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"When they had nothing pay he forgave them with such charm. "Tell me, then, which of these will love him most?"
The twelve were with him, and certain women whom he had delivered from evil spirits and various diseases. Mary of Magdala, out of whom seven demons have been driven,
"Some other seed dropped on the rock, as soon as it grew it withered away, because it had no moisture.
When he landed here he was met by a certain townsman who was possessed by demons. For a long time he had worn no clothes and nor lived in any house, but in tombs.
For Jesus was already commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For many times it had seized him and held him, and they again and again kept him under guard, and put him in chains and fetters. But he would break his bonds asunder, as he was driven by the demon in to the desert.
So Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" And he answered, "Legion" (for many demons had entered into him).
And those who saw what had happened fled and reported it in the town and the villages.
Then the people came out to see what had happened, and came to Jesus, and found the man out of whom the demons had gone sitting clothed and in his right mind, at the feet of Jesus. And they were terrified.
Then those who had seen it told them how the demon-possessed man had been saved.
But the man out of whom the demons had gone kept begging him that he might be with him. But Jesus sent him away saying,
"Return to your home, and tell them all that God has done for you." So he went away and throughout the whole city he published how much Jesus had done for him.
for he had only one daughter, about twelve years of age, and she lay dying. But as he went the crowds continued to press in on him.
And a woman who for twelve years had had a hemorrhage, and had spent on doctors all that she had, but none had cured her,
Then the woman, who saw that she had not escaped notice, came trembling, and falling down before him, stated before the people for what reason she had touched him, and how she had been instantly healed.
He bade them to get her some food. Her parents were amazed; but he forbade them to tell any one what had been done.
and by some that Elijah had appeared; and by others that one of the ancient prophets was risen again.
On their return the apostles told him what they had done. and he took them and withdrew in private to a town called Bethsaida.
When the voice ceased Jesus was found alone. And they held their peace, and told no one at that time about what they had seen.
"Woe unto you, Chorazin! Woe unto you, Bethsaida! For had the mighty been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.
She had a sister named Mary, who after seating herself at the Lord's feet was listening to his teaching.
When he had finished speaking a Pharisee asked him to dine with him; so he went in with him and reclined.
After he had gone away, the Scribes and the Pharisee began to set themselves vehemently against him, and to cross-question him upon many points,
"However, you know this, that if the master of the house had known in what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not have allowed his house to be broken into.
Now there were some present at that very season who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
Then he gave them this parable. "A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came to look for fruit on it, but found none.
a woman was present who had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years. she was bent double, and could not lift herself up at all.
Also to his host who had invited him, he continued, saying. "When you are making a dinner-party or a supper, do not invite your friends, or your brothers, or your relatives, or your rich neighbors, lest it chance that they invite you in return, and a recompense be made by you.
"At dinnertime he sent his slave to say to those who had been invited, 'Come, for all things are now ready.'
"And when she has found it, she calls together her woman friends and neighbors and say, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I had lost.'
"After he had spent everything there came a terrible famine in the land, and he began to be in want.
To his disciples he said: "There was a certain rich man who had a steward, and this steward was accused to him of wasting his property.
"And the master praised the unjust steward because he had acted shrewdly; for the sons of this world are in relation to their own generation wiser than the sons of the light.
"'Remember my son.' said Abraham, 'that you had in your lifetime all your good things, and in the same way Lazarus his evil things; but now here he is comforted, and you are in anguish.
"There was a certain town," he said, "a judge who had neither reverence for God, nor respect for man.
"And upon his return after he had secured the royal power, he ordered the slaves to whom he had given the money to be called in, so that he might know what they had gained by trading.
When he had so spoken he went on before, going up to Jerusalem.
Then those who were sent out and found it as he had told them.
And when now he was coming near Jerusalem, and descending the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice, and to praise God with a loud voice for the almighty works they had seen.
At this the Scribes and the high priests were seeking to arrest him; only they were afraid of the people. For they perceived that he had referred to them in this parable.
"In the resurrection whose wife shall she be? For they all seven had her as wife."
"for these men have all contributed to the offering out of their surplus, but she, out of her want, contributed all she had to live on."
So they went and found everything as he had told them, they prepared the Passover.
Then Jesus said to the corps of priests and captains of the temple and elders who had come out to arrest him. "Have ye come for me with swords and clubs to arrest me like a robber?
And when they had lighted a fire in the center of the court, and had sat down together, Peter was taking his seat among them.
Then the Lord turned and looked at Peter, and Peter recollected the word of the Lord, how he had said to him, "This very day, before the cock crows, you will deny me three times."
When it became the day the elders if the people met with the high priests and the Scribes and had brought before the Sanhedrin, saying.
Now when Herod saw Jesus he was exceedingly glad. He had long been wanting to see him, because he had heard so much about him, and was hoping to see some miracles performed by him.
So he had been asking him many questions, but Jesus made no answers.
Herod and Pilate became friends again from that very day; for before they had been at enmity between themselves.
(This was a man who had been thrown in prison on account of a riot which had occurred in the city, and for murder.)
He released the man who had been put in prison for riot and murder, the man whom they asked for; but Jesus he handed over to their will.
And one of the criminals who had been hung there kept reviling him, saying. "Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us."
When the army captain saw what had happened, he glorified God, saying, "This man was really innocent!"
And all the crowds who had assembled to see this spectacle, after witnessing what had been done, were returning beating upon their breast.
But all his acquaintances and the women who had been his followers continued to stand at a distance, looking on.
he who came from the Jewish town of Arimathea, and who was on the watch for the kingdom of God. He had not concurred in the designs and deed of the council.
Then the women who had accompanied him out of Galilee followed after, and noted the tomb, and how his body was placed.
On the Sabbath Day they rested in obedience to the commandment, but in the deep dawn of the first day of the week they took the spices which they had prepared, and came to the tomb.
that the Son of man had to be betrayed into the hands of sinful men, and to be crucified, and to rise on the third day?"
"and found that his body was not there; then they came and told us that besides they had seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive.
"Thereupon some of our own party to the tomb, and found it even so as the women had said, but him they did not see."
So he went in to stay with them. But as he sat down with them, and took bread, and had blessed and broken it, and was handing it to them,
Now it was some of the Pharisees who had been sent to him;
So they carried it. And when the master of the feast had tasted of the water which had been made wine, not knowing where it came from, though the attendants who had drawn it knew, he called the bridegroom and said to him.
But he was speaking about the temple of his body; and when the disciples recalled what he had said,
after he had been raised from the dead, they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said.
Accordingly when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard it said, "Jesus is making and baptizing more disciples than John,"
"If you had known the free gift of God," Jesus answered, "and who it is that says to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked of him, and he would have given you living water."
"for you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband; in this you have spoken truly."
When he reached Galilee, however, the Galileans welcomed him, for they had seen all that he did in Jerusalem at the feast; for they, too, had been at the feast.
When he heard that Jesus had come from Judea into Galilee, he went to him, and begged him to come down and heal his son who was lying at the point of death.
So he asked them at what hour he had begun mend. They answered, "Yesterday, about one o'clock, the fever left him."
Then the father realized that it had left him at the very hour when Jesus had said to him, "Your son lives," and he himself believed, and his whole household.
When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had been there a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to get well?"
so the Jews kept saying to the man who had been cured. "It is the Sabbath Day; it is not lawful for you to carry your bed."
But he who had been healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had moved away, as there was a crowd in that place.
and because of this the Jews began to persecute Jesus, because he had done it on the Sabbath.
nor had his word dwelling within you, because you do not believe him whom he sent.
Then Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks he distributed them among those who were seated; in like manner also of the fish, as much as they wished,
So they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves??he broken pieces that were left after they had eaten.
So when the people saw the sign which he had performed, they said, "This is in the truth the Prophet who is to come into the world."
There they got in a boat, and started across the sea for Capernaum. The darkness had already fallen,
Jesus had not yet come to them, and the sea began to rise, because a strong wind was blowing.
After they had rowed three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking upon the sea, and drawing near to the boat, and they were terrified;
The crowd that remained on the other side of the sea had seen that there was only one small boat there, and that Jesus had not gone aboard with his disciples, but that his disciples had gone away by themselves.
So, on the following day, when boats came from Tiberias near the place were they had eaten bread, after the Lord had given thanks, they got into the boats themselves,
After saying this, he remained in Galilee; but after his brothers had gone up to feast,
Now he said this concerning the Spirit whom those who believed in him should receive. For the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.
Some of the crowd who had been listening to these discourses began to say, "Without a doubt this man is a Prophet."
Nicodemus, one of their number, he who had formerly visited Jesus, said to them,
At dawn, however, he came back to the Temple, where the people came to him in crowds. He had taken his seat and was teaching them,
when the Scribes and Pharisees had brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They made her stand in the middle of the court, and said to him.
"Where is your Father?" they asked him. "You have neither known me nor my Father," answered Jesus. "If you had known me, you would have known my father also."
When he had thus spoken he spat on the ground, and made clay with the spittle, and smeared the clay on the man's eyes.
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- Specific Praising Of God
- Necessity
- Christ Would Rise
- Opposition To Christ From Scribes
- The Chief Priests Condemning Christ
- Jesus Death
- Crucifixion
- Forgiving others
- From The Beginning
- Discussions
- Arresting Christ
- Pharisees Concerned About Christ
- Christians
- Short Time Till The End
- Judas Betraying Christ
- Lord's Supper
- Sacraments
- Christ With People On Earth
- Handing Over Christ
- The Cross
- Christ Was Killed
- Angels Doing God's Work
- Christ Is Risen
- Commitment, to Jesus Christ
- Discipleship, nature of
- Zealots
- Evangelists, identity of
- Evangelism, kinds of
- On The Sabbath
- Commands, in NT
- The Apostles In Action
- Christ's Disciples Will Suffer
- Christ's Love
- Giving Money To The Church
- Identity In Christ
- Luck
- Opening Documents
- Christ Knowing About People
- God's Glory In Jesus Christ
- Satan
- Knowing God's Will
- Covetousness
- Lazarus
- Signs Performed By Christ
- Assertiveness
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
- Love
- God's Love For Us
- Gods Love
- Fathers Love
- Being Loved
- Christian Baptism
- Those Who Believed In Christ
- The Father
- Unconditional Love
- Agape Love
- Peter, Preacher And Teacher
- Signs And Wonders Of The Gospel
- Many In The Church
- Believers
- Being Saved
- Evangelists, ministry of
- Missionaries, Support For
- God's Promise To Abraham
- The Gospel Preached
- The Grace Of God
- Effect Of The Law
- Grace, And Christian Life
- Atonement, in NT
- Having Faith
- Sin Produces Death
- Sharing In Christ
- Keeping Faith
- Exploits Of Faith