190 occurrences in 19 translations

'Wrong doing' in the Bible

You are to say to Joseph, Let the wrongdoing of your brothers be overlooked, and the evil they did to you: now, if it is your pleasure, let the sin of the servants of your father's God have forgiveness. And at these words, Joseph was overcome with weeping.

Verse ConceptsAsking for forgivenessAskingForgive One AnotherWronging Other PeopleGod's ForgivenessLove And Forgivenessforgivingdisobedience

You may not go down on your faces before them or give them worship: for I, the Lord your God, am a God who will not give his honour to another; and I will send punishment on the children for the wrongdoing of their fathers, to the third and fourth generation of my haters;

Verse ConceptsBad ParentsGenerationsGod's attitude towards peopleGod, Zeal OfHatredReward, DivineSin, God's Judgment OnGod, JealousIdolatry Consists OfParents SinForbidden WorshipSins Of The FathersBowing To False GodsAvoiding IdolatryHating GodWorshipping Material Thingsnegativity

In any case of wrongdoing involving an ox, a donkey, a sheep, a garment, or anything else lost, and someone claims, ‘That’s mine,’ the case between the two parties is to come before the judges. The one the judges condemn must repay double to his neighbor.

Verse ConceptsDouble Penalty

Give attention to him and give ear to his voice; do not go against him; for your wrongdoing will not be overlooked by him, because my name is in him

Verse ConceptsRebellion, Against Human AuthorityUnforgivenessObedience To GodGod Not ForgivingCalled By God's NameForgiving Yourselfdisobediencerebellionattention

maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving wrongdoing, rebellion, and sin. But He will not leave the guilty unpunished, bringing the consequences of the fathers’ wrongdoing on the children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, God's Attitude TowardPunishment, Nature OfUnforgivenessParents SinSins Of The FathersA Forgiving God

Then he said, “My Lord, if I have indeed found favor in Your sight, my Lord, please go with us. Even though this is a stiff-necked people, forgive our wrongdoing and sin, and accept us as Your own possession.”

Verse ConceptsPrayer, For OthersStiffnecked PeopleNecksSelf WillGod Goes With YouGod Forgive!

And whoever is responsible for any such sin, let him make a statement openly of his wrongdoing;

Verse ConceptsIncurring GuiltRepentance, Nature OfSin OfferingSin ConfessedConfession of sinGuiltconfessing

Then let him take to the Lord the offering for his wrongdoing; giving to the priest for his offering, a male sheep from the flock, without any mark, of the value fixed by you:

Verse ConceptsRamsPerfect Sacrifices

And this is the law of the offering for wrongdoing: it is most holy.

Verse ConceptsAaron, Priestly ResponsibilitiesHoliness, As Set Apart For God

They are to put to death the offering for wrongdoing in the same place as the burned offering; and the priest is to put the blood on and round the altar.

Verse ConceptsSprinklingSprinkling BloodKilling SacrificesOther Right Parts

They are to be burned by the priest on the altar for an offering made by fire to the Lord: it is an offering for wrongdoing.

As is the sin-offering, so is the offering for wrongdoing; there is one law for them: the priest who makes the offering to take away sin, he is to have it.

Verse ConceptsExpiationPriests PossessingPriests Atoning

These are the laws for the burned offering, the meal offering, and the offering for wrongdoing; and for the making of priests, and for the giving of peace-offerings;

Verse ConceptsAaron, Priestly ResponsibilitiesOrdinationConsecrationGod Appointing OthersRegulations For Cereal OfferingsRegulations For The Sin OfferingRegulating SacrificesPeace offeringsMeat offerings

And the priest is to take one of the male lambs and give it as an offering for wrongdoing, and the log of oil, waving them for a wave offering before the Lord;

Verse ConceptsLambsWave OfferingsSwinging

And he is to put the male lamb to death in the place where they put to death the sin-offering and the burned offering, in the holy place; for as the sin-offering is the property of the priest, so is the offering for wrongdoing: it is most holy.

Verse ConceptsAnimal Sacrifices, Trespass OfferingFood For Priests DefinedKilling SacrificesPriests Possessing

And let the priest take some of the blood of the offering for wrongdoing and put it on the point of the right ear of him who is to be made clean, and on the thumb of his right hand and on the great toe of his right foot;

Verse ConceptsThumbsToesOther Right Parts

And of the rest of the oil which is in his hand, the priest will put some on the point of the right ear of the man who is to be made clean, and on the thumb of his right hand and on the great toe of his right foot, over the blood of the offering for wrongdoing;

Verse ConceptsThumbsToesAnointed By PeopleOther Right Parts

And if he is poor and not able to get so much, then he may take one male lamb as an offering for wrongdoing, to be waved to take away his sin, and one tenth part of an ephah of the best meal mixed with oil for a meal offering, and a log of oil;

Verse ConceptsMale AnimalsBeing PoorEphah [Ten Omers]Making Cereal Offerings And LibationsOther Volume Measures

And the priest will take the lamb of the offering for wrongdoing and the oil, waving them for a wave offering before the Lord;

Verse ConceptsSwinging

And he will put to death the lamb of the offering for wrongdoing and the priest will take some of the blood of the offering for wrongdoing and put it on the point of the right ear of him who is to be made clean, and on the thumb of his right hand and on the great toe of his right foot;

Verse ConceptsThumbsToesKilling SacrificesOther Right Parts

And the priest will put some of the oil which is in his hand on the point of the ear of the man who is to be made clean and on the thumb of his right hand and on the great toe of his right foot, on the place where the blood of the offering for wrongdoing was put;

Verse ConceptsThumbsToesAnointed By PeopleOther Right Parts

And let him make the holy place free from whatever is unclean among the children of Israel and from their wrongdoing in all their sins; and let him do the same for the Tent of meeting, which has its place among an unclean people.

Verse ConceptsAtonementPriests Atoning

And Aaron, placing his two hands on the head of the living goat, will make a public statement over him of all the evil doings of the children of Israel and all their wrongdoing, in all their sins; and he will put them on the head of the goat and send him away, in the care of a man who will be waiting there, into the waste land.

Verse ConceptsWorship, Elements OfLaying On Of HandsAnimal Sacrifices, As A Type Of ChristHands On HeadsDriving Out AnimalsLaying Hands On SacrificesSin Confessed

And the land itself has become unclean; so that I have sent on it the reward of its wrongdoing, and the land itself puts out those who are living in it.

Verse ConceptsRetributionSin, Effects OfPolluting The LandDefilementovereating

Let him take his offering for wrongdoing to the Lord, to the door of the Tent of meeting; let him give a male sheep as an offering for wrongdoing.

Verse ConceptsSacrifices At The Doorway

And the priest will take away his sin before the Lord with the sheep which is offered for his wrongdoing, and he will have forgiveness for the sin which he has done.

Verse ConceptsPriests Atoning

thereby causing them to bear the punishment of their iniquity for wrongdoing when they eat their sacred things, because I am the LORD, who sets them apart."

Verse ConceptsIncurring GuiltI Am The LordMaking People Holy

Then let him take her to the priest, offering for her the tenth part of an ephah of barley meal, without oil or perfume; for it is a meal offering of a bitter spirit, a meal offering keeping wrongdoing in mind.

Verse ConceptsGrain OfferingOilAnimal Sacrifices, Meal OfferingOil On SacrificesEphah [Ten Omers]Regulations For Cereal OfferingsThose Jealous For People

The Lord is slow to anger and rich in faithful love, forgiving wrongdoing and rebellion. But He will not leave the guilty unpunished, bringing the consequences of the fathers’ wrongdoing on the children to the third and fourth generation.

Verse ConceptsFathers, Sin Of TheAbundant MercyGenerationsChildren, responsibilities to parentsGod, Patience OfReliabilityRestraintUnforgivenessLongsuffering Of GodParents SinSins Of The FathersA Forgiving GodSpeed Of God's AngerLove And ForgivenessAnger And ForgivenessParents LoveParents Being Wrong

Please pardon the wrongdoing of this people, in keeping with the greatness of Your faithful love, just as You have forgiven them from Egypt until now.”

Verse ConceptsGod, Greatness OfGod Forgive!Love And Forgivenessgreatness

And as you went through the land viewing it for forty days, so for forty years, a year for every day, you will undergo punishment for your wrongdoing, and you will see that I am against you.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, Punishment ForKnowledge, Of GodThe Number FortyOne DayMore Than One Month40 To 50 YearsGod OpposingAccording To TimeComplainingexploringconsequenceswanderingland

And the Lord said to Aaron, You and your sons and your father's family are to be responsible for all wrongdoing in relation to the holy place: and you and your sons are to be responsible for the errors which come about in your work as priests.

Verse ConceptsAaron, Priestly ResponsibilitiesOffencePriesthood, In OtFathers Responsibilitiesconnection

He has seen no evil in Jacob or wrongdoing in Israel: the Lord his God is with him, and the glad cry of a king is among them

Verse ConceptsShoutingTheocracyGod With YouGroups ShoutingNatural Disasters

But if at some time after hearing of them, he makes them without force, then he is responsible for her wrongdoing.

You may not go down on your faces before them or give them worship: for I, the Lord your God, am a God who will not give his honour to another; and I will send punishment on the children for the wrongdoing of their fathers, to the third and fourth generation of my haters;

Verse ConceptsGenerationsGod's attitude towards peopleGod, Zeal OfSin, God's Judgment OnIdolatry Consists OfGod, JealousSins Of The FathersAvoiding IdolatryDo Not Have Other godsHating God

“One witness cannot establish any wrongdoing or sin against a person, whatever that person has done. A fact must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

Verse ConceptsAgreements, LegalConfirmationThree WitnessesdisagreementsMurderProof, As EvidenceRightsWitnesses, LegalOnly One PersonNot AloneTwo Or ThreeGuiltWitnessingBeing Singletestimonytestifyingaccusations

then it hath come to pass, if the wrong-doer is to be smitten, that the judge hath caused him to fall down, and one hath smitten him in his presence, according to the sufficiency of his wrong-doing, by number;

Verse ConceptsSin, God's Judgment OnAdvice On Beating People

And Joshua said to the people, You are not able to be the servants of the Lord, for he is a holy God, a God who will not let his honour be given to another: he will have no mercy on your wrongdoing or your sins.

Verse ConceptsGod's attitude towards peopleGod, Zeal OfJealousySanctification, Nature And BasisSin, And God's CharacterUnforgivenessGod, JealousPeople's Inability To Serve GodGod Not Forgiving

So, then, be kind to your servant; for you have been united with your servant in an agreement made before the Lord: but if there is any wrongdoing in me, put me to death yourself; why take me to your father?

Verse ConceptsCovenant ObligationsFaithfulness, In Human RelationshipsKindnessLoyaltyNegotiationTreatyApproval To Kill OneselfWhat Sin?

Abner was very angry about Ish-bosheth’s accusation. “Am I a dog’s head who belongs to Judah?” he asked. “All this time I’ve been loyal to the house of your father Saul, to his brothers, and to his friends and haven’t handed you over to David, but now you accuse me of wrongdoing with this woman!

Verse ConceptsBlameAnger, HumanLoyaltyOffenceNamed People Angry With OthersPeople Of Judah

and said to him, “My lord, don’t hold me guilty, and don’t remember your servant’s wrongdoing on the day my lord the king left Jerusalem. May the king not take it to heart.

Verse ConceptsForgetting ThingsNot Guilty

And Solomon said, If he is seen to be a man of good faith, not a hair of him will be touched; but if any wrongdoing is seen in him, he is to be put to death.

Verse ConceptsMercy, Examples OfHeadsHairs ProtectedHair

and David went out to meet them. He told them, "If you've come in peace to be of help to me, then you'll have my commitment. But if you've come to betray me to my enemies, even though I'm innocent of wrongdoing, then may the God of our ancestors watch and judge."

Verse ConceptsBetrayalPeople HelpingHurt And Betrayal

After this, Judah’s King Jehoshaphat made an alliance with Israel’s King Ahaziah, who was guilty of wrongdoing.

Verse Conceptspartnershipalignment

And said to them, You are not to let these prisoners come here; for what you are designing to do will be a cause of sin against the Lord to us, making even greater our sin and our wrongdoing, which now are great enough, and his wrath is burning against Israel.

And the prayer which he made to God, and how God gave him an answer, and all his sin and his wrongdoing, and the places where he made high places and put up pillars of wood and images, before he put away his pride, are recorded in the history of the seers.

Verse ConceptsAnswered PrayerUnfaithfulness, To God

Now while Ezra was making his prayer and his statement of wrongdoing, weeping and falling down before the house of God, a very great number of men and women and children out of Israel came together round him: for the people were weeping bitterly.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsGesturesGuilt, Human Aspects OfHouse Of GodLargenessPrayer, As Asking GodRegretRepentance, Examples OfRevival, CorporateConviction Of SinReligious AwakeningsTearsNamed Individuals Who Prayedconfessing

Let not their wrongdoing be covered or their sin washed away from before you: for they have made you angry before the builders.

Verse ConceptsCoveringUnforgivenessGod Not ForgivingGuiltAnger And Forgiveness

And the seed of Israel made themselves separate from all the men of other nations, publicly requesting forgiveness for their sins and the wrongdoing of their fathers.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, Believer's Relation ToForeignersWorship, Elements OfSeparation From Evil PeopleAvoiding ForeignersSin Confessedconfessing

And why do you not take away my sin, and let my wrongdoing be ended? for now I go down to the dust, and you will be searching for me with care, but I will be gone.

Verse ConceptsOffenceSleep, And DeathAcquittalIndividuals Passing AwayGod Not ForgivingLife Cut Short

that You look for my wrongdoingand search for my sin,

Verse ConceptsNot Guilty

If you put far away the evil of your hands, and let no wrongdoing have a place in your tent;

Verse ConceptsTentsForsaking SinSteadfastnessInjustice

My wrongdoing is corded up in a bag, and my sin is shut up safe.

Verse ConceptsCoveringBagsSealsStoringGod Has Forgiven

From the city the dying groan, and the wounded cry out for help, but God charges no one with wrongdoing.

Verse ConceptsPurgatory

For you are not a God who takes pleasure in wrongdoing; there is no evil with you.

Verse ConceptsPleasing GodPleasureCharacter Of WickedNot Pleasing Godwickednessartists

That man is a worker of evil; the seed of wrongdoing has given birth to deceit.

Verse ConceptsPregnancyMalice Of The Wicked

His wrongdoing will come back to him, and his violent behaviour will come down on his head.

Verse ConceptsHeadsMischiefFreedom From Violenceproblems

Happy is he who has forgiveness for his wrongdoing, and whose sin is covered.

Verse ConceptsSin, Deliverance From GodForgiveness Of SinsGod Will ForgiveForgiveness Kjv

He plans wrongdoing on his bed;He sets himself on a path that is not good;He does not reject or despise evil.

Verse ConceptsEvil WaysImagination, Evil SchemingEvil PlansBedsEvil DevicesMischiefPlottingContinuing In SinStaying Positive

Why do you take pride in wrongdoing, lifting yourself up against the upright man all the day?

Verse ConceptsBoasting, CondemnedPride, Results OfSpiritual MalnutritionStrength, HumanGoodnessBoastingheroes

You pardoned the wrongdoing of your people; you forgave all their sin. (Selah)

Verse ConceptsCoveringSin, Deliverance From GodGod Has ForgivenPsalm Interjections

You gave them an answer, O Lord our God; you took away their sin, though you gave them punishment for their wrongdoing.

Verse ConceptsSin, God's Judgment OnGod AnsweredA Forgiving GodGod Executes Vengeance

He has not given us the punishment for our sins, or the reward of our wrongdoing.

Verse ConceptsReward, DivinePunishmentPunishmentsTreating OthersTragedy

Let the Lord keep in mind the wrongdoing of his fathers; and may the sin of his mother have no forgiveness.

Verse ConceptsGod Not Forgiving

“For my mouth will utter truth,And wickedness is repulsive and loathsome to my lips.

Verse ConceptsMouthsSpeaking TruthTelling The Truth

From the fruit of the mouth of a man, he shall eat what is good, but the desire of the treacherous, wrongdoing.

Verse ConceptsLipsUnfaithfulness, To GodViolencePursuing ViolenceBeing PositiveThe Power Of Words

There is much food in the ploughed land of the poor; but it is taken away by wrongdoing.

Verse ConceptsPoverty, Causes OfPlenty For The PoorAgricultureInjusticeFeeding The Poor

When evil men are in power, wrongdoing is increased; but the upright will have pleasure when they see their downfall.

Verse ConceptsEvil AssociationsDownfallrebellion

Even if you are kind to the evil-doer, he will not go after righteousness; even in the land of the upright he will still go on in his wrongdoing, and will not see the glory of the Lord.

Verse ConceptsGod, Majesty OfGrace, In OtCharacter Of WickedNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsContinuing In Sin

those who, with their speech,accuse a person of wrongdoing,who set a trap at the gate for the mediator,and without cause deprive the righteous of justice.

Verse ConceptsInjustice, Examples OfTrapUncharitablenessBusiness At The GatewayMan Trapping

And so a lion from the woods will put them to death, a wolf of the waste land will make them waste, a leopard will keep watch on their towns, and everyone who goes out from them will be food for the beasts; because of the great number of their sins and the increase of their wrongdoing.

Verse ConceptsForestsLeopardCarnivorousnessWolvesIn Danger From Lions

This is what the Lord has said about this people: Even so they have been glad to go from the right way; they have not kept their feet from wandering, so the Lord has no pleasure in them; now he will keep their wrongdoing in mind and send punishment for their sins.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, God's Attitude TowardRestlessnessRestraintSelf ControlWhy Prayer Is UnansweredUnanswered PrayerWanderersGod Remembering SinLoving Evil

We are conscious, O Lord, of our sin and of the wrongdoing of our fathers: we have done evil against you.

Verse ConceptsSin, Effects OfAcknowledge, SinSelf KnowledgeWe Have SinnedGuiltAcknowledgedconfessing

And it will be, that when you say all these words to the people, then they will say to you, Why has the Lord done all this evil against us? what is our wrongdoing and what is our sin which we have done against the Lord our God?

Verse ConceptsGod Harmed ThemWhat Sin?Why Does God Do This?

A curse is on him who is building his house by wrongdoing, and his rooms by doing what is not right; who makes use of his neighbour without payment, and gives him nothing for his work;

Verse ConceptsDishonesty, Kinds OfInjustice, Nature And Source OfLeaders, PoliticalMastersRiches, Dangers OfServants, Working Conditions OfWagesUnjust GainDishonesty CondemnedEmployersPresumptuous PlansWoe To The WickedInjustice

saying, ‘Turn now everyone from his evil way and the evil of your actions [that you may not forfeit the right to] live in the land that the Lord has given to you and your forefathers forever and ever;

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature ofEternal PossessionTurning From EvilRefusing To HearGod Gave The Landimprovement

Rather, each will die for his own wrongdoing. Anyone who eats sour grapes—his own teeth will be set on edge.

Verse ConceptsResponsibility, To GodPersonal Responsibility

No longer will one teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all know Me, from the least to the greatest of them”—this is the Lord’s declaration. “For I will forgive their wrongdoing and never again remember their sin.”

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature ofCovenant, the newExperience, of GodAssurance, nature ofApproaching GodGreat And SmallGod Will ForgiveTeaching The Way Of God

Perhaps when the house of Judah hears about all the disaster I am planning to bring on them, each one of them will turn from his evil way. Then I will forgive their wrongdoing and their sin.”

Verse ConceptsAssurance, nature ofPlansGod Will Bring HarmGod Will Forgive

I will punish him, his descendants, and his officers for their wrongdoing. I will bring on them, on the residents of Jerusalem, and on the men of Judah all the disaster, which I warned them about but they did not listen.”

Verse ConceptsGod Will Bring Harm

So that the children of Israel may no longer go wandering away from me, or make themselves unclean with all their wrongdoing; but they will be my people, and I will be their God, says the Lord.

Verse ConceptsDefilement, By SinPeople Going AstrayPeople Polluting ThemselvesI Will Be Their GodSin Clings To The Sinnerreuniting

He doesn’t lend at interest or for profit but keeps his hand from wrongdoing and carries out true justice between men.

Verse ConceptsExcessGreed, Believers' Response ToInterestLending

Bible Theasaurus

Misconduct (5 instances)
Wrong-Doing (160 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
hurt , do wrong , wrong , suffer wrong , be unjust , take wrong , injure , be an offender , vr hope
Usage: 24

Usage: 63

Usage: 42

Usage: 17

Usage: 3

Usage: 5

Usage: 8

Usage: 60

Usage: 19

Usage: 8

my wrong
Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 36

Usage: 20

Usage: 48

Usage: 434

Usage: 21

sit down , sit down to meat , be set down , lean
Usage: 8

Usage: 9

Usage: 378

Usage: 16

Usage: 10

Usage: 144

Usage: 171

sit at meat , guests , sit , sit down , be set down , lie , lean , at the table
Usage: 10

Usage: 4

be , come to pass , be made , be done , come , become , God forbid , arise , have , be fulfilled , be married to , be preferred , not tr , , vr done
Usage: 531

doubt , be perplexed , be much perplexed , be in doubt
Usage: 5

Usage: 6

sit , sit down , sit by , be set down , dwell
Usage: 78

sit , sit down , set , be set , be set down , continue , tarry
Usage: 30

Usage: 0

Usage: 1

Usage: 13

Usage: 7

Usage: 71

Usage: 1

Usage: 999

Usage: 8

Usage: 15

Usage: 5

Usage: 54

Usage: 330

... down , cut off , asunder , cut in sunder
Usage: 22

Usage: 3

Usage: 15

Usage: 13

Usage: 18

דּואג דּאג 
Usage: 6

Usage: 5

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

דּאר דּור 
Usage: 7

Duwsh (Aramaic) 
tread it down
Usage: 1

דּחח דּחה 
Usage: 10

Usage: 88

Usage: 15

Usage: 30

Usage: 2

Usage: 63

דּתין דּתן 
Usage: 3

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 9

Usage: 5

Usage: 238

Usage: 9

Usage: 1

Usage: 25

Usage: 4

Usage: 31

Usage: 0

Usage: 53

Usage: 1081

Usage: 1

Usage: 32

Usage: 32

Usage: 207

Usage: 36

cut up , cut down
Usage: 2

Usage: 5

Usage: 3

Usage: 5

Usage: 36

Usage: 287

Usage: 62

Usage: 17

Usage: 2

Usage: 9

Usage: 23

Usage: 3

Usage: 3

Usage: 38

Usage: 37

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible