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"Let us tear off their shackles from us, and cast off their chains."

Now they have encircled our paths and are determined to cast us down to the ground.

because all his judgments were always before me, and I did not cast off his statutes.

With your hand you expelled the nations and established our ancestors. You afflicted nations and cast them out.

However, you cast us off and made us ashamed! You did not even march with our armies!

Wake up! Why are you asleep, Lord? Get up! Don't cast us off forever!

for it would cost too much to redeem his life, and the payments would go on forever

Cast them away because of their wickedness. In wrath, God, cast down these people!

God, you have cast us off; you have breached our defenses and you have become enraged. Return to us!

Aren't you the one, God, who has cast us off? Didn't you refuse, God, to accompany our armies?

You have caused his splendor to cease and cast down his throne to the ground.

and cast Pharaoh and his armies into the Reed Sea, for his gracious love is everlasting.

May burning coals fall on them; may they be cast into fire, and into miry pits, never to rise again.