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He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. When you find Him, report back to me so that I too can go and worship Him.”

Hearing this, Jesus was amazed and said to those following Him, “I assure you: I have not found anyone in Israel with so great a faith!

“When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it roams through waterless places looking for rest but doesn’t find any.

When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had, and bought it.

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me will find it.

“But, so we won’t offend them, go to the sea, cast in a fishhook, and take the first fish that you catch. When you open its mouth you’ll find a coin. Take it and give it to them for Me and you.”

“But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves who owed him 100 denarii. He grabbed him, started choking him, and said, ‘Pay what you owe!’

Then about five he went and found others standing around, and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day doing nothing?’

telling them, “Go into the village ahead of you. At once you will find a donkey tied there, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to Me.

Seeing a lone fig tree by the road, He went up to it and found nothing on it except leaves. And He said to it, “May no fruit ever come from you again!” At once the fig tree withered.

So those slaves went out on the roads and gathered everyone they found, both evil and good. The wedding banquet was filled with guests.

Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping. He asked Peter, “So, couldn’t you stay awake with Me one hour?

And He came again and found them sleeping, because they could not keep their eyes open.

But they could not find any, even though many false witnesses came forward. Finally, two who came forward

As they were going out, they found a Cyrenian man named Simon. They forced this man to carry His cross.