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Let not them who are falsely my foes rejoice over me, As for them who hate me without cause, let them not wink the eye!

Then, shalt thou desire the sacrifices of righteousness, Ascending-sacrifice and whole burnt-offering, Then, shall ascend upon thine altar, young bulls.

O God! break away their teeth in their mouth, The biters of the young lions, knock thou out, O Yahweh!

And rained upon them flesh as the dust, And, like the sand of the seas, birds of wing;

When, the anger of God, mounted against them, And he slew of their vigorous youths, And, the choice young men of Israel, caused he to bow down in death.

Even the sparrow, hath found a home, And, the swallow, a nest for herself, where she hath laid her young, Thine altars, O Yahweh of hosts, My king and my God!

The young lions, roaring for prey, And seeking, from GOD, their food.

The mountains, started like rams, The hills like the young of the flock?

Ye mountains, that ye start like rams? Ye hills, like the young of the flock?

He that, doth indeed go forth, and weep, bearing seed enough to trail along, doth, surely come in, with shouting, bringing his sheaves.

That, our sons, may be like plants well grown while yet young, - Our daughters, like corner pillars, - carved, in the construction of a palace:

Thou wild-beast, and all ye cattle, crawling creature, and bird of wing;

Young men, yea even virgins, elders, and children.

The growl as of a young lion, is the rage of a king, but, like dew upon the grass, is his good pleasure.

The growl as of a young lion, is the dread inspired by a king, he that provoketh him, endangereth his own life.

The grass, is taken away, and the young shoot, showeth itself, and the herbage of the mountains, is gathered;

With, enough goats-milk, for thy food - for the food of thy household, and, a maintenance, for thy maidens.

The vampire, hath two daughters, Give! Give! Three, there are will not be satisfied, four, have not said, Enough!

Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth, and let thy heart gladden thee in the days of thine early manhood, and walk thou - in the ways of thine own heart, and in that which is seen by thine own eyes, - yet know, that, for all these things, will God bring thee into judgment.

Resembleth, my beloved, a gazelle, or a young stag, - Lo! here he is, standing behind our wall, looking in at the windows, peeping in at the lattice.

Until the day, breathe, and the shadows, be lengthened, Again, liken thyself, my beloved, to a gazelle, or to a young stag, upon the cleft mountains. ****

Thy two breasts, are like two young roes, twins of a gazelle, - which pasture among lilies.

Thy two breasts, are like two young roes, the twins of a gazelle:

SHECome quickly, my beloved, and resemble thou a gazelle, or a young stag, upon the mountains of balsam-trees.

Of what use to me, is your multitude of sacrifices: Saith Yahweh: I am sated with ascending-offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts, - In the blood of bulls and young rams and he-goats, have I no pleasure.

Then shall the young rams feed where they please, - And, the wastes of the wealthy, shall strangers consume.

And it shall come to pass in that day, that a man shall keep alive a young cow and two sheep.

For this cause, over their choice young men, will My Lord not rejoice, And on their fatherless and their widows, will he not have compassion, For every one of them, is profane and an evildoer, And, every mouth is speaking baseness, - For all this, hath his anger, not turned back, But still, is his hand outstretched.

And my hand hath found as a nest the wealth of the peoples, And as the gathering of eggs that are forsaken, all the earth, have, I, gathered, - And there was none to flap a wing, or open a mouth or chirp.

And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, And, the leopard, with the kid, shall lie down, - And the calf and the young lion and the fatling - together, With, a little child, leading them;

And the cow, with the bear shall find pasture, Together, shall their young ones, lie down, - And, the lion, like the ox, shall eat straw;

But they shall fly on the wing of the Philistines in the west, Together, shall they make prey of the sons of the east, - On Edom and Moab, putting forth their hand, With the sons of Ammon hearkening unto them.

And, bows, shall dash the young to pieces, - And on the fruit of the womb, will they have no pity, Over children, will their eye throw no shield.

So, shall the king of Assyria lead away the captives of Egypt and the exiles of Ethiopia young and old disrobed and barefoot, with their persons behind Uncovered the shame of Egypt.

Turn thou pale, O Zidon, For spoken hath the sea, the fortress of the sea saying, - I have neither been in pangs nor given birth I have neither brought up young men nor promoted virgins.

The Oracle on the Beasts of the South, - Through a land of distress and oppression - Lioness and lion coming therefrom, Viper and fiery flying serpent, They would carry, on the shoulders of young asses their wealth And on the humps of camels their treasures Unto a people that cannot serve them.

And the oxen and the young asses that till the ground, salted provender, shall eat, which hath been winnowed with shovel or fan.

For Thus, hath Yahweh said unto me - Like as a lion or a young lion growleth over his prey. Who - though there be called out against him a multitude of shepherds - Will not at their voice, be dismayed, Nor, at their noise, be daunted, So, will Yahweh of hosts come down, to make war over Mount Zion, and over the hill thereof.

Then shall the Assyrian fall, by the sword, not of a great man, And the sword, not of a mean man, shall devour him, - Howbeit he shall take his flight from the face of a sword, And his young men, shall come under tribute;

And their inhabitants, being powerless, were overthrown and put to shame - They became - Grass of the field and Young herbage, Grass on housetops, and Seed parched before it came up.

Youths both faint and grow weary, And, young warriors - they fall, they fall;

And let not the son of the foreigner, who hath joined himself unto Yahweh, speak, saying, Yahweh, will separate, me from his people, Neither let the eunuch, say, Lo! I, am a tree dried up!

The multitude of camels, shall cover thee The young camels of Midian and Ephah, All they of Sheba, shall come, - Gold and frankincense, shall they bring, And, the praises of Yahweh, shall they joyfully tell:

How canst thou say, I have not defiled myself, After the Baalim, have I not gone? See thy way, in the valley, Own what thou hast done, - A nimble young she-camel, crossing her own ways;

So then with the indignation of Yahweh, am I full I am too weary to hold it in, am constrained to pour it out, upon the boy in the street, and upon the circle of young men, together, - For, even husband with wife, will be captured, The eider with him who is full of days;

That death Hath come up through our windows, Hath entered our palaces, - Cutting off The boy from the street, The young men from the broadways.

Therefore, Thus saith Yahweh of hosts, - Behold me! bringing punishment upon them, The young men, shall die by the sword, Their sons and their daughters, shall die by famine;

For, even the hind of the field hath calved and forsaken, Because there is no young herbage;

Their widows have become multiplied to me, beyond the sand of the seas, I have brought against them - upon the mother of young men - the spoiler in the broad noon, - I have let fall upon her suddenly, excitement and terrors.

Therefore, give thou up their sons to the famine And deliver them into the hands of the sword, And let their, wives, become, childless and widows, And let, their men, be slain by death, Their young men be smitten by the sword in battle.

Then shall they come in and shall shout in triumph on the height of Zion, And shall stream unto the goodness of Yahweh To the wheat, and to the new wine, and to the oil, and to the young of the flocks and of the herds, - So shall their soul become like a garden well watered, And they shall not again languish any more.

Then shall the virgin rejoice, in the dance, And young men and elders rejoice together, And I will turn their mourning into gladness and will comfort them, And will make them rejoice from their sorrow;

So Baruch said unto them, With his own mouth, used he to proclaim unto me all these words, - and I kept on writing in the book, with ink.

Then came in all the princes of the king of Babylon, and sat in the middle gate, - Nergal-sharezer, Samgar-nebo, Sarsechim, chief eunuch Nergal-sharezer, chief soothsayer, and all the residue of the princes of the king of Babylon.

Give wing to Moab, For she must, fly away; And her cities To desolation, shall be turned, With no inhabitant therein.

Spoiled is Moab And her cities, hath he ascended, And the choice of his young men, have gone down to the slaughter, - Declareth The King, Yahweh of hosts, is his Name.

Lo! like a lion, will he come up from the majesty of the Jordan, unto the pasture perennial, But I will wink - I will make him run away therefrom, Who then shall be the Chosen One whom over it, I may set in charge? For who shall be like unto, me? And who shall appoint me, a time? And who is the Shepherd that shall stand before, me?

Therefore shall her young men fail in her broadways, - And, all her men of war, shall be silent in that day, Declareth Yahweh of hosts;

Therefore, shall her young men fall in her broadways, - And, all her men of war, be silenced in that day, Declareth Yahweh.

Lo! as a lion, shall he come up from the majesty of the Jordan, Unto the pasture perennial, But I will wink - I will make them run away therefrom, Who then shall be the Chosen One whom against it, I may set in charge? For who shall be like unto, me? And who shall appoint me, a time? And who is the Shepherd that shall stand before me?

Let not the archer tread his bow, Nor lift himself up in his coat of mail, - And do not spare her young men, Devote to destruction all her host.

and Beat down with thee - man and woman, and Beat down with thee - elder and youth, and Beat down with thee - young man and virgin;

and out of the city, took he one eunuch who was in charge over the men f war and seven men of them who used to watch the face of the king, who were found in the city, and the scribe of the prince of the host, who used to muster the people of the land, - and sixty men of the people of the land, who were found in the midst of the city.

My Lord, hath flouted at all my magnates, in my midst, He hath called against me a host, to crush my young men, - A winepress, hath My Lord trodden, to the virgin, the daughter of Judah.

Righteous is Yahweh, for, against his bidding, had I rebelled, - Hear, I pray you, all ye peoples, and see my pain, My virgins and my young men, have gone into exile.

Youth and elder, have lain down on the ground in the streets, My virgins and my young men, have fallen by the sword, - Thou hast slain, in the day of thine anger, Thou hast slaughtered, hast not spared!

The tongue of the suckling, cleaveth to the roof of his mouth for thirst, - Young children, have asked bread, there was none, to break, it to them.

Young men, a millstone, have lifted, and, youths, under wood, have staggered.

And lo! six men coming in out of the way of the upper gate which looketh toward the north even every man with his destructive weapon in his hand, and one man in their midst clothed with linen, having a scribes ink holder by his side, - so they came in and stood beside the altar of bronze.

And the glory of the God of Israel lifted itself up from off the cherub whereon it had been, unto the threshold of the house, - and he called unto the man clothed with linen, who had the scribes ink holder by his side.

elder, young man and virgin and little ones and women, shall ye slay utterly, but unto any man who hath upon him the mark, do not ye come near, and at my sanctuary, shall ye begin. So they began with the elder men. who were before the house.

And lo! the man clothed in linen, having the ink-holder by his side, bringing back word saying, - I have done according to all which thou didst command me.

The crown of its young twigs, plucked he off, and brought it into a land of traffic, :in a city of merchants, he t it.

Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, Therefore will I, Myself, take of the highest branch of the lofty cedar and set it, - Of the crown of its young twigs, a tender one, will I pluck off, and I. myself will plant it upon a mountain high and terraced,

In the mountain of the height of Israel, will I plant it, And it shall put forth boughs And bear fruit, And become a majestic cedar,- And every bird of every wing shall dwell under it, In the shade of its branches, shall they dwell.

and thou shalt say - How was thy mother a lioness, Between lions, she lay down,- I n the midst of young lions, She nourished her whelps;

And she reared up one of her whelps - A young lion, he became, And he learned to rend prey. Men, he devoured.

And she saw she had waited Lost was her hope, Then took she another of her whelps. A young lion, she made him.

Yea he went to and fro amidst lions A young lion, he became,- And he learned to rend prey. Men, he devoured;

Clothed in blue Governors and deputies, Attractive young men all of them,-Horsemen riding on horses.

After the sons of Assyria:, she lusted Governors and deputies so warlike. Clothed in splendid array, Horsemen, riding on horses, Attractive young men, all of them.

The sons of Babylon and all Chaldeans Pekod and Shoa and Koa, All the sons of Assyria with them, - Attractive young men Governors and deputies, all of them. Knights and men of renown, Riders on horses all of them;

The young men of Aven and Pi-beseth, by the sword, shall fall; And lo! into captivity, stall they themselves wend their way.

Son of man Take up a dirge over Pharaoh king of Egypt, and thou shalt say unto him. The young lion of the nations, thou didst deem thyself,- Whereas thou, wast like the crocodile in the seas, And didst cause thy streams to burst forth And didst trouble the waters with thy feet, And foul their rivers.

Sheba and Dedan and the traders of Tarshish and all her young lions, will say to thee, To capture spoil, art thou coming? And to take prey, hast thou called together thy gathered host? To carry off silver and gold To take away herds and substance, To capture great spoil?