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whom they charg'd with this letter. The apostles, the presbyters, and the brethren, to the Gentile brethren at Antioch, in Syria, and Cilicia, send greeting.

Being thus dispatch'd, they went to Antioch; where having assembled all the faithful, they deliver'd the letter: from the reading of which,

as for the believing Gentiles, we have given them by letter this decision, "they need only take care to abstain from meats offered to idols, from blood, from the flesh of animals strangled, and from fornication."

at the same time he writ a letter to Felix to this purport.

who upon their arrival at Cesarea, delivered the letter to the governour, and presented Paul to him.

The governour having read the letter, ask'd Paul of what province he was, and being inform'd he was of Cilicia, you shall be heard,

they reply'd, we have receiv'd no letter from Judea concerning you; nor have any of our brethren that are arrived, said any harm of you.