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And all at once some men were bringing to Him a paralyzed man, lying on a couch. And because He saw their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, "Cheer up, my child, your sins are forgiven."

But at the very time they were going out, some people brought to Him a dumb man, who was under the power of a demon,

At that time some people brought to Him a man under the power of demons, who was blind and dumb, and He cured him, so that the dumb man could talk and see.

and as he was sowing, some of the seed fell along the path, and the birds came and ate them up,

and some fell upon rocky ground where they did not have much soil, and at once they sprang up, because there was no depth of soil,

Then some Pharisees and scribes from Jerusalem came to Jesus, and asked Him,

They answered, "Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets."

For some are born incapable of marriage, and some have been made so by men, and some have made themselves so for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let him accept it who can."

After that some little children were brought to Him, for Him to lay His hands on them and pray for them, but His disciples reproved those who brought them.

And most of the crowd spread their coats along the road, but some were cutting branches from the trees and spreading them along the road.

Therefore, I am going to send you prophets, wise men, and scribes, some of whom you will kill -- even crucify -- and some you will flog in your synagogues and chase from city to city,

So if they say to you, 'Here He is in the desert,' do not go out to see. Or 'Here He is in some secret place,' do not believe it.

And the thoughtless ones said to the thoughtful ones, 'Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.'

He also took the cup of wine and gave thanks; then He gave it to them, saying, "All of you drink some of it,

In that way the words spoken by the prophet Jeremiah were fulfilled: "They took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of the one whose price had been fixed by some Israelites,

So Pilate, since he saw that he was making no headway with them, but that a riot was about to break out instead, took some water and washed his hands before the crowd, and said, "I am not responsible for this man's death; you must see to it yourselves."

Some of the bystanders, when they heard it, said, "He is calling for Elijah."

While they were on their way, some members of the guard went into the city and told the high priests everything that had taken place.

and as soon as they saw Him, they fell down and worshiped Him, though some were in doubt about it.