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The old man, the young man, and the virgin, and little ones, and women, ye shall slay to destruction: and every man which upon him the mark, ye shall not touch; and ye shall begin from my holy place. And they will begin upon the old men which are before the house

And I shall pass by thee and see thee, and behold, thy time the time of loves; and I shall spread my wing over thee and cover thy nakedness: and I shall swear to thee, and come into covenant with thee, says the Lord Jehovah, and thou shalt be to me.

And say, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: The great eagle great of wings, long of the wing-feather, full of feathers, which to him variegation, came to Lebanon, and he will take the foliage of the cedar.

In the mountain of the height of Israel I will plant it: and it bare a branch, and it made fruit, and it was for a great cedar: and there dwelt under it all fowls of every wing; in the shadow of its branches shall they dwell.

And say, What thy mother? a lioness: between lions she lay down, in the midst of young lions she brought up her whelps

And she will bring up one of her whelps: it was a young lion, and it will learn to rend the prey eating man.

And she will see that waiting her hope perished, and she will take one of her whelps setting him a young lion.

And he will go about in the midst of the lions; he was a young lion, and he will learn to tear in pieces the prey, eating man.

Putting on cerulean purple, prefects and governors, young men of desire all of them, horsemen riding horses.

She desired after the sons of Assur, prefects and governors, being near, putting on splendor, horsemen riding horses, young men of desire, all of them.

The sons of Babel and all the Chaldeans, Pekod and Shoa and Koa, all the sons of Amur with them: young men of desire, prefects and governors, all of them third men, and celebrated, riding horses all of them.

The young men of Aven and Pibeseth shall fall by the sword: and these shall go into captivity.

Son of man, lift up a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt, and say to him, Thou wert like a young lion of the nations, and thou as a whale in the seas: and thou wilt break forth with thy rivers, and trouble the waters with thy feet, and thou wilt tread their rivers.

Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish, and all her young lions, they shall say to thee, For spoiling a spoil art thou come? For plundering a plunder didst thou call together thy convocation? to lift up silver and gold, to take cattle and substance, to spoil a great spoil?

Upon the mountains of Israel shalt thou fall, thou and all thy hosts, and the peoples which are with thee: to the ravenous bird, the bird of every wing, and to the beasts of the field I gave to consume.

And thou, son of man, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Say to the bird of every wing and to all the beasts of the field, Gather yourselves together, and come; assemble yourselves from round about to my sacrifice which I sacrifice to you, a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel; and ye ate flesh and drank blood.

And the face of man to the palm tree from hence, and the face of a young lion to the palm tree from thence: being made to all the house round about, round about

And thou shalt say to the perverse to the house of Israel, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Enough for you of all your abominations, O house of Israel.

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Enough to you, O princes of Israel: remove ye violence and oppression, and do judgment and justice, lift up your expulsions from off my people, says the Lord Jehovah.