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I tell all of you with certainty, whoever doesn't receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never get into it at all."

but they could not discover what was to be done, for the whole of the people hung upon his lips.

And if we say, 'From men,' the whole of the people will stone us, for they are convinced John was a prophet."

He said, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow has put in [proportionally] more than all of them;

For from what they could well spare they have all of them contributed to the offerings, but she in her need has thrown in all she had to live on."

And before all of these things, they will lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you into their synagogues and prisons, led before kings and governors on account of my name.

I tell all of you with certainty, this generation won't disappear until all these things take place.

For I say unto you, that I will not eat any more at all of it until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.

For I say unto you, that I will not drink at all of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God come.

and they were the more urgent, saying -- 'He doth stir up the people, teaching throughout the whole of Judea -- having begun from Galilee -- unto this place.'

And all of those who knew Him, as well as the women who had followed Him from Galilee [See Matt. 27:55-56], watched all this from a distance.

whilst they were in great perplexity about it, all of a sudden, two men appear'd before them in robes of light.

They talked with each other about all of these things which had happened.

And, making a scourge out of rushes, all of them, thrust he forth out of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen; and, the money-changers' small coins, poured he forth, and, the tables, he overturned;

Don't be astonished that I told you, "All of you must be born from above.'

"Most solemnly I tell you we are speaking of what we know, and it is about that of which we were eyewitnesses that we give testimony. Yet all of you reject our testimony.

and there was there a well of Jacob. Jesus therefore having been weary from the journeying, was sitting thus on the well; it was as it were the sixth hour;

For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

Jesus told them, "Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, the Son can do nothing on his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing, What the Father does, the Son does likewise.

Jesus replied to them, "Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, you are looking for me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate the loaves and were completely satisfied.

Jesus told them, "Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven.

It stands written in the Prophets, 'And they shall all of them be taught by God'. Every one who listens to the Father and learns from Him comes to me.

Jesus answered them, "I performed one action, and all of you are astonished.

Then all of them went to their own homes.

"Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, the person who doesn't enter the sheepfold through the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a bandit.

When he has brought out his own sheep--all of them--he walks at the head of them; and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice.

(The Mary whose brother Lazarus was ill, was the Mary who put perfumed oil on the Lord and made his feet dry with her hair.)

Then Mary, taking a pound of perfumed oil of great value, put it on the feet of Jesus and made them dry with her hair: and the house became full of the smell of the perfume.

Then Jesus said to [all of] them, "The time has come for the Son of man to be glorified [i.e., by His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension].

Jesus said to him, “Anyone who has bathed needs only to wash his feet, and is completely clean. And you [My disciples] are clean, but not all of you.”

Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, a servant isn't greater than his master, and a messenger isn't greater than the one who sent him.

Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, the one who receives whomever I send receives me, and the one who receives me receives the one who sent me."

After saying this, Jesus was deeply troubled in spirit and declared solemnly, "Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, one of you is going to betray me!"

If you--all of you--knew me, you would fully know my Father also. From this time forward you know Him and have seen Him."

Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, the one who believes in me will also do what I'm doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I'm going to the Father.

Then they were speaking, What is this, Little while, of which He speaks? and we know not what He is talking about.

On that day, you won't ask me for anything. Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, whatever you ask the Father for in my name, he will give it to you.

"I am not praying for these [apostles] only, but also for [all of] those who believe in me through their message.

[I pray] that all of them may be one, just as you, Father, are [one] in [fellowship with] me, and I [am one] in [fellowship with] you, so that they also may be [one] in [fellowship with] us in order that the world may [see it and] believe that you sent me.

After Jesus had said all of this, he went with his disciples across the Kidron valley to a place where there was a garden, which he and his disciples entered.

Stunned and amazed, they asked, "All of these people who are speaking are Galileans, aren't they?

Men of Crete and Arabia, to all of us they are talking in our different languages, of the great works of God.

All of them continued to be stunned and puzzled, and they kept asking one another, "What can this mean?"

Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the Temple Courts, and to the Breaking of Bread at their homes, while they partook of their food in simple-hearted gladness, praising God, and winning the good-will of all the people.

And on the basis of faith in His name, it is the name of Jesus which has strengthened this man whom you see and know; and the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect health and complete wholeness in your presence.

You [Jews] were the first ones to receive this blessing when God raised up [i.e., selected] His Servant [i.e., Jesus] and sent Him to turn all of you [away] from your sins."

be it known to all of you, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye did crucify, whom God did raise out of the dead, in him hath this one stood by before you whole.

And laying them at the feet of the Apostles, while on the other hand they were distributing unto each one, in so far as any one had, need.

And when the apostles heard this, they entered the Temple about dawn and began teaching [about Jesus]. [A little later] the head priest and the Sadducees [see verse 17] called the Council [i.e., the Sanhedrin] and all of the ruling body of Jewish leaders together and sent to the jail to have the apostles brought in to them [for further questioning].

"Years ago Theudas arose, claiming to be somebody, and was joined by about four hundred men. He was killed, and all of his followers dispersed and annihilated.

Later on another man, named Judas of Galilee, appeared during the census [Note: The time and circumstances of this census were probably known to the original readers], and led [a group of] people away after him, but he also was killed and all of his followers were scattered.

And this saying was pleasing to all of them: and they made selection of Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip and Prochorus and Nicanor and Timon and Parmenas and Nicolas of Antioch, who had become a Jew:

“Now a famine came over all Egypt and Canaan, bringing great distress and our fathers could not find food [for their households and livestock].

But they shouted loudly and refused to listen, and then all of them rushed at him.