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till I make your enemies a footstool for your feet'.

he leapt to his feet, started to walk, and accompanied them into the temple, walking, leaping, and praising God.

laying the money before the feet of the apostles; it was then distributed according to each individual's need.

sold a farm belonging to him and brought the money, which he placed before the feet of the apostles.

appropriated some of the purchase-money with the connivance of his wife; he only brought part of it to lay before the feet of the apostles.

Instantly she fell down at their feet and expired. The younger men came in to find her dead; they carried her out and buried her beside her husband.

But he did not give him any inheritance in it, not even a foot of the land. All be did was to promise that he would give it as a possession to him and to his offspring after him (he at the time being childless).

But, hearing there was food in Egypt, Jacob sent our ancestors on their first visit to that country;

But the Lord said to him, 'Take the sandals off your feet, for the place where you are standing is sacred ground.

Heaven is my throne, the earth is a footstool for my feet! What house would you build me? saith the Lord. On what spot could I settle?

Putting him outside the city, they proceeded to stone him (the witnesses laid their clothes at the feet of a youth called Saul).

Then he took some food and felt strong again. For several days he stayed at Damascus with the disciples.

He became very hungry and longed for some food. But as they were getting the meal ready, a trance came over him.

Peter was just going into the house when Cornelius met him, fell at his feet, and worshipped him;

As there was a bitter feud between him and the inhabitants of Tyre and Sidon, they waited on him unanimously, and after conciliating the royal chamberlain Blastus they made overtures for peace, as their country depended for its food-supply upon the royal territory.

And as John was closing his career he said, 'What do you take me for? I am not He; no, he is coming after me, and I am not fit to untie the sandals on his feet!'

They shook the dust off their feet as a protest and went to Iconium.

At Lystra there was a man sitting, who was powerless in his feet, a lame man unable to walk ever since he was born.

said in a loud voice, "Stand erect on your feet." Up he jumped and began to walk.

abstain from food that has been offered to idols, from tasting blood, from the flesh of animals that have been strangled, and from sexual vice. Keep clear of all this and you will prosper. Goodbye."

On receiving so strict a charge, he put them into the inner prison and secured their feet in the stocks.

When they came to him, he said, "You know quite well how I lived among you all the time ever since I set foot in Asia,

We found out the local disciples and stayed there for seven days. These disciples told Paul by the Spirit not to set foot in Jerusalem;

He came to us, took Paul's girdle and bound his own feet and hands, saying, "Here is the word of the holy Spirit: 'So shall the Jews bind the owner of this girdle at Jerusalem and hand him over to the Gentiles'."

As for Gentile believers, we have issued our decision that they must avoid food that has been offered to idols, the taste of blood, flesh of animals that have been strangled, and sexual vice."

"I am a Jew, born at Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated at the feet of Gamaliel in all the strictness of our ancestral Law, ardent for God as you all are to-day.

Till he said that, they had listened to him. But at that they shouted, "Away with such a creature from the earth! He is not fit to live!"

They then went to the high priests and elders, saying, "We have taken a solemn oath to taste no food till we have killed Paul.

Now get up and stand on your feet, for I have appeared to you in order to appoint you to my service as a witness to what you have seen and to the visions you shall have of me.

When they had gone without food for a long time, Paul stood up among them and said, "Men, you should have listened to me and spared yourselves this hardship and loss by refusing to set sail from Crete.

Just before daybreak Paul begged them all to take some food. "For fourteen days," he said, "you have been on the watch all the time, without a proper meal.

Take some food then, I beg of you; it will keep you alive. You are going to be saved! Not a hair of your heads will perish."