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then having brought their boats to shore, they left every thing, and followed him.

then Jesus stretch'd out his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou cured. and immediately the leprosy disappear'd:

I came not to call saints, but sinners to repentance. Then they ask'd him, how comes it that John's disciples,

however, the time will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then they will have occasions enow of fasting.

then said Jesus to them, I will ask you one question, which is the most allowable on the sabbath-day, to do good, or to neglect it? to save a man's life, or to let him perish?

then casting his eyes round the company, he said to the man, stretch out your hand. and he did so: and that hand was as sound as the other.

or how can you say to your brother, brother, let me take out the mote, that is in your eye, when you your self don't discern the beam that is in your own eye? hypocrite, first remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the mote out of your brother's eye.

then Jesus went with him, and when he was advanced near the house, the centurion sent some of his friends to him, saying, "Lord, don't give yourself the trouble of coming, I don't deserve you should honour my house with your presence.

as he drew near the gate of the city, there was a dead man just then carrying out to be buried, who was his mother's only son, and she a widow: and many people of the town came with her.

then advancing, he touch'd the bier, and the bearers standing still, he said, young man, arise, I command you.

then he gave them this answer, go, and tell John what you have seen, and heard: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are healed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the gospel is proclaim'd to the poor.

what then did you go to see? a prophet? yes, I say it, and more than a prophet.

I declare unto you, among the whole race of mankind, there is not a prophet, who is superiour to John the Baptist: yet he that is most inferiour in the kingdom of the Messiah, is greater than he.

but some of the corn fell into good soil, and grew up, yielding a hundred grains for one. then raising his voice he concluded with these words, he that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

whatever is now obscure, shall hereafter be made clear; whatever is now conceal'd, shall then be publickly known.

then they came to wake him, crying, master, master, we are sinking. then he rose up, and rebuked the wind, and the waves: and both subside to a calm.

Then they arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, which lies opposite to Galilee.

then the Gadarenes of the adjacent parts unanimously desired him to leave their country: for they were greatly allarm'd. so he embark'd to cross over the lake.

then the woman finding she could not conceal herself, came trembling, and kneeling down before him, confess'd before all the people, why she had touch'd him, and how she was instantly cured.

but Jesus oblig'd them to withdraw; then grasping her hand, he said, my child, arise.

but Herod said, John was beheaded by my order, who then can this be, who, they say, performs such strange things? and he desired to have a sight of Jesus.

then he took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he ask'd blessing: then divided them, and gave them to his disciples to be distributed among the people:

he is frequently seized by a spirit, which makes him immediately roar, then throws him into convulsions with foaming, and never leaves him, but with difficulty and bruises.

but Jesus perceiving what they thought, took a child and set him before him: then said to them,

Then he said to another, follow me: but he replied, Lord, let me stay first, till I bury my father.

go then: I send you as lambs among wolves.

I declare unto you, that the people of Sodom shall be treated with less severity in the day of judgment, than that city.

therefore Tyre and Sidon shall be treated with less severity in the day of judgment, than you.

then addressing himself to his disciples in particular, he said, happy are they, who see what you see:

Then a doctor of the law stood up to try him, saying, master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

to which Jesus answered, a certain man, as he was going from Jerusalem to Jericho, fell among thieves, who stripp'd him, and beat him, then march'd off leaving him half dead.

a certain priest happen'd to be travelling that way, who look'd upon him, and then pass'd on.

went up to him, dress'd his wounds by applying oil and wine, then set him upon his own mule, and brought him to an inn, where he took care of him.

he, reply'd the doctor, who took pity on him. then said Jesus to him, go then, and imitate his example.

Then he said to them, suppose any of you should go to his friend at midnight; and say to him, friend, lend me three loaves:

but if a stronger than he should assault, and overcome him, he will strip him of all his furniture on which he relyed, and divide the plunder.

then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself: they all enter in and dwell there, and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.

the queen of the south shall rise up in the day of judgment against this generation, and condemn it: for she came from the remote parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; but now, a greater than Solomon is here.

the people of Nineve shall rise up in the day of Judgment, and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; but now, a greater than Jonas is here.

Then a doctor of the law objected to him, saying, master, your discourse is an insult upon us also.

nay, the very hairs of your head can't fall without being number'd: be not then afraid; there is no comparison between you and sparrows.

Then one of the company said to him, order my brother to give me my share of our inheritance.

therefore do you rather seek the kingdom of God, and then all your necessities will be fully supply'd.

then Peter said to him, Lord, do you apply this similitude to us, or to all in general?

Then he said to the people, when you see a cloud rise out of the west, you say, it is just going to rain; and so it happens.

upon which Jesus thus address'd himself to them. do you imagine that those Galileans were greater sinners than the rest of the nation, because they suffer'd in such a manner?

or those eighteen, upon whom the tower of Siloam fell, and slew them, do you think they were greater criminals than the other inhabitants of Jerusalem?

then he said to the vine-dresser, you see, I have been looking these three years for fruit from this fig-tree, but find none: hew it down, why should it cumber my ground?

Then he said, what does the kingdom of God resemble? to what shall I compare it?

then you will say, we have eat, and drank with you, and you have taught in our streets.

then you will see those, who were last, become first: and those who were first, become last.

till then I must be stirring about, to-day, and to-morrow, and the next day: for a prophet cannot be put to death any where, but at Jerusalem.

Then continuing his discourse, which of you, said he, if his child or his ox fell into a pit, would not immediately draw him out, though it were on the sabbath-day?

Then he said to the Pharisee, that had invited him, when you give a dinner, or a supper, don't call your friends, or your brethren, or kinsmen, or wealthy neighbours; lest they invite you again, and make you a requital.

the master reply'd, go then to the high-ways and by-paths, and compel them to come in, that my house may be full.

Then many of the Publicans, and people of a bad reputation gather'd about Jesus to hear him;

then the son said to him, father, I have sinned against heaven, and against you, I am no longer worthy to be called your son.

for this son of mine was dead, and is come to life: he was lost, and is found again. and then they began their feast.

son, said he to him, you shall continue to be with me, and all that I have shall be thine.

then he said to another, how much do you owe? a hundred measures of wheat, said he. take your bill, says the steward, and write out one for fourscore.

and this unfaithful steward was commended by his master for being so provident. for they who look to this world, manage their affairs with more prudence, than those who have a prospect of a better.

Then said Jesus to his disciples, it is impossible but that discouragements should come: but wo to him, who is the occasion of them.

it were better for him that a milstone were hang'd about his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should occasion any innocent person to relapse.

then prostrating himself at the feet of Jesus, he gave him thanks. now this man was a Samaritan.

and Jesus said to him, were not all the ten healed? where then are the other nine?

then let not him that is on the house-top venture down to secure his furniture: and he that is in the field, let him not return back.

then they ask'd him, where, Lord, will this happen? he reply'd, wherever the carcase is, there will the eagles hover together.

Then a person of distinction ask'd him this question, good master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?

it is easier for a cable to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

upon which the audience said, who then can be saved?

Then said Peter, you see that we have left every thing to follow you.

then he cry'd out, Jesus son of David, have pity on me.

then Jesus stopp'd, and order'd them to bring the man to him, who being come nigh, he ask'd him,

then said Jesus, speaking of him, this day is salvation come to this family, since he is now become a true son of Abraham.

then the second came, and said, Lord, your pound has produc'd five more.

" why then did you not lodge my money in the bank, that on my return I might have drawn it out with interest?

then he said to his attendants, take the one pound from him, and give it him, that gain'd ten.

but they reason'd thus with themselves, if we should say, it was divine, he will reply, why then did not you believe him?

they answer'd then, they did not know which it was.

Then he propos'd this parable to the people, a man planted a vineyard, let it out to husbandmen, and then went a travelling for some time.

then Jesus looking upon them, said, what is the meaning then of that expression, "the stone, which the builders rejected, is become the chief stone of the angle."