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Men do not light a lamp and put it under the corn-measure, but on the lamp-stand, where it gives light to every one in the house.

Great crowds of people came to him, bringing with them those who were lame, crippled, blind, or dumb, and many others. They put them down at his feet, and he cured them;

And the crowds were astonished, when they saw the dumb talking, the cripples made sound, the lame walking about, and the blind with their sight restored; and they praised the God of Israel.

If your hand or your foot is a snare to you, cut it off, and throw it away. It would be better for you to enter the Life maimed or lame, than to have both hands, or both feet, and be thrown into the aeonian fire.

While he was still in the Temple Courts, some blind and some lame people came up to him, and he cured them.

And Jesus said to them: "Is a lamp brought to be put under the corn-measure or under the couch, instead of being put on the lampstand?

If your foot proves a snare to you, cut it off. It would be better for you to enter the Life lame, than to have both your feet and be thrown into the Pit.

So his answer to the question was: "Go and report to John what you have witnessed and heard--the blind recover their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are made clean, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, the Good News is told to the poor.

No man sets light to a lamp and then covers it with a bowl or puts it underneath a couch, but he puts it on a lamp-stand, so that anyone who comes in may see the light.

No one sets light to a lamp, and then puts it in the cellar of under the corn-measure, but he puts it on the lamp-stand, so that any one who comes in may see the light.

The lamp of the body is your eye. When your eye is unclouded, your whole body, also, is lit up; but, as soon as your eye is diseased, your body, also, is darkened.

If, then, your whole body is lit up, and no corner of it darkened, the whole will be lit up, just as when a lamp gives you light by its brilliance."

On his return the servant told his master all these answers. Then in anger the owner of the house said to his servant 'Go out at once into the streets and alleys of the town, and bring in here the poor, and the crippled, and the blind, and the lame.'

Or again, what woman who has ten silver coins, if she loses one of them, does not light a lamp, and sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?

He looked at Jesus as he passed and exclaimed: "There is the Lamb of God!"

In these colonnades a large number of afflicted people were lying--blind, lame, and crippled.

He was the 'Lamp that was burning' and shining, and you were ready to rejoice, for a time, in his light.

One day, as Peter and John were going up into the Temple Courts for the three o'clock Prayers, a man, who had been lame from his birth, was being carried by.

Grasping the lame man by the right hand, Peter lifted him up. Instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong,

Let me tell you all and all the people of Israel, that it is by the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified and whom God raised from the dead--it is, I say, by his Name that this man stands here before you lame no longer.

And many who were paralyzed or lame were cured, so that there was great rejoicing throughout that city.

The passage of Scripture which he was reading was this--'Like a sheep, he was led away to slaughter, and as a lamb is dumb in the hands of its shearer, so he refrains from opening his lips.

In the streets of Lystra there used to sit a man who had no power in his feet; he had been lame from his birth, and had never walked.

Get rid entirely of the old leaven, so that you may be like new dough-free from leaven, as in truth you are. For our Passover Lamb is already sacrificed-Christ himself;

make straight paths for your feet,' so that the lame limb may not be put out of joint, but rather be cured.

Then, within the space between the throne and the four Creatures, and in the midst of the Councillors, I saw, standing, a Lamb, which seemed to have been sacrificed. It had seven horns and seven eyes. (These eyes are the seven Spirits of God, and they are sent into all the world.)

The Lamb came forward; and he has taken the book from the right hand of him who was seated on the throne.

And, when he had taken the book, the four Creatures and the twenty-four Councillors prostrated themselves before the Lamb, each of them holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense. (These are the prayers of Christ's People.)

And I heard every created thing in the air, and on the earth, and under the earth, and on the sea, and all that is in them crying--'To him who is seated on the throne and to the Lamb be ascribed all blessing, and honour, and praise, and dominion for ever and ever.'

Then I saw the Lamb break one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four Creatures crying with a voice like thunder--'Come.'

When the Lamb broke the second seal, I heard the second Creature crying--'Come.'

When the Lamb broke the third seal, I heard the third Creature crying--'Come.' And in my vision I saw 'a black horse.' Its rider held scales in his hand.

When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth Creature crying-- 'Come.'

and they are crying to the mountains and the rocks-- 'Fall upon us, and hide us from the eyes of him who is seated on the throne, and from the Wrath of the Lamb,

After this, in my vision, I saw a vast throng which no man could number, of men from every nation and of all tribes, and peoples, and languages. They stood in front of the throne and in front of the Lamb, robed in white, holding palm branches in their hands.

And they are crying in a loud voice-- ' Salvation be ascribed to our God who is seated on his throne and to the Lamb.'

As soon as the Lamb had broken the seventh seal, there was silence in Heaven for, it might be, half-an-hour.

Then I saw, rising out of the earth, another wild Beast. It had two horns like those of a lamb, and its voice was like a dragon's.

Then, in my vision, I saw the Lamb standing on Mount Zion. With him were a hundred and forty-four thousand men, with his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.

These are the men who never defiled themselves in their intercourse with women; they are as pure as virgins. These are the men who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were redeemed as the first-fruits of mankind for God and for the Lamb.

that man shall drink the maddening wine of God that has been poured unmixed into the cup of his Wrath, and he shall be tortured with fire and sulphur before the eyes of the holy angels and before the eyes of the Lamb.

They are singing the song of Moses, the Servant of God, and the song of the Lamb-- 'Great and marvelous are thy deeds, O Lord, our God, the Almighty. Righteous and true are thy ways, Eternal King.

no more shall the light of a lamp shine in you; no more shall the voices of bridegroom and bride be heard in you. Your merchants were the great men of the earth, for all the nations were deceived by your magical charms.

Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls, and were laden with the seven last Curses, came and spoke to me. 'Come here,' he said, 'and I will show you the Bride, the Wife of the Lamb.'

The wall of the City had twelve foundation stones, on which were the twelve names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb.

And I saw no Temple there, for the Lord, our God, the Almighty, and the Lamb are its Temple.

And the angel showed me 'a river of the Water of Life,' as clear as crystal, issuing from the throne of God and of the Lamb,