499 occurrences

'Cause' in the Bible

and now, let us make a covenant with our God, to cause all the women to go out, and that which is born of them, by the counsel of the Lord, and of those trembling at the command of our God, and according to law it is done;

And they cause a voice to pass over into Judah and Jerusalem, to all sons of the removal, to be gathered to Jerusalem,

and ye have turned back unto Me, and kept My commands, and done them -- if your outcast is in the end of the heavens, thence I gather them, and have brought them in unto the place that I have chosen to cause My name to tabernacle there.

And they say, 'We give back, and of them we seek nothing; so we do as thou art saying.' And I call the priests, and cause them to swear to do according to this thing;

and that they proclaim and cause to pass over all their cities, (and in Jerusalem,) saying, 'Go ye out to the mount, and bring leaves of the olive, and leaves of the oil tree, and leaves of the myrtle, and leaves of the palms, and leaves of thick trees, to make booths as it is written.'

'And Thy good Spirit Thou hast given, to cause them to act wisely; and Thy manna Thou hast not withheld from their mouth, and water Thou hast given to them for their thirst,

And I strive with them, and declare them vile, and smite certain of them, and pluck off their hair, and cause them to swear by God, 'Ye do not give your daughters to their sons, nor do ye take of their daughters to your sons, and to yourselves.

By these did not Solomon king of Israel sin? and among the many nations there was no king like him, and beloved by his God he was, and God maketh him king over all Israel -- even him did the strange women cause to sin.

And one of the sons of Joiada son of Eliashib the high priest, is son-in-law to Sanballat the Horonite, and I cause him to flee from off me.

And Esther addeth, and speaketh before the king, and falleth before his feet, and weepeth, and maketh supplication to him, to cause the evil of Haman the Agagite to pass away, and his device that he had devised against the Jews;

Anger on the fatherless ye cause to fall, And are strange to your friend.

Thou dost not take away my transgression, And cause to pass away mine iniquity, Because now, for dust I lie down: And Thou hast sought me -- and I am not!

Lo, I pray you, I have set in order the cause, I have known that I am righteous.

Therefore my thoughts cause me to answer, And because of my sensations in me.

The chastisement of my shame I hear, And the spirit of mine understanding Doth cause me to answer:

I arrange before Him the cause, And my mouth fill with arguments.

The naked they cause to lodge Without clothing. And there is no covering in the cold.

The blessing of the perishing cometh on me, And the heart of the widow I cause to sing.

I laugh unto them -- they give no credence, And the light of my face cause not to fall.

Thou dost lift me up, On the wind Thou dost cause me to ride, And Thou meltest -- Thou levellest me.

If I despise the cause of my man-servant, And of my handmaid, In their contending with me,

For the work of man he repayeth to him, And according to the path of each He doth cause him to find.

To cause to come in unto Him The cry of the poor, And the cry of the afflicted He heareth.

Because of the multitude of oppressions They cause to cry out, They cry because of the arm of the mighty.

Whether for a rod, or for His land, Or for kindness -- He doth cause it to come.

Gird, I pray thee, as a man, thy loins, And I ask thee, and cause thou Me to know.

To cause it to rain on a land -- no man, A wilderness -- no man in it.

To satisfy a desolate and waste place, And to cause to shoot up The produce of the tender grass?

Who doth number the clouds by wisdom? And the bottles of the heavens, Who doth cause to lie down,

Dost thou cause him to rush as a locust? The majesty of his snorting is terrible.

Gird, I pray thee, as a man, thy loins, I ask thee, and cause thou Me to know.

His sneezings cause light to shine, And his eyes are as the eyelids of the dawn.

The son of the bow doth not cause him to flee, Turned by him into stubble are stones of the sling.

Hear, I pray thee, and I -- I do speak, I ask thee, and cause thou me to know.'

If I have done my well-wisher evil, And draw mine adversary without cause,

Arise, O Jehovah, go before his face, Cause him to bend. Deliver my soul from the wicked, Thy sword,

For Thou makest him blessings for ever, Thou dost cause him to rejoice with joy, By Thy countenance.

They apportion my garments to themselves, And for my clothing they cause a lot to fall.

Also let none waiting on Thee be ashamed, Let the treacherous dealers without cause be ashamed.

Cause me to tread in Thy truth, and teach me, For Thou art the God of my salvation, Near Thee I have waited all the day.

For without cause they hid for me their netpit, Without cause they digged for my soul.

They are filled from the fatness of Thy house, And the stream of Thy delights Thou dost cause them to drink.

A sword have the wicked opened, And they have trodden their bow, To cause to fall the poor and needy, To slaughter the upright of the way.

A Psalm of David, 'To cause to remember.' Jehovah, in Thy wrath reprove me not, Nor in Thy fury chastise me.

And mine enemies are lively, They have been strong, and those hating me without cause, Have been multiplied.

And Thou, Jehovah, favour me, And cause me to rise, And I give recompence to them.

Judge me, O God, And plead my cause against a nation not pious, From a man of deceit and perverseness Thou dost deliver me,

Because of the voice of an enemy, Because of the oppression of the wicked, For they cause sorrow to move against me, And in anger they hate me.

They cause him to run on the edge of the sword, A portion for foxes they are.

And they cause him to stumble, Against them is their own tongue, Every looker on them fleeth away.

To the Overseer, with stringed instruments. -- A Psalm, a Song. God doth favour us and bless us, Doth cause His face to shine with us. Selah.

To the Overseer, by David. -- 'To cause to remember.' O God, to deliver me, O Jehovah, for my help, haste.

In Thy righteousness Thou dost deliver me, And dost cause me to escape, Incline unto me Thine ear, and save me.

O my God, cause me to escape From the hand of the wicked, From the hand of the perverse and violent.

O Jehovah, God of Hosts, turn us back, Cause Thy face to shine, and we are saved!

As a little thing their enemies I cause to bow, And against their adversaries I turn back My hand,

Cause us to rejoice according to the days Wherein Thou hast afflicted us, The years we have seen evil.

And He lifteth up His hand to them, To cause them to fall in a wilderness,

And to cause their seed to fall among nations, And to scatter them through lands.

And they cause wrath by the waters of Meribah, And it is evil to Moses for their sakes,

They have compassed me about, And they fight me without cause.

To cause to sit with princes, With the princes of His people.

Cause it to come, O Jehovah, for I am Thy servant. I am Thy servant, son of Thy handmaid, Thou hast opened my bonds.

Yod. Thy hands made me and establish me, Cause me to understand, and I learn Thy commands.

The righteousness of Thy testimonies is to Cause me to understand, and I live!

Shin. Princes have pursued me without cause, And because of Thy words was my heart afraid.

Taw. My loud cry cometh near before Thee, O Jehovah; According to Thy word cause me to understand.

There I cause to spring up a horn for David, I have arranged a lamp for Mine anointed.

They cause to fall on themselves burning coals, Into fire He doth cast them, Into deep pits -- they arise not.

If they say, 'Come with us, we lay wait for blood, We watch secretly for the innocent without cause,

To cause thine ear to attend to wisdom, Thou inclinest thy heart to understanding,

Strive not with a man without cause, If he have not done thee evil.

For they sleep not if they do not evil, And their sleep hath been taken violently away, If they cause not some to stumble.

In a path of righteousness I cause to walk, In midst of paths of judgment,

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
אדות אודות 
Usage: 10

ends , no , none , not , nothing , without , else , beside , but , cause , howbeit , .
Usage: 43

eat , choose , give , cause to eat
Usage: 7

Usage: 1

Usage: 5

Usage: 1

דּוּן דּין 
Usage: 24

דּוּן דּין 
Usage: 20

cause to hear
Usage: 1

Usage: 32

Usage: 8

Usage: 27

Usage: 421

Usage: 1

give , put , deliver , made , set , up , lay , grant , suffer , yield , bring , cause , utter , laid , send , recompense , appoint , shew ,
Usage: 2011

Usage: 1

Usage: 51

Usage: 2

רב ריב 
Usage: 60

Usage: 16

Usage: 21

Usage: 137

Usage: 20

Usage: 4

for , because 9 , for ... cause , therefore 9 , in the room of
Usage: 14

by , through , with , for , for ... sake , therefore , for this cause , because ,
Usage: 527

Usage: 52

Usage: 5

Usage: 6

ἕνεκα ἕνεκεν εἵνεκεν 
for ... sake , for ... cause , for , because 9 , wherefore , by reason of , that ... might
Usage: 8

put to death , cause to be put to death , kill , become dead , mortify
Usage: 8

Usage: 2

work , do , do deed , to perform , cause , work out
Usage: 24

Usage: 24

do , make , bring forth , commit , cause , work , show , bear , keep , fulfil , deal , perform , not tr , , vr do
Usage: 372

this , therefore Trans , that , for this cause , wherefore , it , not tr ,
Usage: 232

Usage: 8