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and found him, and say unto him - All, are seeking thee;

and have no root in themselves, but, only for a season are, - afterwards, when there ariseth tribulation or persecution by reason of the word, straightway, they find cause of stumbling;

and, as soon as it is sown, springeth up, and becometh greater than all garden plants, and produceth large branches, so that, under the shade thereof, the birds of heaven can find shelter.

and, departing unto her house, she found the child laid prostrate on the couch, and the demon gone forth.

and saith unto them - Go your way into the village that is over against you, and, straightway, as ye are entering it, ye shall find a colt tied, upon which, no, man, yet, hath sat: loose him, and bring him.

And they departed, and found a colt, tied unto a door outside, on the street, - and they are loosing him.

and, seeing a fig-tree from afar, having leaves, he came -- if, therefore, he should find aught in it, and, coming up to it, nothing, found he, save, leaves; for it was not, the season, of figs.

And the disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found, according as he had said unto them, - and they made ready the passover.

And Jesus saith unto them - Ye, all, will find cause of stumbling, because it is written, - I will smite the shepherd, and, the sheep, will be scattered abroad;

And, Peter, said unto him - Even if, all, shall find cause of stumbling, certainly not, I.

And, again, coming, he found them sleeping, for their eyes were being, weighed down, - and they knew not what to answer him.