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When this sound occurred, a crowd gathered and was in confusion, because each one heard them speaking in his own language.

so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and so that he may send the Messiah appointed for you -- that is, Jesus.

God raised up his servant and sent him first to you, to bless you by turning each one of you from your iniquities."

When they heard this, they entered the temple courts at daybreak and began teaching. Now when the high priest and those who were with him arrived, they summoned the Sanhedrin -- that is, the whole high council of the Israelites -- and sent to the jail to have the apostles brought before them.

So when Jacob heard that there was grain in Egypt, he sent our ancestors there the first time.

So Joseph sent a message and invited his father Jacob and all his relatives to come, seventy-five people in all.

I have certainly seen the suffering of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their groaning, and I have come down to rescue them. Now come, I will send you to Egypt.'

This same Moses they had rejected, saying, 'Who made you a ruler and judge?' God sent as both ruler and deliverer through the hand of the angel who appeared to him in the bush.

Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them.

So Ananias departed and entered the house, placed his hands on Saul and said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came here, has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit."

When the brothers found out about this, they brought him down to Caesarea and sent him away to Tarsus.

Because Lydda was near Joppa, when the disciples heard that Peter was there, they sent two men to him and urged him, "Come to us without delay."

But Peter sent them all outside, knelt down, and prayed. Turning to the body, he said, "Tabitha, get up." Then she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

Now send men to Joppa and summon a man named Simon, who is called Peter.

and when he had explained everything to them, he sent them to Joppa.

Now while Peter was puzzling over what the vision he had seen could signify, the men sent by Cornelius had learned where Simon's house was and approached the gate.

But get up, go down, and accompany them without hesitation, because I have sent them."

Therefore when you sent for me, I came without any objection. Now may I ask why you sent for me?"

Therefore send to Joppa and summon Simon, who is called Peter. This man is staying as a guest in the house of Simon the tanner, by the sea.'

Therefore I sent for you at once, and you were kind enough to come. So now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to say to us."

At that very moment, three men sent to me from Caesarea approached the house where we were staying.

He informed us how he had seen an angel standing in his house and saying, 'Send to Joppa and summon Simon, who is called Peter,

A report about them came to the attention of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch.

So the disciples, each in accordance with his financial ability, decided to send relief to the brothers living in Judea.

When Peter came to himself, he said, "Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from the hand of Herod and from everything the Jewish people were expecting to happen."

So Barnabas and Saul, sent out by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus.

After the reading from the law and the prophets, the leaders of the synagogue sent them a message, saying, "Brothers, if you have any message of exhortation for the people, speak it."

Brothers, descendants of Abraham's family, and those Gentiles among you who fear God, the message of this salvation has been sent to us.

So they were sent on their way by the church, and as they passed through both Phoenicia and Samaria, they were relating at length the conversion of the Gentiles and bringing great joy to all the brothers.

Then the apostles and elders, with the whole church, decided to send men chosen from among them, Judas called Barsabbas and Silas, leaders among the brothers, to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas.

They sent this letter with them: From the apostles and elders, your brothers, to the Gentile brothers and sisters in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia, greetings!

we have unanimously decided to choose men to send to you along with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul,

After they had spent some time there, they were sent off in peace by the brothers to those who had sent them.

At daybreak the magistrates sent their police officers, saying, "Release those men."

The jailer reported these words to Paul, saying, "The magistrates have sent orders to release you. So come out now and go in peace."

But Paul said to the police officers, "They had us beaten in public without a proper trial -- even though we are Roman citizens -- and they threw us in prison. And now they want to send us away secretly? Absolutely not! They themselves must come and escort us out!"

The brothers sent Paul and Silas off to Berea at once, during the night. When they arrived, they went to the Jewish synagogue.

Then the brothers sent Paul away to the coast at once, but Silas and Timothy remained in Berea.

Even some of the provincial authorities who were his friends sent a message to him, urging him not to venture into the theater.

After the disturbance had ended, Paul sent for the disciples, and after encouraging them and saying farewell, he left to go to Macedonia.

From Miletus he sent a message to Ephesus, telling the elders of the church to come to him.

While they were trying to kill him, a report was sent up to the commanding officer of the cohort that all Jerusalem was in confusion.

Then the commanding officer sent the young man away, directing him, "Tell no one that you have reported these things to me."

When I was informed there would be a plot against this man, I sent him to you at once, also ordering his accusers to state their charges against him before you.

Some days later, when Felix arrived with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish, he sent for Paul and heard him speak about faith in Christ Jesus.

At the same time he was also hoping that Paul would give him money, and for this reason he sent for Paul as often as possible and talked with him.

But when Paul appealed to be kept in custody for the decision of His Majesty the Emperor, I ordered him to be kept under guard until I could send him to Caesar."

But I found that he had done nothing that deserved death, and when he appealed to His Majesty the Emperor, I decided to send him.

For it seems unreasonable to me to send a prisoner without clearly indicating the charges against him."