzar, your father, made him master of the wonder-workers, and the users of secret arts, and the Chaldaeans, and the readers of signs;

Verse ConceptsMagical Arts, Practice OfInsightAstrologersGod Giving Understandingpsychics

He delivereth and rescueth, and he worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, who hath delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.

Verse ConceptsRescueDeliverance From LionsGod My SalvationSigns And Wonders Before ChristThe Power Of Other CreaturesMiraculous Help In Trouble

“I will show signs and wonders [displaying My power] in the heavens and on the earth,Blood and fire and columns of smoke.

Verse ConceptsSmokeTheophanyObelisksTurned To BloodFire Emanating From GodSigns In The SkySigns In The UniverseSigns Of The End Timessmoking

I will put an end to your use of secret arts, and you will have no more readers of signs:

Verse ConceptsSorcery And MagicFortunetellingOccultismSorcerymagicwitches

For the images have said what is not true, and the readers of signs have seen deceit; they have given accounts of false dreams, they give comfort to no purpose: so they go out of the way like sheep, they are troubled because they have no keeper.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyFutilityencouragement, examples ofdiscouragementGuidance, Need For God'sHousehold GodsPeace, Human Destruction OfRestlessnessSheepSorcery And MagicVisionsDivinationWanderersMisleading DreamsProphesying LiesNo ComfortDreams And False Prophets

We made music for you and you did not take part in the dance; we gave cries of sorrow and you made no signs of grief.

Verse ConceptsdanceFlutesMusical Instruments, types ofInstrumentalistsNot MourningWedding Songsbreastsdrums

And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?

Verse ConceptsMorningSignsWeather ForecastsSigns Of Christ's ReturnIn The MorningAppearances ofHypocritesHypocrisyDiscernmentSigns Of The End TimesStaying Strong During Hard TimesWeather In The Last Daysweather

You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, yet you can't interpret the signs of the times? An evil and adulterous generation craves a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah." Then he left them and went away.

Verse ConceptsGenerationsGospel, Confirmation OfProof, As EvidenceSigns Of The TimesUnbelief, As Response To GodJesus Christ, ResurrectionEvil GenerationsConfronting SinsSeeking A SignNo Signs

When he did come out, he could not speak to them. Then they realized that he had seen a vision in the sanctuary. He kept making signs to them and remained speechless.

Verse ConceptsecstasyDumbnessThose Who Saw Visions

And they made signs to their friends in the other boat to come to their help. And they came, and the two boats were so full that they were going down.

Verse ConceptsSinkingGroups Helpingpartnership

O false ones! the face of the earth and the heaven is clear to you; how is it that the signs of these times are not as clear to you?

Verse ConceptsDullnessThe Present AgeAppearances ofHypocritesHypocrisyDiscernmentSigns Of The End TimesEnd TimesWeather In The Last DaysSeasons Changingweather

Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed;

Verse ConceptsQuestioning ChristNo SignsWhen?Pharisees Concerned About Christboyfriends

Bible Theasaurus

Mansion (2 instances)
Signal (31 instances)
Signaling (1 instance)
Subscribe (2 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 79

'ath (Aramaic) 
Usage: 3

חתם חותם 
Usage: 14

Usage: 1

מועדה מעד מועד 
Usage: 223

מפת מופת 
Usage: 36

Usage: 16

Usage: 20

`izqa' (Aramaic) 
Usage: 2

Usage: 3

R@sham (Aramaic) 
Usage: 7

Usage: 4

Usage: 7

Usage: 2

Usage: 9

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 6

Usage: 56

American Standard Version Public Domain

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

King James Version Public Domain

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org