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and their feet were straight feet, - and the sole of their feet was like the sole of the foot of a calf, but sparkling, as shining bronze to look upon;

Whereas when thou hast warned a lawless man, and he hath not turned from his lawlessness and from his lawless way he in his iniquity shall die, but Thou hast delivered thine own soul.

whereas when Thou hast warned a righteous man. That a righteous man must not sin and he hath not sinned, he shall surely live in that he took warning, and thou hast delivered thine own soul.

Thus saith My Lord Yahweh:A calamity, a sole calamity, lo! it hath come.

elder, young man and virgin and little ones and women, shall ye slay utterly, but unto any man who hath upon him the mark, do not ye come near, and at my sanctuary, shall ye begin. So they began with the elder men. who were before the house.

Therefore say, Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Therefore will I assemble you from among the peoples, And gather you out of the lands wherein ye have been dispersed,- And will give you the soil of Israel.

Yea thou didst slay my children, - And didst deliver them up. that they should be caused to pass through the fire unto them.

But when a lawless man turneth away from his lawlessness which he hath done, And hath done justice and righteousness He, shall save his own soul, alive:

As silver is melted in he midst of a furnace, Sol shall ye be melted in the midst thereof, - Then shall ye know that lit Yahweh have poured out mine indignation upon you.

They disclosed her shame, Her sons and her daughters:, took they away, And herself - with the sword, they slew, - Thus became she a by-word among women, when judgments, they had executed upon her.

Then came in unto her the sons of Babylon into the bed of endearments, and defiled her with their unchaste doings,- And she defiled herself with them, And then was her soul torn from them.

Thus disclosed she her unchaste desires, And disclosed her shame,- So my soul was torn from her, Just as my soul had been torn from her sister.

Therefore, O Oholibah, Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Behold me! musing up thy lovers against thee, Even them from whom thy soul hath been torn,- And I will bring them against thee from every side:

For thus saith My Lord, Yahweh, Behold me! delivering thee up, into the hand of them whom thou hatest, Into the hand of them from whom thy soul hath been torn;

Yea a gathered host shall stone them with stones, and dispatch them with their swords, Their sons and their daughters, shall they slay, And their houses - in the fire, shall they consume.

Say to the house of Israel thus, saith My Lord. Yahweh, Behold me! profaning my sanctuary. The pride of your strength, The delight of your eyes And the object of the tender regard of your soul,- And your sons and your daughters whom ye have left behind, by the sword, shall fall.

Thou, therefore Son of man, Shall it not be - In the day when I take away from them Their strength, The joy of their adorning, - The delight of their eyes And the desire of their soul, Their sons and their daughters

For thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Because thou didst clap thy hands and stamp with thy foot, - and didst rejoice with all thy contempt in thy soul, against the so of Israel.

Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Because of what the Philistines have done by way of vengeance,- In that they have taken vengeance with contempt in the soul, to destroy, with the enmity of age-past times.

Thy daughters in the field - with the sword, shall he slay,- And shall set against thee a siege-wall And cast up against thee an earthwork, And set up against thee a large shield;

With the hoofs of his horses, shall he tread down all thy streets, - Thy people-with the sword, shall he slay, And thy pillars of strength to the earth, shall go down.

Of fine linen with embroidered work from Egypt, was thy sail, To serve thee for ensign, - Blue and purple from the shores of Aeolis became thine awning:

And shall make bald for thee a baldness And gird them with sackcloth, - And shall weep for time in bitterness of soul. A biter lamentation;

And I will make the rivers dry, and will sell the land into the hand of wicked one. - and make the land desolate with the fulness thereof, by the hand of foreigners, I, Yahweh! have spoken.

The sound of the horn, he heard, but took not warning, His blood, upon himself shall remain, - Whereas had he taken warning, his own soul, he should have delivered.

And I will bring them out from among the peoples And will gather them out of the lands, And will bring them upon their own soil, And will tend them Upon the mountains of Israel, In the ravines. And in all the habitable places of the land:

And the tree of the field shall yield his fruit And The land, shall yield her increase, And they shall remain on their own sell in security,- So shall they know that I, am Yahweh, When I have broken a the bars of their yoke, And shall deliver them out of the hand of them who have been using them as slaves.

Therefore, Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, Surely in the fire of my jealousy, have I spoken against the rest of the nation and against Edom all of it, - - Who have given my land to themselves for a possession, In the rejoicing of all the heart In contempt of soul, To make of its produce a prey.

Therefore will I take you from among the nations, And gather you out of all the lands,- And will bring you upon your own soil;

And I will put my spirit within you and ye shall live, And I will settle you upon your own soil, So shall ye know that I, Yahweh have spoken and have performed. Declareth Yahweh.

So then shall it come to pass in that day, In the day when Gog entereth upon the soil of Israel, Declareth My Lord Yahweh, That mine indignation shall come up into my nostrils;

And they shall know that I, Yahweh, ara their God, When I have carried them into exe among the nations, And shall then gather them upon their own soil,- And shall no more leave any of them there.

And in the porch of the gate, were two tables on this side, and two tables, on that side, - to slay thereon the ascending-sacrifice, and the sin-bearer, and the gut-bearer.

Four tables on this side and four tables on that side by the side of the gate,-eight tables whereupon they shall slay.

And the four tables for the ascending-offering: were of hewn stone. in length, one cubit and a half, and in breadth, one cubit and a half, and in height, one cubit, - that thereon, they may lay the instruments wherewith they shall slay the ascending-offering and the sacrifice.

Yet shall they remain in my sanctuary As attendants in charge at the gates of the house, - And attending upon the house, - They shall slay the ascending-offering, and the sacrifice of the people, And they, shall stand before them to wait upon them.

And it shall come to pass that every living soul that swarmeth whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live, and the fish shall become a very great multitude; for these waters have come thither, that they may be healed so shall everything live whithersoever the river cometh.

And they shall not sell thereof, nor shall one exchange or alienate the first-fruits of the land, - for it is holy unto Yahweh.