165 occurrences in 9 translations

'Knows' in the Bible

Jacob replied, “My lord knows that the children are weak, and I have nursing sheep and cattle. If they are driven hard for one day, the whole herd will die.

Verse ConceptsTendernessOne DayWeak AnimalsDrivingAnimals SucklingDeath Of CreaturesStrictness

" 'When a person sins in that he hears [the] utterance of a curse and he [is] a witness or he sees or he knows, if he does not make [it] known, then he shall bear his guilt.

Verse ConceptsProof, As EvidenceSin BearerWitnesses, LegalAdjurationGuiltResponsibilityWitnessingSwearingMoralityRemoving People From Your LifeMaking Mistakestestimonypartnershipconsequencestestifyingperformance

"'Or if he touches the uncleanness of man, whatever his uncleanness is with which he is unclean, and it is hidden from him; when he knows of it, then he shall be guilty.

Verse ConceptsIgnorance Of EvilSin Made Known

"'Or if anyone swears rashly with his lips to do evil, or to do good, whatever it is that a man might utter rashly with an oath, and it is hidden from him; when he knows of it, then he shall be guilty of one of these.

Verse ConceptsCarelessnessOaths, HumanAbsence Of ThoughtSin Made KnownSwearing Oaths FalselyRash PeopleSwearing

A declaration from one who hears what God has to say, who knows what the Most High knows, who saw the vision that the Almighty revealed, who keeps stumbling with open eyes.

Verse ConceptsecstasyGod On HighHearing God's WordReceiving SightVisions From God

turning over your authority to him so that the entire community of Israel knows to obey him.

Verse ConceptsHuman Authority, Nature OfAuthority Of DisciplesPaying Attention To Peopleinvesting

Indeed, the LORD your God blessed all the works of your hands. He knows about your travels through this vast desert. The LORD your God was with you these past 40 years, so that you didn't lack anything.

Verse ConceptsLackDesertsGod, The ProviderJourneyThe Number FortyWatchfulness, DivineDivine SuppliesanniversariesGod, All knowing40 To 50 YearsPlenty In The WildernessGod Has Been With YouBlessings From Godwandering

If a homicide victim should be found lying in a field in the land the Lord your God is giving you, and no one knows who killed him,

Verse ConceptsCourtsNot Knowing People

He buried him in the valley in the land of Moab facing Beth-peor, and no one to this day knows where his grave is.

Verse ConceptsGrave, TheMoses, Life OfSepulchresAnonymityPlaces To This DayBurying places

“Yahweh is the God of gods! Yahweh is the God of gods! He knows, and may Israel also know. Do not spare us today, if it was in rebellion or treachery against the Lord

Verse ConceptsGod, Power OfGod, The LordMighty One

Then Delilah realized that he had told her everything in his heart, so she sent and called for the Philistine lords, saying, “Come up this once, because he has told me everything in his heart.” Then the Philistine lords came up to her and brought the money [they had promised] in their hands.

Verse ConceptsBetrayalRulersBetrayal, Example Of

And now, my daughter, fear not: all that thou sayest will I do to thee; for all the gate of my people knows that thou art a woman of worth.

Verse ConceptsExcellent WomenVirtuous WomanFear And WorryWomen's StrengthA Good WomanWorthEthicsExcellence

I told him that I am going to judge his family forever because of the iniquity he knows about: his sons are defiling the sanctuary, and he has not stopped them.

Verse ConceptsChildren, needs ofChildren, Bad Kidsdiscipline, in the familyOpposition, To Sin And EvilOrder In The HomeRestraintReprobates

Let our lord command your servants here in your presence to look for someone who knows how to play the lyre. Whenever the evil spirit from God troubles you, that person can play the lyre, and you will feel better.”

Verse ConceptsHarpsInstrumentalists

One of the young men answered, “I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the lyre. He is also a valiant man, a warrior, eloquent, handsome, and the Lord is with him.”

Verse ConceptsDavid, Abilities OfMusical Instruments, types ofInstrumentalistsGod With Specific PeopleWarStress And Hard TimesSpeechHandsome Men

But David said, “Your father certainly knows that you have come to look favorably on me. He has said, ‘Jonathan must not know of this, or else he will be grieved.’” David also swore, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you yourself live, there is but a step between me and death.”

Verse ConceptsLife, Brevity OfThe Frailty Of ManThose Who Did Not TellDeath Of A Father

Did I just begin to inquire of God for him today? Far be it from me! Do not let the king impute anything to his servant or to any of the household of my father, for your servant knows nothing at all of this whole affair.”

Verse ConceptsIgnorant Of Facts

saying, “Don’t be afraid, for my father Saul will never lay a hand on you. You yourself will be king over Israel, and I’ll be your second-in-command. Even my father Saul knows it is true.”

Verse ConceptsPeople With General KnowledgeDo Not Fear MenSaul And Davidreassurance

Should I take my food, my water, and my meat that I've slaughtered for my shearers and give it to men who came from who knows where?"

Verse ConceptsMeatWaterNot Knowing People

My lord should pay no attention to this worthless man Nabal, for he lives up to his name: His name is Nabal, and stupidity is all he knows. I, your servant, didn’t see my lord’s young men whom you sent.

Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfFoolish PeoplePeople With Apt Names

He answered, “While the baby was alive, I fasted and wept because I thought, ‘Who knows? The Lord may be gracious to me and let him live.’

Verse ConceptsKept Alive By MenThe Death Of Babies

Your servant Joab did this so as to change this situation. But my lord has wisdom like that of the angel of God, and knows everything that is happening in the land."

Verse ConceptsWisdom, Human NatureWisdom, Human ImportanceThe Angel Of GodLike Angels

Joab fell with his face to the ground in homage and praised the king. “Today,” Joab said, “your servant knows I have found favor with you, my lord the king, because the king has granted the request of your servant.”

Verse ConceptsBowing Before David

Then, even a brave man with the heart of a lion will melt because all Israel knows that your father and the valiant men with him are warriors.

Verse ConceptsFear Of Enemies

For your servant knows that I have sinned. But look! Today I am the first one of the entire house of Joseph to come down to meet my lord the king.”

Verse ConceptsFirst To ActWe Have Sinned

Then the king said to Shimei, "You know all the evil which your heart knows, what you did to David my father. Now Yahweh will return the evil on your head,

Verse ConceptsHeart, HumanHuman IntellectGod Makes Evil ReboundGod Will Requite

“Therefore, command that cedars from Lebanon be cut down for me. My servants will be with your servants, and I will pay your servants’ wages according to whatever you say, for you know that not a man among us knows how to cut timber like the Sidonians.”

Verse ConceptsNegotiationServants, Working Conditions OfSkillWagesCommerceFelling TreesCedar Wood

any prayer or any plea which is [offered] by any person for all of your people Israel, who each knows the infestation of his [own] heart and spreads out his palms to this house,

Verse ConceptsSelf Knowledgesupplication

"At any rate, send me an individual who is a skilled craftsman in gold, silver, bronze, and iron, as well as in purple, crimson, and blue materials, who knows how to craft engravings, so he may work with the craftsmen whom I have assembled in Judah and Jerusalem, as provided for by my father David.

Verse ConceptsCrimsonBronzeengravingGoldIronMetalworkersSilverSkillWisdom, Human NatureGoldsmithsColors, BlueMen Workingartistscraftsmanship

He is the son of a woman from the daughters of Dan. His father is a man of Tyre. He knows how to work with gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone, and wood, with purple, blue, crimson yarn, and fine linen. He knows how to do all kinds of engraving and to execute any design that may be given him. I have sent him to be with your craftsmen and the craftsmen of my lord, your father David.

Verse ConceptsCrimsonengraving

[then] any prayer, any plea that is [made] by any person and by all your people Israel, each one who knows his own affliction and his own anguish and [who] spreads out his hands to this house,

Verse ConceptsStretching Out

And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of thy God, which is in thy hand, set magistrates and judges who may judge all the people that are beyond the river, all such as know the laws of thy God; and teach ye him that knows them not.

Verse ConceptsGod, Wisdom OfJudgesMagistratesBeyond The RiverTeaching The Way Of God

"Every servant of the king and every person in the king's provinces knows that for any man or woman who goes to the king in the inner court without being summoned there is only one law that he be put to death unless the king holds out the golden scepter to him. Only then he will live. For these last 30 days I've not been summoned to come to the king."

Verse ConceptsOne MonthDeath Penalty For Violence

If you keep silent at this time, liberation and deliverance will come to the Jewish people from another place, but you and your father’s house will be destroyed. Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.”

Verse ConceptsPurimAuthority Of PeopleRight Time For Peopledeliveranceliberationroyalty

Surely He knows which people are worthless.If He sees iniquity, will He not take note of it?

Verse ConceptsGod, All knowingUseless People

“His sons achieve honor, and he does not know it;They become insignificant, and he is not aware of it.

Verse ConceptsThe Honourable Will Be HonouredThose Who Were Ignorant

“Distress and anxiety terrify him,They overpower him like a king ready for battle.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions Of The WickedFear Will ComeOvercoming AdversityBeing Overwhelmedpressure

“Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked and the ungodly,And such is the place of him who does not know or recognize or honor God.”

Verse ConceptsNot Knowing God

For he knows no satisfaction in his appetite; he does not let anything he desires escape.

Verse ConceptsStoringTreasureIndigestionGreed

No bird of prey knows that path;no falcon’s eye has seen it.

Verse ConceptsVulturesFalconsUnknown ThingsBirds

“Man does not know the value of it;Nor is it found in the land of the living.

Verse ConceptsIgnorant Of FactsValue

But God understands the way to wisdom,and He knows its location.

Verse ConceptsWisdom

“Therefore He knows their works,And He overthrows them in the night,And they are crushed.

Verse ConceptsGod, All knowing

The Lord laughs in disgust at them, for he knows that their day is coming.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions Of The WickedLaughterGod MockingGod LaughingGod's PlanSmiling

The LORD knows the day of the blameless, and their inheritance will last forever.

Verse ConceptsGod, All knowing

Who understands the power of Your anger? [Who connects this brevity of life among us with Your judgment of sin?]And Your wrath, [who connects it] with the [reverent] fear that is due You?

Verse ConceptsGod, Greatness OfAnger Of God, DescriptionGod Has AngerPassion

A senseless man [in his crude and uncultivated state] knows nothing,Nor does a [self-righteous] fool understand this:

Verse ConceptsFools, Characteristics OfFolly, Effects OfDullnessThose Who Were IgnorantFools

He who disciplines the nations, won't he punish? He who teaches man knows.

Verse ConceptsGod As Our TeacherGod TeachingGod Requite Them!

When [the] wind passes over it, it is no more, and its place knows it no longer.

Verse ConceptsThings Passing Away

Though the Lord is exalted,He takes note of the humble;but He knows the haughty from a distance.

Verse ConceptsHumilityPride, Evil OfThe ProudGod And The HumbleGod Far AwayGod Opposes The Proud

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;Wonderful are Your works,And my soul knows it very well.

Verse ConceptsAmazingBeautifulGod, Perfection OfGuardiansLife, HumanMan, Creation OfAnatomyAcneWe Thank GodEating DisordersThank Youfearlesspersonality

Look to the right [the point of attack] and see;For there is no one who has regard for me [to act in my favor].Escape has failed me and I have nowhere to run;No one cares about my life.

Verse ConceptsFriendlessnessLonelinessNeglecting PeopleRefugeRight SidesMissing Someoneempathysoulrecognition

The woman Folly is rowdy;she is gullible and knows nothing.

Verse ConceptsWantonnessA Good Womanignorancewoman

But he does not know that the spirits of the dead are there,And that her guests are [already] in the depths of Sheol (the nether world, the place of the dead).

Verse ConceptsGrave, TheHell, Punishment OfIgnorance Of EvilSinners Grasped By Death

The lips of the righteous know (speak) what is acceptable,But the mouth of the wicked knows (speaks) what is perverted (twisted).

Verse ConceptsLipsSpeech, Positive Aspects OfObscenity

if you say, "Look, we do not know this," does not he who weighs hearts perceive [it]? And he who keeps your soul, he knows and will repay humankind according to his deeds.

Verse ConceptsDeceitful HeartsHeart, Fallen And RedeemedRetributionGod, All knowingRepaid For DeedsJudgment According To Worksmotives

for destruction from them will come suddenly;who knows what distress these two can bring?

Verse ConceptsPunishment Of the WickedThe Insecurity Of The WickedSudden Destruction

By the rebellion of a land, her rulers increase, but by a person of intelligence who knows justice, it will last.

Verse Conceptsethics, socialGovernmentCivic RighteousnessRulersWisdom, Human ImportanceUnsuitable Rulerebellionapostasy

Whoever is partner with a thief hates his own life;He hears the curse [when swearing an oath to testify], but discloses nothing [and commits perjury by omission].

Verse ConceptsStealingWitnesses, LegalComplicityNot Maintaining Lifethievespartnership

I never acquired wisdom, but I know what the Holy One knows.

Verse ConceptsWisdom, Human Nature

She knows that her merchandise is good, and her lamp does not go out in the night.

Verse ConceptsLampsProfitsActing All NightWomen WorkingWomen's RolesA Good Woman

And who knows whether he will be a wise man or a fool? Yet he will take over all my work that I labored at skillfully under the sun. This too is futile.

Verse ConceptsUseless EndeavourUnder The SunWise Man Or Fool

So I concluded that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy [the fruit of] his labor, for this is his lot in life. {For no one knows what will happen in the future.}

Verse ConceptsCareersWithheld KnowledgeUnknown FutureBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Lifeaccomplishments

It never sees the sun and it never knows anything; it is better off than he.

Verse ConceptsThose Who Were Ignorant

What advantage then does the wise man have over the fool? What advantage is there for the poor person who knows how to conduct himself before others?

Verse ConceptsAdvantagesPoor PeopleWise Man Or Fool

Because many words lead to pointlessness, how do people benefit from this? 12Who knows what is best for people in this life, every day of their pointless lives that they pass through like a shadow? Who informs people on earth what will come along after them?

Verse ConceptsToo Many WordsUseless Words And ThinkingSchoolThe Power Of Wordsfate

For who knows what is good for man in life, in the few days of his futile life that he spends like a shadow? Who can tell man what will happen after him under the sun?

Verse ConceptsPhysical LifeTravailWithheld KnowledgeUnknown FutureUnder The SunBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Lifeuncertainty

for you also know that you too have cursed others many times.

Verse ConceptsUngodly Cursing

Who is like the wise person, and who knows the interpretation of a matter? A man’s wisdom brightens his face, and the sternness of his face is changed.

Verse ConceptsRadiancyShining FacesCountenanceRadiant LivesAurasLight Of God's PeopleMan's WisdomBoldness

The one who keeps a command will not experience anything harmful, and a wise heart knows the right time and procedure.

Verse ConceptsThe Right TimeWhat Manner?Man's Wisdom

I saw all of it as the activity of God. Frankly, a human being cannot understand what happens on earth, because however hard a man works to discover it, he will not find out. Despite what he thinks he knows, he will not be able to figure it out.

Verse ConceptsBeing Found OutUnder The SunWisdomGod's PlanGod's WillSunThe MindGods PlanEverything Happening For A ReasonWorking For GodKnowing GodThe Beauty Of NatureGod Turning Bad Things Into GoodWorking For The LordChanging YourselfScriptureexploringworkingefforthardworkeverythingseekingmanwisetryingThe Complexity Of Nature

In light of all of this, I committed myself to explain it this way: the righteous and the wise, along with everything they do, are in the hands of God. Furthermore, as to love and hate, no human being knows everything concerning them.

Verse ConceptsGod's HandHateGodly ManEverything Happening For A Reasonaccomplishmentsaccomplishment

Yet the fool multiplies words.No one knows what will happen,and who can tell anyone what will happen after him?

Verse ConceptsMultiplyingWithheld KnowledgeUnknown FutureToo Many Words

He'll eat cheese and honey, when he knows enough to reject what's wrong and choose what's right.

Verse ConceptsDiscernment, Nature OfButterHoneyAge Of AccountabilityRich FoodRejection

For before the boy knows to reject what is bad and choose what is good, the land of the two kings you dread will be abandoned.

Verse ConceptsLand Becoming EmptyRejectionParents Being Wrongmanhood

for before the boy knows how to call out father or mother, the wealth of Damascus and the spoils of Samaria will be carried off to the king of Assyria.”

Verse ConceptsThe Prophecy Towards AssyriaThe Prophecy Towards DamascusLimitations Of Youthdamascus

And the vision of all this has become for you like [the] words of sealed document. When they give it to one who knows the document, saying, "{Read} this now!" He says, "I am not able, for it [is] sealed."

Verse ConceptsScrollsDullnessSealing The MessageReading The Bible

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
know , cannot tell , know how , wist , , see , behold , look , perceive , vr see , vr know
Usage: 519

Usage: 37

Usage: 5

Usage: 38

Usage: 5

Usage: 6

Usage: 91

Usage: 946

Y@da` (Aramaic) 
Usage: 49

מדּע מדּע 
Usage: 6

manda` (Aramaic) 
Usage: 4

Usage: 49

שׂכל שׂכל 
Usage: 16

Usage: 22

not the knowledge , ignorance
Usage: 2

be made known
Usage: 1

Usage: 147

Usage: 21

Usage: 28

Usage: 15

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 20

Usage: 14

Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 2

Usage: 3

Usage: 5

by privy , consider , be ware of , know
Usage: 4

Usage: 7

Usage: 15

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible