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and these in like manner are they who were sown on the rocky soil; who when they have heard the word, instantly with joy receive it;

Verse ConceptsShallownessSuddenlyHearing God's WordRejoicing In God's Word

And they were filled with the most reverential awe, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?

Verse ConceptsConfusionWho Is Jesus?Fear Of ChristThe Sea Stilledoverwhelmed

and the second took her, and died, and neither did he leave issue; and the third in like manner.

Verse ConceptsSecond BeingThird PersonTaking A WifeSecond MarriageDeath Of A ChildFamily Death

But he said with more vehement assertion, Though I should die with thee, yet would I in no wise deny thee. And they all spake also in the same manner.

Verse Conceptsdenial of Jesus ChristPeter, The DiscipleResigned To Deathvulnerabilitydenial

And in the same manner also, the chief priests mocking him, among each other, with the scribes, said, He saved others, himself he cannot save.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, examples ofChief priestsImpotence Of ChristMocking ChristOpposition To Christ From ScribesSaving OneselfThose Not Saved