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So I prophesied, as he had commanded me: and as I was prophesying, there came a noise and a great motion, so that the bones ran every one to another.

Now when I had looked, behold, they had sinews, and flesh grew upon them: and above they were covered with skin, but there was no breath in them.

So I prophesied, as he had commanded me: then came the breath into them and they received life, and stood up upon their feet: a marvelous great sortie.

And then take both these together in thine hand, so shall there be one stick thereof.

and shalt say unto them, 'Thus sayeth the LORD God: Behold, I will take away the children of Israel from among the Heathen, unto whom they be gone, and will gather them together on every side, and bring them again into their own land.

they shall also defile themselves no more with their abominations, Idols, and all their wicked doings. I will help them out of all their dwelling places, wherein they have sinned: and will so cleanse them, that they shall be my people, and I their God.

David my servant shall be their king, and they all shall have one shepherd only. They shall walk in my laws, and my commandments shall they both keep and fulfill.

They shall dwell in the land that I gave unto Jacob my servant, whereas your fathers also have dwelt. Yea even in the same land shall they, their children, and their children's children dwell for evermore: and my servant David shall be their everlasting prince.

My dwelling shall be with them, yea I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Therefore prepare thee; set thyself in array with all thy people that are come unto thee by heaps, and be thou their defense.

to spoil them, to rob them, to lay hand upon their so well inhabited wildernesses: against that people, that is gathered together from among the Heathen, which have gotten cattle and good, and dwell in the midst of the land.'

Then shall Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish with all their worthies, say unto thee, 'Art thou come to rob? Hast thou gathered thy people together, because thou wilt spoil? To take silver and gold; to carry away cattle and goods; and to have a great prey?'

and shalt come from thy place out of the north parts: thou and much people with thee, which ride upon horses, whereof there is a great multitude and an innumerable sortie.

Yea, thou shalt come upon my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land. This shall come to pass in the latter days: I will bring thee up into my land, that the Heathen may know me, when I get me honour upon thee; O Gog, before their eyes.

For in my jealousy and hot displeasure I have devised that there shall be a great trouble in the land of Israel at that time.

There must thou lie upon the field: for even I the LORD have spoken it, sayeth the LORD God.

At the same time will I give unto Gog a place to be buried in, in Israel: even the valley, wherethrough men go from the east to the seaward: Those that travel thereby, shall abhor it. There shall Gog and all his people be buried: and it shall be called the valley of the people of Gog.

They shall ordain men also to be dead buriers, ever going through the land, and appoint them certain places to bury those in which remain upon the field - that the land may be cleansed. From end to end shall they seek; and that seven months long.

Now those that go through the land where they see a man's bone, they shall set up a token by it, till the dead buriers have buried it also, in the valley of the people of Gog.

that the house of Israel may know how that I am the LORD their God, from that day forth.

"And the Heathen shall know, that whereas the house of Israel were led into captivity: it was for their wickedness' sake, because they offended me. For the which cause I hid my face from them, and delivered them into the hands of their enemies, that they might all be slain with the sword.

According to their uncleanness and unfaithful dealings, so have I entreated them, and hid my face from them.

All their confusion and offense that they have done against me, shall be taken away: and so safely shall they dwell in their land, that no man shall make them afraid.

And when I have brought them again from among the people, when I have gathered them together out of their enemies' lands, and am praised in them before many Heathen:

then shall they know that I am the LORD their God, which suffered them to be led into captivity among the Heathen, but now have brought them again into their own land, and not left one of them yonder.

even into the land of Israel brought he me in the visions of God: and set me down upon a marvelous high mountain, whereupon there was a building, as it had been of a city, toward the north.

Thither he carried me, and behold, there was a man, whose similitude was like brass, which had a thread of flax in his hand, and a measuring rod also. He stood in the door,

Behold, there was a wall on the outside round about the house: the measuring rod that he had in his hand, was six cubits long and a span. So he measured the breadth of the building, which was one measuring rod, and the height also one measuring rod.

The chambers of the door eastward, were three on every side: alike broad and long. The pillars also that stood of both the sides, were of one measure.

The chambers and the pillars within, round about unto the door, had side windows: So had the fore entries also, whose windows went round about within. And upon the pillars there stood date trees.

his three chambers also on either side, with his pillars and fore entries: which had even the measure of the first door. His height was fifty cubits, the breadth twenty five cubits:

his windows and porches with his date trees, had even like measure as the door toward the east: there were seven steps to go up upon, and their porch before them.

After that, he brought me to the south side, where there stood a door toward the south: whose pillars and porches he measured, these had the first measure,

and with their porches they had windows round about, like the first windows. The height was fifty cubits, the breadth twenty five,

So he brought me into the innermore court, through the door of the south side: which he measured, and it had the measure afore said.

and his porch reached unto the uttermost court: upon his pillars there were date trees, and eight steps to go up upon.

There stood a chamber also, whose entrance was at the door pillars, and there the burnt offerings were washed.

In the door porch, there stood on either side two tables for the slaughtering; to slay the burnt offerings, sin offerings, and trespass offerings thereupon.

And on the outside as men go forth to the north door, there stood two tables.

And within there were hooks four fingers broad, fastened round about, to hang flesh upon, and upon the tables was laid the offering flesh.

On the outside of the innermore door were the singers' chambers in the inward court beside the North door over against the South. There stood one also, beside the east door northward.

And he brought me to the fore entry of the house, and measured the walls by the entry door: which were five cubits long on either side. The thickness also of the door on either side, was three cubits.

and one stood hard upon another, whereof there were thirty three. And there stood posts beneath by the walls round about the house, to bear them up: but in the wall of the house they were not fastened.

The side chambers were the higher the wider, and had steps through them round about the house. Thus was it wider above, that from the lowest men might go to the highest and mid chambers.

The innermore temple, the porch of the fore court, the side posts, these three had side windows, and pillars round about over against the posts, from the ground up to the windows. The windows themselves were sealed over with boards:

There were Cherubims and date trees made also, so that one date tree stood ever betwixt two Cherubims. One Cherub had two faces,

The table was of wood, three cubits high and two cubits long: his corners, the length and the walls were of wood. And he said unto me, "This is the table that shall stand before the LORD."

And upon the doors of the temple there were made Cherubims and date trees, like as upon the walls: and a great thick balk of wood was before on the outside of the porch.

Upon both the sides of the walls of the porch there were made deep windows and date trees, having beams and balks, like as the house had.

over against the twenty cubits of the innermore court, and against the paved work that was in the fore court. Beside all these three, there stood pillars, one over against another:

And before this chamber there was a walking place of ten cubits wide, and within was a way of one cubit wide, and their doors toward the north.

through the thick wall of the fore court toward the east, right over against the separated building.

Before the same building upon this side there were chambers also which had a way unto them, like as the chambers on the north side of the same length and wideness. Their entrance, fashion and doors were all of the same manner.

Yea, even like as the other chamber doors were, so were those also of the south side. And before the way toward the singers' steps on the east side, there stood a door to go in at.

Then said he unto me, "The chambers toward the north and the south which stand before the back building: those be holy habitations, wherein the priests that do service before the LORD must eat the most holy offerings. And there must they lay the most holy offerings: meat offerings, sin offerings and the trespass offerings, for it is a holy place.

When the priests come therein, they shall not go out in to the fore court: but, seeing they be holy, they shall leave their clothes of their ministration, and put on other garments, when they have any thing to do with the people."

Now when he had measured all the innermore house, he brought me forth through the east port, and measured the same round about.

So he measured all the four sides where there went a wall round about five hundred measuring rods long, and as broad also which separated the holy from the unholy.

but the glory of the LORD came into the house through the East door.

I heard one speaking unto me out of the house, and there stood one by me,

that said unto me, "O thou son of man, this room is my seat, and the place of my footsteps: whereas I will dwell among the children of Israel for evermore - so that the house of Israel shall no more defile my holy name, neither they, nor their kings, through their whoredom; through their high places; and through the dead bodies of their kings,

which have builded their thresholds in manner hard upon my thresholds, and their posts almost at my posts: so that there is but a bare wall betwixt me and them. Thus have they defiled my holy name with their abominations, that they have committed. Wherefore I have destroyed them in my wrath:

But now they shall put away their whoredom, and the dead bodies of their kings out of my sight, that I may dwell among them for evermore.

Therefore, O thou son of man, show thou the household of Israel a temple, that they may be ashamed of their wickedness, and measure themselves an example thereat.

And when they be ashamed of all their works, then show them the form and fashion of the temple: the coming in, the going out, all the manner and description thereof, yea all the uses and ordinances of it, that they may keep and fulfill all the fashions and customs thereof."

And he said unto me, "Thou son of man, thus sayeth the LORD God: These are the ordinances and laws of the altar, in the day when it is made to offer burnt offerings, and to sprinkle blood there upon.

When these days are expired, then upon the eighth day and so forth, the priests shall offer their burnt offerings and health offerings upon the altar, so will I be merciful unto you, sayeth the LORD God."

Then said the LORD unto me, "This door shall be still shut, and not opened for any man to go through it, but only for the LORD God of Israel: Yea he shall go through it, else shall it be shut still.

The prince himself shall come through it, that he may eat bread before the LORD. At the porch shall he come in, and there shall he go out again."

No nor the Levites that are gone back from me, and have deceived the people of Israel with errors, going after their idols: therefore shall they bear their own wickedness.

seeing the service that they do them, is before their Idols, and cause the house of Israel to stumble through wickedness? For the which cause I have plucked out mine hand over them, sayeth the LORD God, so that now they must bear their own iniquity,

and not to come nigh me, to serve me with their priesthead in my Sanctuary, and most holiest of all: that they may bear their own shame and abominations, which they have done.

They shall have fair linen bonnets upon their heads, and linen breeches upon their loins, which in their labour they shall not put about them.

And when they go forth to the people in to the outward court, they shall put off their clothes, wherein they have ministered, and lay them in the habitation of the Sanctuary, and put on other apparel, lest they unhallow the people with their clothes.

They shall not shave their heads, nor nourish the bush of their hair, but round their heads only.

They shall have a heritage; yea, I myself will be their heritage: else shall ye give them no possession in Israel, for I am their possession.

Of this part there shall belong unto the Sanctuary, five hundred measuring rods in all the four corners, and fifty cubits wide round about to the suburbs.

As for the Sanctuary, it shall stand for itself: and to the Levites that serve in the house, there shall be given twenty habitations, of the twenty five thousand length and ten thousand breadth.

Upon both the sides of the Sanctuary's part, and by the city, there shall be given unto the prince, whatsoever lieth over against the city, as far as reacheth westward and eastward: which shall be as long as one part, from the west unto the east.

This shall be his own land in Israel, that my princes be no more chargeable unto my people. And such as remaineth yet over in the land, shall be given unto the house of Israel according to their tribes.

The Ephah and the Bath shall be alike. One Bath shall contain the tenth part of a Homer, and so shall one Ephah do: their measure shall be after the Homer.

Upon the fourteenth day of the first month ye shall keep Easter. Seven days shall the feast continue, wherein there shall no sour nor leavened bread be eaten.

On the same manner shall the people of the land also do their worship before the LORD, without this door upon the Sabbaths and new Moons.

When the prince cometh, he shall go under the door porch, and even there depart forth again.

But when the people of the land come before the LORD in the high solemn feast, as many as come in by the North door to do worship, shall go out again at the South door. And they that come in at the South door shall go forth again at the North door. There shall none go out at the door where he came in, but shall go forth right over on the other side,

The prince also shall take none of the people's inheritance, nor put them from their possession: but to his own sons shall he give his possession, that my people be not scattered abroad, but that every man may have his own."

And he brought me through the entrance at the side of the door to the habitation of the Sanctuary, that belongeth to the priests and stood toward the north, and behold, there was a place upon the west side.

So he brought me into the utmost court, round about all the four corners. Behold, in every corner of the forecourt, there was yet a little court.

Yea in all the four corners of the court, there was made a little court of forty cubits long, and thirty broad: these four little courts were of one like measure,

and there went a rig-wall round about them all four, under the which there were hearths made round about.

After this he brought me again before the door of the house: and behold, there gushed out waters from under the posts of the house eastward - for the house stood toward the east - that ran down upon the right side of the house, which lieth to the altar southward.

Then carried he me out to the north door, and brought me forth there, roundabout by the utmost door that turneth eastward. Behold, there came forth the water upon the right side.

Now when the man that had the measuring rod in his hand went unto the east door, he measured a thousand cubits, and then he brought me through the water, even to the ankles:

so he measured yet a thousand, and brought me through the water again unto the knees: yet measured he a thousand, and brought me through the waters unto the loins.

After this he measured a thousand again, then was it such a river, that I might not wade through it: The water was so deep, that it was needful to have swimmed, for it might not be waded over.

Now when I came there, there stood many trees upon either side of the riverbank.

Yea, all that live and move, whereunto this river cometh, shall recover. And where this water cometh, there shall be many fish; For all that cometh to this water, shall be lusty and whole.

By this river shall the fishers stand from Engedi unto Eneglaim, and there spread out their nets: for there shall be great heaps of fish, like as in the main sea.

By this river upon both the sides of the shore, there shall grow all manner of fruitful trees, whose leaves shall not fall off, neither shall their fruit perish: but ever be ripe at their months, for their water runneth out of the Sanctuary. His fruit is good to eat, and his leaf profitable for medicine.

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