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And he said - Who hath set thee for a chief and a judge over us? To slay me, art thou thinking, as thou didst slay the Egyptian? Then was Moses afraid, and said - Surely the thing is, known!

So Pharaoh heard this thing, and sought to slay Moses, - and Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian and sat down by the well.

Therefore I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me, But if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I, am going to slay, thy son, thy firstborn.

and they said unto them, Yahweh look upon you and judge, - in that ye have made us odious in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of his servants, putting a sword into their hand to slay us.

So shall it be yours, to keep, until the fourteenth day of this month, - then shall all the convocation of the assembly of Israel slay it between the two evenings.

Seven days, unleavened cakes, shall ye eat, surely, on the first day, shall ye put away leaven, out of your houses, - for whosoever eateth what is leavened, then shall that soul be cut off out of Israel, from the first day, unto the seventh day.

Both on the first day, a holy convocation, and on the seventh day - a holy convocation, shall there be to you, - no work, shall be done therein, save only what must be eaten by every soul, that alone, shall be done by you.

For seven days, leaven, shall not be found in your houses, - for, whosoever eateth what is leavened, then shall that soul be cut off out of the assembly of Israel, whether sojourner or native of the land.

So then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, - Proceed and take for yourselves one of the flock according to your families, and slay the passover.

And it came to pass when Pharaoh had shown himself too hardened to let us go, then did Yahweh slay every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of men even unto the firstborn of beasts. For this cause, am, I, sacrificing to Yahweh whatsoever is born first, of the males, and every firstborn of my sons, must I redeem.

Said the fee - I will pursue - overtake divide spoil, - Take her fill of them - shall my soul, I will bare my sword, root them out - shall my hand.

And when a man shall sell iris daughter to be a handmaid, she shall not go out according to the out-going of the men-servants,

If she is uncomely in the eyes of her lord, who hath not assigned her in marriage, then shall he suffer her to be redeemed: to a strange people, shall he not have power to sell her in that he hath dealt treacherously with her.

And if to his soul he assign her, according to the custom for daughters, shall he do for her.

But, when a man shall act presumptuously against his neighbour to slay him with guile, from mine altar, shalt thou take him to die.

And when the ox of one man thrusteth the ox of his neighbour so that it dieth, then shall they sell the live ox and divide the silver thereof, and the dead ox also, shall they divide,

so shall kindle mine anger, and I will slay you with the sword, - and your wives, shall become widows, and your, sons fatherless.

From a matter of falsehood, thou shalt keep far away, - and the innocent one and the righteous, do not thou slay, for I will not justify a lawless imam

and he sent young men of the sons of Israel, and they caused to go up, ascending-sacrifices, - and slew peace-offerings to Yahweh, of oxen.

with the work of a stone engraver, like seal-ring engravings, shalt thou engrave the two stones, after the names of the sons of Israel, - to be encircled with settings of gold, shalt thou make them.

And the stones shall be after the names of the sons of Israel - twelve, after their names, - as the engravings of a seal-ring everyone after his name, shall they be, for the twelve tribes,

And thou shalt make a burnished plate, of pure gold, - and shalt engrave thereupon, like the engravings of a seal-ring, Holiness to Yahweh.

then shalt thou slay the bullock before Yahweh, - at the opening of the tent of meeting:

then shalt thou slay the ram, - and take its blood, and dash upon the altar round about;

then shalt thou slay the ram, and take of its blood, and place upon the tip of the ear of Aaron and upon the tip of the ear of his sons - the right ear, and upon the thumb of their right hand, and upon the great toe of their right foot, - and shalt dash the blood upon the altar round about.

When thou takest the sum of the sons of Israel, by their numberings, then shall they give every man a propitiatory-covering for his soul to Yahweh, when they are numbered, - that there may be among them no plague when they are numbered.

Wherefore should the Egyptians speak saying - For mischief, hath he taken them forth to slay them among the mountains, and to make an end of them from off the face of the ground? Turn thou from the kindling of thine anger, and be grieved over the calamity to thy people,

And he said to them - Thus, saith Yahweh, God of Israel, Put ye every man his sword upon his thigh, - pass through and return from gate to gate in the camp, and slay ye every man his brother and every man his friend and every man his neighbour.

Thou shalt not slay, along with anything leavened, the blood of my sacrifice, - neither shall remain to the morning, the sacrifice of the festival of the passover.

And they wrought the onyx stones, enclosed in ouches of gold, - graven with the engravings of a seal-ring, after the names of the sons of Israel.

And as for the stones, after the names of the sons of Israel, they were twelve, after their names, - with the engravings of a seal-ring, each one, after his name, for the twelve tribes,

And they made the burnished plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote thereupon a writing, with the engravings of a seal-ring Holy unto Yahweh.