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Even till I set thine enemies the footstool of thy feet.

And laid down at the feet of the sent: and it was distributed to each as any had need.

A field being to him having sold, he brought the money and laid at the feet of the sent.

And separated from the price, his wife also knowing; and having brought a certain part, laid at the feet of the sent.

And she fell immediately at his feet, and expired: and the young men having come in, found her dead, and having carried out, interred near her husband.

And he gave him none inheritance in it, not a step of the foot: and he promised to give it him for a possession, and to his seed after him, there being no child to him.

And a famine came upon the whole land of Egypt and Chanaan, and great pressure: and our fathers found no food.

And the Lord said to him, Loose the shoes of thy feet: for the place in which thou standest is holy land.

Heaven a throne to me, and earth the footstool of my feet: what house will ye build to me? says the Lord: or what the place of my rest?

And having cast out of the city, they stoned: and the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man called Saul.

And having taken food, he was strong. And Saul was in Damascus with the disciples certain days.

And it was as Peter came in, Cornelius having met him, having fallen at his feet, worshipped.

And as John completed the course, be said, Whom think ye me to be? I am not. But, behold, he comes after me, whose shoes of the feet I am not worthy to loose.

And they, having shaken off the cloud of the dust of their feet against them, came into Iconium.

And a certain man in Lystra, not having strength in the feet, sat, being lame from his mother's belly, who had never walked:

Said with a great voice, Stand up upon thy feet upright.:And he leaped and walked.

Who, having received such an order, cast them into the inner prison, and placed their feet firmly in wood.

Whom having collected together and the workmen of such things, he said, Men, ye know that out of this work is our good food.

And we having gone before to the ship, sailed to Assos, there being about to take up Paul: for so had he ordered, being about himself to go on foot.

And having come to us, and lifted up Paul's girdle, and bound his hands and feet, he said, Thus says the Holy Spirit, The man whose is this girdle, shall the Jews so bind in Jerusalem, and they shall deliver him into the hands of the nations.

I am truly a Jew, a man born in Tarsus, of Cilicia, and brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, instructed according to the exactness of the fathers' law, being zealous of God, as all ye are this day.

Which I also did in Jerusalem: and many of the holy ones I shut up in prison, having received authority from chief priests; and they taken up, I carried down a vote.

But arise, and stand upon thy feet: for, for this was I sent to thee, to take thee in hand, a servant and witness both of what things thou sawest, and of what I shall be seen to thee;

And there being much abstinence from food, then Paul having stood in the midst of them, said, Truly it was fitting, O men, having obeyed me, not to be conveyed from Crete, and gain this violence and damage.

And till it was about to be day, Paul besought all to take food, saying, Awaiting this day the fourteenth day, ye continue fasting, having taken nothing.

Wherefore I beseech you to take food: for this is for your salvation: for not a hair of the head of one of you shall fall.

And satisfied with food, they lightened the ship, casting out the wheat into the sea.