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He said these things, and after this he said to them, Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I go that I may awake him.

From that time Pilate sought to release him; but the Jews cried, saying, If you release this man you are not a friend of Caesar; every one who makes himself a king speaks against Caesar.

When therefore they had breakfasted, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? He said to him, Yes, Lord, you know that I am a friend to you. He said to him, Feed my lambs.

Again he said to him a second time; Simon, son of John, do you love me? He said to him, Yes, Lord, you know that I am a friend to you. He said to him, Feed my sheep.

He said to him a third time; Simon, son of John, are you a friend to me? Peter was grieved that he said to him the third time, Are you a friend to me? and he said to him, Lord you know all things; you know that I am a friend to you. Jesus said to him, Feed my sheep.